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Noob Q re: Anti-Stealth in Voidstar (and other zones)


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You can't see the Phase Walk beacon of an enemy player in stealth.


It's a glitch, in some cases when they plant it too close to you, you can see it. I remember I saw a yellow beacon on my assassin when I went to plant my own phase walk next to a green health pot. I also saw one appear right next to me when I was node guarding in alderaan. It happened a few other times but those are the 2 I remember.


Not sure how it would work if someone tried to plant a PW with a sniper looking in your direction.

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After losing 2 Voidstars in a row in the same fashion, it occurred to me that there gotta be a known way of dealing with stealth. So, I am asking the folks here who fought for 3 years in those same zones, as to how you successfully counter the computer node cap in the Star.


1. So, I know there is Stealth, as s/he guarded the door or came to sap the defender. My guess is that I should go for the 'unguarded' door, get him/her to de-stealth to defend and mark him/her. Logically, not seeing the marker means s/he is ninja'ing. Then I should alert the team that there is the stealth at the re-group, and that the stealth is marked... and then what?


What are the ways to detect him/her and where should the Stealth probe or a slinger be placed/sit (assuming we can create conditions to make it work) ? DoT him/her continuously if we manage to make him/her de-stealthr? What are the best DoTs against stealth? I assume keeping alive and knowing where the stealth is better than killing and having to go through the whole protocol all over again?


Or, if there is any other winning strategy, please tell me, that's the best I can come up with.


2. In any other zone, will marking out the stealth and watching out for his or her absence be a good idea to predict the potential ninja caps & and is it one of the goals for the guard who encounters one?


3. Are there different strategies, specific to Operatives/Scoundrel vs Sins/Assassins?


The map is designed to be sapped to cap. As to defending an assassin opening popping your defensive cooldowns early is a must. I open with as much burst as I can and I burn my escape during my opening sequence to have 6 charges of recklessness (my crit buff) especially when I am trying to kill them cap.


The other thing not to do is get pulled off the door. I have seen this a lot in voidstar lately with defenders. If you see 3 people hug a pylon. I know some groups with pull chain a defender and you'll never get back to the door if they root you.

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Anti-stealth ? Place someone who can detect Stealthies near door.


Important : the line of sight ! He must NOT be detected by the Stealthies in the first place !

Except when he plans to be a peeler and thus acts as a Pure Bait (PB) !

As a bait, ANYONE can see him being attacked - or being taken out by "Mind Trap" and similar skills ! - So your job is, then, to constantly monitor the PB !


Not all classes can do it, so learn which ones can, and to which degree.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Yes, the environment is super important & I am still trying to find those all important nooks and cranies.


Does capping the node break stealth? How would 2 stealth characters cap a node? Say one sapped, without destealthing, the second started capping, thus unstealthing, the guard can now attack, so can't sap him again, as he is active, so another cc, then the second guy is out of stealth too? Sorry, I am very shaky on stealth!

Edited by DomiSotto
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It's a glitch, in some cases when they plant it too close to you, you can see it. I remember I saw a yellow beacon on my assassin when I went to plant my own phase walk next to a green health pot. I also saw one appear right next to me when I was node guarding in alderaan. It happened a few other times but those are the 2 I remember.


Not sure how it would work if someone tried to plant a PW with a sniper looking in your direction.




It's not. You can NEVER see the PW of a player you can't see. If the Sin/Shadow isn't in stealth you can see it however far away he may be. But if he is in stealth, and you aren't detecting him, you cannot see his PW.

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It's not. You can NEVER see the PW of a player you can't see. If the Sin/Shadow isn't in stealth you can see it however far away he may be. But if he is in stealth, and you aren't detecting him, you cannot see his PW.


I understand that that is how it is supposed to be, that is why I am saying it is a glitch. Like I wrote it happened to me twice where I was able to see someone else's PW marker. One was next to the enemy VS door next to the green energy pot, the other was in alderaan when I was node guarding, someone planted it next to the node which I was close to at the time (probably hoping for a sap PW cap).

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Pretty much everything posted is the way to do it..


And the most simplest of answers is this...


Watch the damn door...

call incs and numbers...

Don't stand on the door...

Stand Behind/too the side of the pylon while the door is still in view...


Other WZs

Each other WZ is different...

NOVA Coast... If you can't see the node you can't defend it... Playing on the side or chasing them allows the stealth to sneak in and cap... Play in front... Call incs and numbers

Civil War... Once again don't stand on the node... Stay close enough so you can still get to it though... Don't chase or death match... Call incs and numbers

Pylons... Don't stand in the light... Lol... Stand off to the side with the node insight... Especially watch it in the last 20sec... Call incs and numbers

Hutt ball... Play the ball... Control mid... Pass the ball... Simple... People who get caught up death matching all game will nearly always lose to people using those tactics... Of all the WZs that is pretty much the only one I don't engage in open combat... To count the stealth on the line - no point standing there searching for him... If he is there and good you won't see him... Better to watch the ball carrier... Where is he heading??... Anticipate where the stealth needs to be to get the pass... Lastly don't stand on the edge or close to the fire... It is easier to knock the stealth off or stun from behind.. Also don't stun too early or they get full resolve... Then they just run to the line


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Does capping the node break stealth? How would 2 stealth characters cap a node? Say one sapped, without destealthing, the second started capping, thus unstealthing, the guard can now attack, so can't sap him again, as he is active, so another cc, then the second guy is out of stealth too? Sorry, I am very shaky on stealth!


Yes it breaks stealth. On my operative I've gone to the node with another, one saps and begins capping the other stays in stealth waiting for the guard to break and saps him again. That was enough time to cap.


That game we had 4-5 operatives and the old story about teams of stunlocking operatives sprang to mind. We won it easily.

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I understand that that is how it is supposed to be, that is why I am saying it is a glitch. Like I wrote it happened to me twice where I was able to see someone else's PW marker. One was next to the enemy VS door next to the green energy pot, the other was in alderaan when I was node guarding, someone planted it next to the node which I was close to at the time (probably hoping for a sap PW cap).


Occasionally I see it... It's a glitch... The same as sometimes seeing them cast it from stealth... It's not meant to do that... And it doesn't happen all the time... It's like every other bug... It just needs fixing

It's also the same as a stealth capping from stealth... It's glitch... It's usually a bit of lag on your part

Or my favourite... When you kill a guy capping in pylons and you can still see the cap light above his head... Causing more of your team to rush to the node to stop the dead player laying on the ground

Just more bugs Bio need to fix...



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Thank you, good folks. I am still hoping that one day it will start clicking :)


I solemnly swear yet again that you guys did drill into me to not death match if I can help it (honestly, I really, really, really do not want to anyway, I don't even like the arenas!) and never-ever chasing. :)

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...I am still hoping that one day it will start clicking :)


No, no, no Domi. Haven't you learned yet. You have to stop "clicking" and start "keybinding"! :D


But about sap-caps, a few other things I think are true (I'm 1/2 way decent at not falling for a sap cap - like people say, stay far enough away, and don't break the first sap unless you absolutely have to - I'm trying to learn to DO a sap-cap better on my Shadow)... if you have 2 stealthers, yes, one will sap while the other caps. If you break, and the one who sapped is quick enough, they will just re-sap you before you get a chance to initiate combat. Then you are SoL. Even if you get combat started, they still have options. My shadow, for example, has an 8 second mezz that will work on you even if you are in combat (whirlwind). So they can hit you with that (it's a cast, so you can interrupt if you see it coming), and then cap while you watch helplessly.


Also all stealths get their "combat stealth" at some point, which takes them out of combat and puts them in stealth. The thing is, if that was the only one you were in combat with... then it takes YOU out of combat also, so then they can sap you again.


In fact, a lone-sap-capper can also use either of these things to "sap-cap" you. I've actually successfully done the first successfully I think twice (sap, start cap, they break to attack me, then I get the whilrlwind off and they get to rage in vain while I cap). Won a VS once this way when I came in as a backfill just as we were about to lose, I had *just* enough time to pull it off. :D

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OMG, I gotta look up that keybindi--- :D No, it's awesome, I love it so much now. I just re-keyed my oldest char, to flow better. Just need to practice a little, and I will be all set to be... well, if not deadly, at least not helpless.


And good to see ya again too!!!


I have a heals Scoundrel now, not playing it much, but I was wondering. Well, just in case :) TY again to everyone for explaining the 2-stealth moves.


Not blowing CD is one of those things that is not intuitive, and takes conscious practice. Gotta love this game!

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In fact, a lone-sap-capper can also use either of these things to "sap-cap" you. I've actually successfully done the first successfully I think twice (sap, start cap, they break to attack me, then I get the whilrlwind off and they get to rage in vain while I cap). Won a VS once this way when I came in as a backfill just as we were about to lose, I had *just* enough time to pull it off. :D


And that's exactly why you don't stand near the door or break early... Also as soon as you break, if they haven't stealthed out... Just throw an interrupt straight away... Will interrupt that whirlwind as they start or stop them from stealthing out and running away... Then cc/root them till help arrives

No 1v1 stealth ever caps on me... Maybe 2 or 3.. But never 1...

Also a good stealth will cc you then move away from the door to draw your attention away from it... That's when the second caps behind you

If you get CC'd always change your view to watch the door for the second stealth... Or better yet, change your view distance in preferences so you can see more behind you when you scroll out

And too all non stealths... Please don't break our cc's when we are trying to cap... Best thing to do is stay away from the door to pull their attention... People who run up to the door past the player to "try" and "help" you cap are morons and completely negate the tactic


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the best way to learn how to counter stealth is to play a steath toon. If you preorder the expansion you get 12x class story XP which makes it a breeze to get up to usuable level...


FYI: other than ancient hypergate, it is not possible to cap a node before your sap wears off. E.g.


  1. stealth saps node guard
  2. unstealth and cap the node
  3. node guard's sap wears off and node guard interrupts the cap


with 2 stealth, one can cap while the second reapplys the sap. You can break the 2nd sap and interrupt but the timing is tight here and you may fail. At this point we have to ask

  • why isn't a stealther or PT/VG (shoulder cannon) guarding?
  • it goes without saying that a non-stealth without CC break up should not be guarding

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I prefer to learn slowly tbh. Particularly on something as advanced as a stealth class. I plan to try out a healing Scoundrel and a DPSing Shadow but so far at least Scoundrel was very hard to play. In levelling the demand on my healing is very low, so I am stuck with his very few attacks, and in a zone I have troubles protecting myself with my 3 channeled heals and a vanish. I am thinking of leaving him be, and study up later after I have a better hang on my other 2 PvP chars. I just don't have enough savvy to learn multiple characters at once.


You both bring up awesome points. I rarely see node guard switches however, but judging from cc availability that should be a regular practice. Normally I see one guy stay on guard all zone long.

Edited by DomiSotto
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