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NCSoft is laying employees, Carbine hit hard! Player influx to SWTOR ?


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From this article:

A source speaking to Polygon who wished to remain unnamed said that Carbine was especially hard-hit by the layoffs. The studio reportedly lost over 60 members of its team of a few hundred. Our source says the layoffs included Carbine employees across all levels, not just entry level or less senior staff.


I could see players jumping ship, possibly WoW or SWTOR ?



EDIT: Apparently some of the people who were laid off by Carbine are the Lead PvP designer, Senior world artist, and Dungeon and Raid designer of Wildstar.

Edited by znihilist
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It seems to be a combination of the standard post launch lay offs, which is standard in any MMO to release extra people brought in to push the product out the door; and major house cleaning. According to Carbine's listing at glassdoor.com (meaning this is really mostly rumors) there is a lot of cliques and buck passing amongst the management/supervisor level staff; so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the more senior level guys shown the door were identified as "problems" and the standard lay off procedure was used as an excuse to get rid of them.


However, the fact is that there were lay offs at all of NCSoft West's studios except ArenaNet, which combined last quarter's poor projections for Wildstar means that game's spiraling performance is dragging down NC's entire Western branch.

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It seems to be a combination of the standard post launch lay offs, which is standard in any MMO to release extra people brought in to push the product out the door; and major house cleaning. According to Carbine's listing at glassdoor.com (meaning this is really mostly rumors) there is a lot of cliques and buck passing amongst the management/supervisor level staff; so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the more senior level guys shown the door were identified as "problems" and the standard lay off procedure was used as an excuse to get rid of them.


However, the fact is that there were lay offs at all of NCSoft West's studios except ArenaNet, which combined last quarter's poor projections for Wildstar means that game's spiraling performance is dragging down NC's entire Western branch.


Every workplace or sufficiently large org has cliques. It's just that some let those divisions impact the final outcome, while in other places it's at most a superficiality. I guess WS is an example of the former.

Edited by Projawa
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increase for WoW doesn't surprised me - preexpansion + holiday with new pets/toys plus last chance to get a legendary with it being removed in few weeks - tends to do that.


Guild wars 2 decrease surprised me at first, but then I remembered that haloween event is pretty much a repeat of last year with nothing new added really, so.... I can see why players might shift priorities. I can see it getting a jump in players while living world season 2 resumes in november though. TOr is getting a jump I'd say in part due to 12xp promotion for preorders.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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