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Light or Dark? Discussion


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Greetings people. Yesterday I finished my Jedi knight story line, ( yes I know, rather late dude...) anyway I came across something interesting; Before you enter the Emperors Throne room you are presented with a dilemma. Your padawan Cira is in trouble and might die. Your choises are:


Save her; Im such a hero

Don't save her; I have to defeat the Emperor for the greater good of the galaxy.


Now if you diside to save her you get light side points, its something "good" to do. If you go on with your misson to defeat the Emperor WHO has the power to devour the entire universe, that gives you dark side points, its a "bad thing to do".


My point is that the light side choise goes against everything a Jedi is. "Don' t ler your personal feelings get in the way" - obi wan lectures Anakin, end of episode II.

So does the game mean that obi wan is the most evil Jedi out there? Or that the ideal Jedi is a Anakin who does not turn to the dark side?


Please post your thoughts and arguments I find this very interesting!

May the force be with you all!

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As much as I find that particular situation a bit forced - I mean, what are they even doing deep in the temple alone? - the Jedi don't really have an 'the ends justify the means' philosophy. Kira (or Doc, since it can be either) need your help or they might die. Whilst there's several practical reasons why you might want to choose to go after the Emperor rather than help them, the Jedi (at least insofar as I've seen them portrayed in swtor) don't really compromise like that. I imagine that's why it's considered a 'light' choice, for the same reason that the light choice after the actual fight with the Emperor involves being idealistic to the point of stupidity. Edited by Bleeters
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It's Kira BTW.


Regardless, the whole scenes feels underwhelming for the most part, seeing there's no consequence for either outcome; yet another hint that companions getting killed was once a reality.


Also, if you went to save Kira, Doc or Rusk, the Emperor would grew more powerful in the Beta. Seeing how nerfed the whole battle has been, I doubt that's still the case.

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I'll remember that mate!

Yes I agree, IF you are presented with two choices the outcome should effect you.

I would have liked very much to have seen the game work that way, and I can tell you that he is probably nerfed since then. I remember the difference in the smuggler story Beta vs Vanilla.

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It's Kira BTW.


Regardless, the whole scenes feels underwhelming for the most part, seeing there's no consequence for either outcome; yet another hint that companions getting killed was once a reality.


Also, if you went to save Kira, Doc or Rusk, the Emperor would grew more powerful in the Beta. Seeing how nerfed the whole battle has been, I doubt that's still the case.


Wait.. I assumed it was like that currently. I decided to make the call to save Kira (which really should have been a Dark Side decision because you are letting personal feelings cloud your judgement. Kira even mentions that it was a very un-Jedi thing you did) believing I would be strong enough to defeat the Emperor.


Damn it Beta testers, why did you let that get changed. :D

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Wait.. I assumed it was like that currently. I decided to make the call to save Kira (which really should have been a Dark Side decision because you are letting personal feelings cloud your judgement. Kira even mentions that it was a very un-Jedi thing you did) believing I would be strong enough to defeat the Emperor.


Damn it Beta testers, why did you let that get changed. :D


That was exactly my first thought aswell, the "cloud your judgement" part.

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Actually, it's very un-Jedi like to choose to sacrifice a life. If a life is not in danger the Jedi will move on (hence Obi-Wan telling Anakin to stop worrying about Padme when she fell from the ship, as she was still alive and in no danger). So the choice is appropriate that Kira nets the light side and ignoring her and she might die awards the darks ide.
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Well, I get your point! BUT, we are talking about saving ONE life and in exchange jeopardize the entire galaxy, if not the universe. AND saving her/ or him means that you have formed some form of attachment, which IS forbidden for Jedi.

Regardless weather Obi knows Padmé is alive or not, he also points out to Anakin, if they should capture Dooku at that moment the war might have ended right there. "We have a job to do [...] what do you think Padmé would do if she were in your position?" - Obi. "She would do her duty"- Ani.

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Well, I get your point! BUT, we are talking about saving ONE life and in exchange jeopardize the entire galaxy, if not the universe. AND saving her/ or him means that you have formed some form of attachment, which IS forbidden for Jedi.

Regardless weather Obi knows Padmé is alive or not, he also points out to Anakin, if they should capture Dooku at that moment the war might have ended right there. "We have a job to do [...] what do you think Padmé would do if she were in your position?" - Obi. "She would do her duty"- Ani.


It doesn't matter, the Jedi cherish life, and sacrificing just one single life is no better than a Sith. It is their way. See Darth Revan, who always felt the ends justify the means, and look at him now. Fallen again on a mad crusade to wipe out the galaxy.

Edited by Silverspar
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It doesn't matter, the Jedi cherish life, and sacrificing just one single life is no better than a Sith. It is their way. See Darth Revan, who always felt the ends justify the means, and look at him now. Fallen again on a mad crusade to wipe out the galaxy.


Once again I like your point. Although again I must question you. It WOULD matter depending on which Jedi you were asking. We don't know if Obi knew Padmé was alive or not. All we DO know is that he felt that the right thing to do was to capture Dooku, in order to save a much larger amount of life.

And a look at how Anakin's life turned because he wanted to save someone, ONE life he cared a bit to much for. Fallen.

And about Revan. We don't really know if it's actually him. If it is indeed the real one (which I would love) I wouldn't say he is fallen. He is both light and dark, because of that he possess enormous wisdom and knowledge. He is returning with both Sith and Rep forces with him. I wouldn't say fallen. I'd say most bad *** dude in all SW.

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I've heard many people say this and it is that the Force doesn't think in the long term. You get Dark Side points here because you are willingly letting someone die, when you could have stopped it. As for what Obi Wan said, it's that he is not thinking in that moment, or solely focusing on one person, but thinking of the greater good; letting one person die to save thousands of others.

On Belsavis in the Jedi Knight story, you are given the choice to escort a doctor to safety, at the cost of possibly letting the Emperor destroy that world. It is that same comparison as above; saving him for light side points, but risk killing millions, or leaving him to stop a greater evil.

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