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State of the Server


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3. Lack of Experience

On the harbinger most progression raiders have been raiding for at least a year at this point..


I think this is a very important facet. To illustrate what I wanna get at, take a look at the current GUILDS posting HM/NIM kills in the BC progression thread (Excluding raid groups for this example)



Kobra Kai's

Organized Chaos

Dark Hunters



To take it a step further I'll post the ones that have posted kills since the release of NiM Dread Palace (2.8)



Dendarii Mercenary Fleet

Tomb of Sorrows

Order of Sixty-six


Compare the names of the guilds above to the name's of the guilds that were leading progression prior to the release of 2.8. How many of the above were present pre-2.8 with NIM kills? Just 2:



Tomb of Sorrows (Nefra)


What's going on here is that guilds that are relatively new to progression/nim are beginning to do them, since we lost the former leaders of progression on the server either through server transfer or just leaving the game. Obviously, it's not as easy as just picking up where they left off because a lot of the players in these guilds weren't part of those older guilds. What we see of the server now isn't what will be of the server as these groups continue to gain more experience. Everyone starts somewhere, its a tall order to expect raiders just now progressing INTO NiM to be raiding at a competitive level to players that have been at it for years


Also I'd like to add that with the new operations in 3.0, the majority of the players that only run SM's won't be able to just steamroll through the content by outgearing it by up to 4 tiers as they do now. It'll be done very close to the recommended gear level, which gives a lot less room for error even in SM's, thus leading to players needing to perform more than they'd be asked to otherwise.


It could work to our benefit

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I just wanted to inform the public that Dread Master Zuhara has forced me to relinquish my rights to be his successor as a result of his guild summit. He has deemed me unworthy to wear his title, or carry his name within my signature. I've been forced into exile to join my predecessor Mallo. Thank you to those who believed in me and supported me while I was training under Dread Master Zuhara.
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3. Lack of Experience

On the harbinger most progression raiders have been raiding for at least a year at this point and so for someone new coming into a progression guild is surrounded by more experienced players to help them with there class or mechanics or strats. This is almost non existent on bc but is plentiful in bc ex-pats, I have a sentinel on bc I sometimes play on and I know Thorazine and Te'f still have toons over on bc also if you have a question about a fight we have done feel free to ask, as well as a lot of the players in guilds like sponsored by.

Thanks for ratting out my super secret alts....

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5. Don't hold a grudge

I'm not sure if this is still a issue but I know that this game can cause a ton of drama between people and between guilds. If this happens don't take it personally the community is to small to cut off people like that so look past that troll or that ******e who ganked you on Ilum and give them a try because if you don't you are only hurting yourself.

I hoped this would not be one of the reason why BC needed the summit as it just had now, but time and time again guilds did not come together to do harder contents together due to said reason. With the new generation of raiders (and old experienced raiders who stuck around, props for yall), I sure hope they don't fall on this as the old ones did.


if you replace the 8 with 4 then it relates perfectly to group ranked
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By and large this is a community of good folks, easy to get along with given a moderate amount of effort. I started this game at launch fully intending on experiencing all it could offer from a solo point of view, soon learning that eliminated a good portion of what is out there. Some things to consider when doing group content that requires a little more attention to detail


Be open to criticism: good raid leaders are not doing this to belittle you, but improve your performance. If you are not open to that environment, move along


Work at it: the raid's mechanics, your class skills, your communication, all of it comes into play


Get in voice: something else I had no interest in early on but is an invaluable tool for group content


Remember, thou art mortal: just because you are capable of steamrolling the content does not mean those in the group are there yet. Keep in mind the fact that we all started less practiced than we are now and no one is incapable of mistakes


If you put some time and effort into it, you are capable of tackling the tougher content in the game. There would be few better examples than myself, an older clicker tanking through Nitemurr stuffs (occasionally) ;)


Each community is, in part, what you make it. If you are a willing to put yourself out there, to enjoy yourself and contribute to other's enjoyment of the game, good things will come.

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I hoped this would not be one of the reason why BC needed the summit as it just had now, but time and time again guilds did not come together to do harder contents together due to said reason. With the new generation of raiders (and old experienced raiders who stuck around, props for yall), I sure hope they don't fall on this as the old ones did.


This applies just as well to PvP, if not more so. Currently grudges between guilds are the one biggest barrier to organizing group ranked impside. Instead of fostering a fun and competitive atmosphere, certain guilds would rather constantly insult anyone who doesn't live up to their standards. It's because of this that my guild does not queue for group ranked when we know certain people are in the queue. We simply don't want to deal with that kind of drama.


When I go to servers like Jung Ma, on the other hand, I see a significantly healthier ranked community. Guilds there don't turn it into a stat measuring contest, or a way to get back at another guild for getting a pvp record (because apparently some guilds take that stuff super seriously). I really wish BC impside pvpers could have a less vitriolic community, but a couple of years on the server makes that seem exceedingly unlikely.

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This applies just as well to PvP, if not more so. Currently grudges between guilds are the one biggest barrier to organizing group ranked impside. Instead of fostering a fun and competitive atmosphere, certain guilds would rather constantly insult anyone who doesn't live up to their standards. It's because of this that my guild does not queue for group ranked when we know certain people are in the queue. We simply don't want to deal with that kind of drama.


When I go to servers like Jung Ma, on the other hand, I see a significantly healthier ranked community. Guilds there don't turn it into a stat measuring contest, or a way to get back at another guild for getting a pvp record (because apparently some guilds take that stuff super seriously). I really wish BC impside pvpers could have a less vitriolic community, but a couple of years on the server makes that seem exceedingly unlikely.


Hmm i find this highly unlikely and i disagree with your post our guild (STI) doesn't have per say any grudges towards any guild whats so ever and we hardly ever instigate drama. Drama just seems to come to us and we reply :)


Now as for your organizing of group ranked we hold group ranked PvP on Fridays @6pm pst server time. If that doesn't peek your curiosity then I don't know what will... Yes, we have invited guilds like DO,GrimD, Etc. to come and que with us but its simply met with no one we invited showing up in-fact the only 2 teams that actually Q for group ranked PvP are Infa and us STI. Another thing, ranked isn't supposed be "fun" it is competitive not regular PvP where you can do what you like. It requires actual coordination not relentless whaling on a healer guarded by a tank. This is something most people on Begeren Colony wont understand about group ranked. What most people do not understand is that, it isn't a regular match, you are going against skilled players. I apologize if i'm going off topic i'm just sharing what i think about your post.


P.s. We don't expect people to live up to our standards we just simply want to do ranked PvP because its fun for us, and no we aren't moving servers we like it here. :)


2nd P.s. Yeah i know this was based as a general for all guild but i think this was more directed to STI just saying.

Edited by eonsya
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It's not just STI. Recently, yeah, there's been some clashing between our guilds, especially with regards to Drax's 15k, which for some reason has brought on an excessive amount of taunting. However, there's vitriol aplenty impside across guilds. DO falls into this from time to time as well, and I've been working on limiting it as much as possible.


As to the "fun" aspect, I think this is another of the problems with the ranked community. Yeah, it's competitive. Yeah, it takes work, cooperation, and strategy to be competitive. But at the same time, ranked should be fun for those who choose to participate, in the same way that a basketball or football game is fun for competitive athletes. This doesn't happen if players don't exercise good sportsmanship.


We want to participate in group ranked, and we've been working on setting up at least three ranked teams since you started asking us to queue earlier this season. However, it takes time to get members geared for specific roles, and in the meantime we've gotten nothing but flak for not participating, which is why the people who *are* ready to do group ranked haven't been. Should that change, we'll start queueing for group ranked if it's popping, but until then we'll be sticking to yolo queue.

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It's not just STI. Recently, yeah, there's been some clashing between our guilds, especially with regards to Drax's 15k, which for some reason has brought on an excessive amount of taunting. However, there's vitriol aplenty impside across guilds. DO falls into this from time to time as well, and I've been working on limiting it as much as possible.


As to the "fun" aspect, I think this is another of the problems with the ranked community. Yeah, it's competitive. Yeah, it takes work, cooperation, and strategy to be competitive. But at the same time, ranked should be fun for those who choose to participate, in the same way that a basketball or football game is fun for competitive athletes. This doesn't happen if players don't exercise good sportsmanship.


We want to participate in group ranked, and we've been working on setting up at least three ranked teams since you started asking us to queue earlier this season. However, it takes time to get members geared for specific roles, and in the meantime we've gotten nothing but flak for not participating, which is why the people who *are* ready to do group ranked haven't been. Should that change, we'll start queueing for group ranked if it's popping, but until then we'll be sticking to yolo queue.


Just responding to the 15k thing, he shouldn't go bragging about it like he does. Maybe that would reduce the flak.

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He made a post on the forums, and talked about it briefly after getting it, as pvpers are wont to do when they break a record. Since then, the only references to it I've seen anywhere have come from STI. The whole "how much rating did your 15k get you" thing is, quite frankly, a childish response to the kind of pvp achievements we have an entire thread devoted to. Edited by Skios
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He made a post on the forums, and talked about it briefly after getting it, as pvpers are wont to do when they break a record. Since then, the only references to it I've seen anywhere have come from STI. The whole "how much rating did your 15k get you" thing is, quite frankly, a childish response to the kind of pvp achievements we have an entire thread devoted to.


:hope_02:Deadly Contender Draxzim- Deadly Obsession :hope_02:

:jawa_tongue:15.4k Hit http://i.imgur.com/Khup6Gd.jpg Give me the guild Packs:jawa_tongue:

Seems like a reference to his 15k don't you think so?

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Just responding to the 15k thing, he shouldn't go bragging about it like he does. Maybe that would reduce the flak.


Bragging? When have I gone into PvP chat saying "Hey I got a 15k hit and I'm better than you!", never. Yes, I've talked about it in chat the day I got it because I was proud of it and I have the right to be just as you have the right to be proud of your rating. And the whole "How much rating did you get for that 15k" is as Sol said rather immature and stupid. We'll do ranked when we feel like we want to have fun ranked. Right now this doesn't happen because when we don't queue, we get bashed. If you want to "Farm baddies in ranked" like you have said then find other "Baddies" to farm.

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:hope_02:Deadly Contender Draxzim- Deadly Obsession :hope_02:

:jawa_tongue:15.4k Hit http://i.imgur.com/Khup6Gd.jpg Give me the guild Packs:jawa_tongue:

Seems like a reference to his 15k don't you think so?


So that's three references total, one in response to a case of bragging (Packs' guild) that STI doesn't seem to have a problem with. This still fails to justify a weeks worth of harassment from your guild.


Edit: I'm actually going to end my replies here, because this is getting horribly off topic, aside from showcasing exactly what I mean about the state of the server.

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Bragging? When have I gone into PvP chat saying "Hey I got a 15k hit and I'm better than you!", never. Yes, I've talked about it in chat the day I got it because I was proud of it and I have the right to be just as you have the right to be proud of your rating. And the whole "How much rating did you get for that 15k" is as Sol said rather immature and stupid. We'll do ranked when we feel like we want to have fun ranked. Right now this doesn't happen because when we don't queue, we get bashed. If you want to "Farm baddies in ranked" like you have said then find other "Baddies" to farm.


Believe me, if we wanted to farm bads and actually cared about rating, we wouldn't queue against infamous.

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