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3.0 Theory: The Shadow of Revan Storyline


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Greetings fellow SWTOR enthusiasts! I am Tieru, and today this post will be centered around my theory(s) for the new and exciting expansion for Star Wars The Old Republic: The Shadow of Revan. All theories, hypothesis, thoughts, ideas, explanations are solely my own, and should not be taken as fact, reality, or cannon by any regard. This thread is simply a discussion on what we might see in the upcoming 3.0 update to our favorite Star Wars game! :)




Without further adeu, let's get started!


So starting with what we do already know: Revan was under the influence of the Emperor for a very long time, almost 300 years even. During which he had been presumably "stumping" or "thwarting" the Emperor's invasion of the Republic from his bastion Empire in the Unknown Regions of Space. During this time Revan's mind was linked with the Emperor's and vise versa. This is also a factor to his supposed 'madness' during the confrontation with Revan on the Foundry. But although apparently mad (through an inherit grief at the loss of the Exile, and for centuries in a Dark Being's mind) he is still very much driven to finish what he started, destroying the Sith Empire.


This leads us to our second point, obviously Revan is not dead. Apparent from the new Rakatta Prime Flashpoint we have played in the game. I however knew this from the clear fact that he had almost 15% health when I soloed him again on my lvl 55. We can then assume that this man that seems so keen on Bombarding us from low orbit on Rakatta Prime, is in fact Revan. Theron, during the final cutscene even states " That voice, I know that voice." Thus being Revan's voice talking to us from the bridge of his Imperial Stardestroyer overhead.


So what is it that this guy wants? He is eager to blast his Republic Saviors from off the face of the galaxy (great show of gratitude btw) and his Imperial Attackers (understandable). From the, in my opinion, terrible excuse for a teaser trailer released early this October, Revan is here to finish what he started, and taking what we have learned from the Rakatta cutscene convorsations, he intends to bring peace to the galaxy by wiping out the Republic and Empire. This seems very much like the Emperor's plan to me, from the final act of the Jedi Guardian story line. And now Revan has an army of Revanites, a not so secret society that apparently has more numbers than we or anyone else before now presumed.


Now before we go any further, Bioware has announced 2 new worlds that will be involved in this new expansion. Rishi (as in the Rishi Maze from the Star Wars universe) and our beloved world of Yavin IV (also well know in the Star Wars universe). We also will be getting 2 new operations and a few flashpoints as if 2 worlds of story line wasn't enough. Thank you Bioware for not copping out and instead giving us yet more Dailies to grind! I am greatly intrigued at these new Operations (being a raider myself) as we can expect Revan to be a Operations boss, as he should have been in the first place (imo).


This being the case, Revan and Op boss and all. Will Bioware kill off one of our beloved characters from the Star Wars universe? Can Frankenstein just 'axe-off' his creation? Surely I am not alone in feeling some nostalgia and attachment to my KOTOR character. I mean, in a sense of the word, each and every one of us "was" essentially Revan. And the Star Wars Community here on the Old Republic seem divided on their views for the future of this character. I believe this Bio-Frankenstein intends to destroy their beloved creation in this new and anticipated Story Arc. But not in a heartless, uncaring, take-out-the-trash manner. It is my theory that Revan may yet still be redeemed.


But first! one last detail remains to be explored! After all, Revan isn't the only character in this Old Republic Universe to have controversy over his death and/or demise. Constantly the topic bombards us, as hints of the Sith Emperor's continuing existence and un-death. We here allusions from sources such as Darth Mar (who apparently has a role to play in the upcoming Story Arc), the Emperor's Hand, and many more sources. So is the Emperor truly dead? Is he not just a force spirit like Exar-Kun?


It is my opinion, due to the supporting sources derived from the game and some outside content, that the final boss will infact be our detestable, deplorable, his-highness the EMPORER! Now here is my reasoning:


Obviously Revan needed to recuperate from his defeat on the foundry. I presume he pulled a Obi-wan Kenobi or Yoda and went into seclusion on the fourth moon of Yavin. There he met another being who also was forced into seclusion involuntarily. As Yavin IV being a thriving Darkside Spirit Spa. Full of Masassi and ancient temples, I believe the Emperor's spirit was encountered there, quite by mistake, and now Revan's will is not entirely his own, or is being distorted by the Emperor's spirit. Thus bringing in the involvement of the Bad *** himself, Darth Mar, as seen from the new promotional trailer release mid-October. Revan, in my theory, will perhaps be a secondary boss himself, or the final boss of the first operation it makes no difference. And will infact not be killed by our Heroic Band of Republic or Imperial Legends. No, but infact be 'redeemed' of sorts, and be released from the Emperor's grasp. I believe it is his destiny to destroy the entity of the Emperor, along with the base classes of the Old Republic Game (ie. the Hero of Tython, the Barsenthor, the Hero of Havoc, the Smuggler, the Emperor's Wrath, Darth Imperius/Nox, the Winner of the Great Hunt, and Agent). I believe Revan will, in his now weakened state, in an impressive show of the force, bind the spirit of the Emperor to himself and die, thus having fulfilled what he started out to do.


Now this can be debated as to the details, but I believe that not one class will be solely responsible for the Emperor's demise (my main is a jedi guardian, but I still think it is quite unfair to the other story classes in the game). I believe it can only fall to Revan to destroy the Emperor, being that he was responsible for every major event shaping the destiny of Revan from the instigation of the Mandalorian Wars, to the betrayal of his fiend Malak due to their both subsequent fall to the darkside. Thus completing the circle.


I know this is a theory, and has been shambled together by myself to allow for, what I think, would be the best direction to take the story of Revan and SWTOR in general (make no mistake, obviously Bioware has mad up their minds already and have everything on the green light for Dec 2).


But what follows? Truly the Empire and the Republic's Death match must go on. But how being as this final conflict has brought them together? As is the dubious ways of the Darkside, I believe the finally of this new and incredible storyline will end with Mar betraying the trust of the now Republic "Allies" and proclaiming himself Emperor of the Sith! Being as their are few Dark Council members left to oppose his claim, and his absolving of the Spheres of Influence to his Power Base. Thus leading to the new story to progress further than we thought possible.


Thank you all for reading, I hope this has triggered your minds with idea's and "what-ifs" as I intended it to, and has been an interesting thread to read. I know I am eager for 3.0 and have high hopes myself for the incredible story writing capabilities of Bioware and their big time Star Wars Game!


May the Force be With you! ..... Always.


Tieru of Begeren Colony :ph_thank_you:


Please feel free to post your own theories or thoughts on this article as it's purpose was to instigate discussion.

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So starting with what we do already know: Revan was under the influence of the Emperor for a very long time, almost 300 years even. During which he had been presumably "stumping" or "thwarting" the Emperor's invasion of the Republic from his bastion Empire in the Unknown Regions of Space. During this time Revan's mind was linked with the Emperor's and vise versa. This is also a factor to his supposed 'madness' during the confrontation with Revan on the Foundry. But although apparently mad (through an inherit grief at the loss of the Exile, and for centuries in a Dark Being's mind) he is still very much driven to finish what he started, destroying the Sith Empire.
This is partially incorrect. Revan was never under the influence of the Emperor Vitiate. He was tempering his hate, while the Emperor was siphoning knowledge of the Light Side of the Force from Revan to bolster his own abilities. Revan was able to influence him into turning the war into a cease fire with the Treaty of Coruscant.


In addition, Revan's sanity has always been questionable, long before the Emperor. After all, we are talking about a man who firmly believed the ends justify the means, such as his choice to kill thousands of Mandalorians, Jedi and Innocent civilians in the Mandalorian Wars. This is not a man who just recently came into contact with madness, he has always been unhinged, and his life teetered on the edge of light and dark, always leaning more towards the darkness. It's obvious in the Foundry, he has fallen again, especially with his prolific use of Force Lightning abilities, what is canonically described as pure Dark side energy in use. he scoffed at the Jedi order often and though he often sided with the Republic, his goals of genocide on such a mass scale, even against the Sith Empire, would not sit well with most of the Republic.


This leads us to our second point, obviously Revan is not dead. Apparent from the new Rakatta Prime Flashpoint we have played in the game. I however knew this from the clear fact that he had almost 15% health when I soloed him again on my lvl 55. We can then assume that this man that seems so keen on Bombarding us from low orbit on Rakatta Prime, is in fact Revan. Theron, during the final cutscene even states " That voice, I know that voice." Thus being Revan's voice talking to us from the bridge of his Imperial Stardestroyer overhead.
I don't think the liveliness of Revan was ever in question, except by a few who don't understand that he simply vanished with no corpse. Some may want to have believed he joined the Force, but again he was clearly fallen by his use of Dark side powers.


So what is it that this guy wants? He is eager to blast his Republic Saviors from off the face of the galaxy (great show of gratitude btw) and his Imperial Attackers (understandable). From the, in my opinion, terrible excuse for a teaser trailer released early this October, Revan is here to finish what he started, and taking what we have learned from the Rakatta cutscene convorsations, he intends to bring peace to the galaxy by wiping out the Republic and Empire. This seems very much like the Emperor's plan to me, from the final act of the Jedi Guardian story line. And now Revan has an army of Revanites, a not so secret society that apparently has more numbers than we or anyone else before now presumed.
Actually Revan considers his saviors to be the sole reason the Emperor renewed his attack against the Republic, that much is certain. But he sees, now, that the Republic would not do what he thinks has to be done. See the Mandalorian War if you think revan is not capable of this, the man believes the ends justify the means. The only way to achieve his perfect ordered galaxy is to destroy it and institute his own rule and law. Sounds very much like Darth Vader now, so in short, he's Darth Revan again.


Now before we go any further, Bioware has announced 2 new worlds that will be involved in this new expansion. Rishi (as in the Rishi Maze from the Star Wars universe) and our beloved world of Yavin IV (also well know in the Star Wars universe). We also will be getting 2 new operations and a few flashpoints as if 2 worlds of story line wasn't enough. Thank you Bioware for not copping out and instead giving us yet more Dailies to grind! I am greatly intrigued at these new Operations (being a raider myself) as we can expect Revan to be a Operations boss, as he should have been in the first place (imo).


This being the case, Revan and Op boss and all. Will Bioware kill off one of our beloved characters from the Star Wars universe? Can Frankenstein just 'axe-off' his creation? Surely I am not alone in feeling some nostalgia and attachment to my KOTOR character. I mean, in a sense of the word, each and every one of us "was" essentially Revan. And the Star Wars Community here on the Old Republic seem divided on their views for the future of this character. I believe this Bio-Frankenstein intends to destroy their beloved creation in this new and anticipated Story Arc. But not in a heartless, uncaring, take-out-the-trash manner. It is my theory that Revan may yet still be redeemed.

What's so beloeved about Revan? he was a faceless, voiceless protagonists players played in one game, and the choices they made cloud their judgment of a character that is, ultimately when his history is taken into account, far from any good grace or even redeemably OK. He will do what he can to win, and if that means worlds have to burn to do it, then so be it. This is the Revan everyone refuses to see, the Revan that came before the myriad of choices in KOTOR, the Revan that was not under any influence of the Emperor. This man has always been.


But first! one last detail remains to be explored! After all, Revan isn't the only character in this Old Republic Universe to have controversy over his death and/or demise. Constantly the topic bombards us, as hints of the Sith Emperor's continuing existence and un-death. We here allusions from sources such as Darth Mar (who apparently has a role to play in the upcoming Story Arc), the Emperor's Hand, and many more sources. So is the Emperor truly dead? Is he not just a force spirit like Exar-Kun?


It is my opinion, due to the supporting sources derived from the game and some outside content, that the final boss will infact be our detestable, deplorable, his-highness the EMPORER! Now here is my reasoning:


Obviously Revan needed to recuperate from his defeat on the foundry. I presume he pulled a Obi-wan Kenobi or Yoda and went into seclusion on the fourth moon of Yavin. There he met another being who also was forced into seclusion involuntarily. As Yavin IV being a thriving Darkside Spirit Spa. Full of Masassi and ancient temples, I believe the Emperor's spirit was encountered there, quite by mistake, and now Revan's will is not entirely his own, or is being distorted by the Emperor's spirit. Thus bringing in the involvement of the Bad *** himself, Darth Mar, as seen from the new promotional trailer release mid-October. Revan, in my theory, will perhaps be a secondary boss himself, or the final boss of the first operation it makes no difference. And will infact not be killed by our Heroic Band of Republic or Imperial Legends. No, but infact be 'redeemed' of sorts, and be released from the Emperor's grasp. I believe it is his destiny to destroy the entity of the Emperor, along with the base classes of the Old Republic Game (ie. the Hero of Tython, the Barsenthor, the Hero of Havoc, the Smuggler, the Emperor's Wrath, Darth Imperius/Nox, the Winner of the Great Hunt, and Agent). I believe Revan will, in his now weakened state, in an impressive show of the force, bind the spirit of the Emperor to himself and die, thus having fulfilled what he started out to do.

This is frankly bunk and if it is true would lesson the character of Revan and be a huge cop out. The Emperor would possess a new body that he has waiting for him, as described in the story, not try to fight the will of Revan. Furthermore, Revan's goals are still the exact same, but expanded to include a Republic that would see his mass genocide as the wrong way. This goal has not changed, once. And Revan, again, has always been about the ends justify the means. I seriously doubt that Emperor Vitiate is in control, though I am more than willing to believe that Vitiate will return at the end of the expansion to prelude the next expansion and possibly a return to hostilities.


Again, read the history of Revan. This man needed no influence, no coercion, nothing, to do the dastardly, deplorable things he has done. Saying the Emperor has taken control of Revan is desperate grasping at straws in the face of a man who has always been dark, and leaned more towards the dark side. Forget your KOTOR run and look at what he has done personally outside of one choice in KOTOR.


In the end, I still state that if they truly do pick this option that Revanis just being puppet driven by the ghost of the Emperor, then that is just a big cop out to appease revanite fanbois. It doesn't take a scholar to look at Revan's own history to see he is more than capable as a being to make this choice. He did it before he disappeared, by choosing to destroy the Empire and committing mass genocide on them and anyone that got in his way. He also did it during the Mandalorian Wars. And he would do it again. He even says it in his glorified speech.

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From all that the above has stated, I gather that you don't understand the point of the darkside in the movies and in the expanded universe in general. Did Anakin Skywalker need no coercion to do the deplorable acts that were achieved by him as Darth Vader? Is one's character simply chosen for them, 'this person if bad, so had no help in becoming so, and cannot be redeemed?' The fact and true underlying metaphor behind the story and person that is Revan is that, yes he did bad things in the name of good, leading him down the dark path. He fell, along with many others, and became Sith (a servant of the Darkside). He was captured, mid shielded for a short while, but was infact redeemed (btw lightside is the canon story line). If you think that the Darkside doesn't "coerce, tempt, or entice" you would be sadly mistaken. Such is the case in ALL of the Star Wars Universe and Expanded Universe. But the entire story of KOTOR, the cannon one anyway, is that Revan was redeemed, and that the events of His past do not define him. Revan has a destiny and to deny such in the SWTOR universe is plain ignorance, as it is almost his game to begin with. Revan might have fallen again, that is evident by the route the writers of bioware have taken, but do we assume he won't be redeemed in the end again? If Revan died without defeating the Emperor, without returning to the light even, without doing anything besides attacking the Galaxy in some mad campaign, then he would be an utter failure: achieving none of his goals, doing more harm from good, and knowing he is going to be saved by the Star Wars fan base for 300 years just to be killed to ad end game content. <--- that is what everyone would think every time they pick up their controller or start their KOTOR game. So why bother? Anakin was redeemed in the end, like, the very end. I was simply predicting that this will be the case for Revan.


I was merely writing my opinion where those could read and write their own predictions and theories, where we could all read and enjoy eachother's thinking. I had no intention of 'nit-picking' at your post all day long, but it seems you don't grasp certain fundamental Star Wars concepts. I had no intentions of posting this in reply, but I did, since sadly this thread seems for the most part dead. I could do what you did on my post, point out all the things where I find fault (sadly there is a lot of it) but that does not support the purpose of this thread (besides I have NiM raiding to do). I do not intend for people to just post corrections. I intend for people to post ideas. So please post your own theories, or silently move on.


Thank you for your post.

Edited by Tieru
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Anakin only got small pushes, he didn't need coercion to slaughter the sand people in Episode 2. he didn't need coercion to Force choke his own commanders to death in Episode 5. The story in Episode 3 was sloppy, at best, and was a rushed attempt to make Anakin fall out of no where, but yes, his path was already laid out before him, by at least 30 years. While the Emperor may have had some influence on Anakin, only Anakin could make his choice to fall, and it was a choice that had to be.


I understand the nature of the dark side, and ignoring the fact that Revan had already fallen when the Imperials find him in the Foundry, is trying to undermine his character more. Saying the Emperor is in control, and if it does happen, just cheapens him as a character. It's even stated in KOTOR that Revan's memories were fragmented and that Bastilla feared the day Revan gained back his mask, as she was certain his past and memories woudl return, along with the potential to fall again. Darth Malak also says as much that Revan is still filled with the dark side in him and teeters on the edge, and in KOTOR 2 they make it clear that Revan had left to seek out the Sith Empire and destroy it.


Committing mass genocide on a people (97.8% according to HK-47) is not anything a light sided character or Jedi would do. He was still pretty much Darth Revan, as he is now on his return.

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Anakin only got small pushes, he didn't need coercion to slaughter the sand people in Episode 2. he didn't need coercion to Force choke his own commanders to death in Episode 5. The story in Episode 3 was sloppy, at best, and was a rushed attempt to make Anakin fall out of no where, but yes, his path was already laid out before him, by at least 30 years. While the Emperor may have had some influence on Anakin, only Anakin could make his choice to fall, and it was a choice that had to be.


I understand the nature of the dark side, and ignoring the fact that Revan had already fallen when the Imperials find him in the Foundry, is trying to undermine his character more. Saying the Emperor is in control, and if it does happen, just cheapens him as a character. It's even stated in KOTOR that Revan's memories were fragmented and that Bastilla feared the day Revan gained back his mask, as she was certain his past and memories woudl return, along with the potential to fall again. Darth Malak also says as much that Revan is still filled with the dark side in him and teeters on the edge, and in KOTOR 2 they make it clear that Revan had left to seek out the Sith Empire and destroy it.


Committing mass genocide on a people (97.8% according to HK-47) is not anything a light sided character or Jedi would do. He was still pretty much Darth Revan, as he is now on his return.


If you pay attention during his fight in the Foundry flashpoint, you'll see that the buff for the Ataru combat stance says "Total Balance" and at one point, after he starts using lightning storm, the stance changes to Shii-Cho and it says "Power Of The Darkside" instead.

In other words, the game implies he fell during the fight, not before it.

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Actually if you really read the books, than you know that because Revan has experienced both the light and the dark sides of the Force, his knowledge is extensive. He uses a combination of both sides of the Force in the book (just like in KOTOR) but always leaned more towards the light. Just because Force Lightening is always considered a dark side ability never meant that anyone on the light side or more grey for that matter could ever use it. I honestly don't believe Revan fell again during the Foundry FP, he was just using the full extent of his Force knowledge.
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Actually if you really read the books, than you know that because Revan has experienced both the light and the dark sides of the Force, his knowledge is extensive. He uses a combination of both sides of the Force in the book (just like in KOTOR) but always leaned more towards the light. Just because Force Lightening is always considered a dark side ability never meant that anyone on the light side or more grey for that matter could ever use it.


That's a laugh to say the least.


Malachor V and exterminating 97.8% of the Imperial population mean anything to you? :rolleyes:


I am not saying he fell by that point but claiming he leaned towards the light is a big, fat joke.


I honestly don't believe Revan fell again during the Foundry FP, he was just using the full extent of his Force knowledge.


You're in denial; this isn't something new among those who REFUSE to see Revan as a whole.



At the beginning of the fight, he has this buff called "Total Balance", which has the symbol for the Juyo combat form, a fighting style known - amongst other things - for this...

As time passed, knowledge of Form VII became restricted among the Jedi Order, whose members were worried that its precepts would lead practitioners toward the dark side.



By the time Revan is around 30 or 20% HP, the buff changes to resemble Shii-cho fighting style and says "Power of the dark side" instead.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Yes because Revan was able to draw on both sides of the Force... Juyo is not a sign of a dark sider. Mace Windu uses a style of Juyo himself. Shii-Cho is a basic combat form that both sides used. And just because millions died at Malachor V is not a surefire catchall for saying he fell or didn't fall. He was acting in defense of the Republic still at that point which prevented him from truly falling (until the Emperor). That's been kind of a reoccurring theme throughout the EU, several characters have committed wholesale slaughter, but was done in defense of the Republic.
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Yes because Revan was able to draw on both sides of the Force... Juyo is not a sign of a dark sider. Mace Windu uses a style of Juyo himself. Shii-Cho is a basic combat form that both sides used.


In "Total Balance", he was supposedly drawing from both sides of the Force; light and dark.


The moment the buff changes to "Power of the Dark Side" ONLY, it should be self-explanatory.


And just because millions died at Malachor V is not a surefire catchall for saying he fell or didn't fall.


I never said he fell back then.


What I said is that claiming he leaned towards the light side of the Force, considering what he did -- AND planned to do -- is a big, fat joke.


Different things.


He was acting in defense of the Republic still at that point which prevented him from truly falling (until the Emperor).


Killing thousands upon thousands of Jedi and Republic soldiers on Malachor V was not at the behest of the Republic, or the people who lost their lives there.


It was so HE could achieve a total and ultimate victory over the Mandalorians.


That's been kind of a reoccurring theme throughout the EU, several characters have committed wholesale slaughter, but was done in defense of the Republic.


You're deflecting the subject.


Again, you claimed earlier Revan leaned towards the light side. This is inaccurate to say the least.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I don't think Revan needed to really encounter the Emperor's spirit to be under his influence, he was already directly influenced by the Emperor for 300 years and the Emperor's spirit went after a new host, that's been known from the SW storyline for quite some time now.


For those arguing that Revan wasn't under any influence or struggle with the Emperor, you need to replay the Maelstrom Prison flashpoint. The Exile's force ghost makes it clear that Revan was being weakened over time in their 300 year mental struggle.


Revan's ultimate goal is to kill the Emperor, the Emperor's ultimate goal is to unleash so much devastation in the galaxy that he can utilize a ritual to absorb the lost lifeforce to become unstoppable. Frankly I think the Emperor's goal is more closely in line with the storyline being displayed in SOR, especially considering the massive secret forces at play which more closely resemble a plot of the Emperor(Especially for those who have played the JC storyline). But, Darok and Arkous both said they were saving the galaxy, so who knows.

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I don't think Revan needed to really encounter the Emperor's spirit to be under his influence, he was already directly influenced by the Emperor for 300 years and the Emperor's spirit went after a new host, that's been known from the SW storyline for quite some time now.


For those arguing that Revan wasn't under any influence or struggle with the Emperor, you need to replay the Maelstrom Prison flashpoint. The Exile's force ghost makes it clear that Revan was being weakened over time in their 300 year mental struggle.


Revan's ultimate goal is to kill the Emperor, the Emperor's ultimate goal is to unleash so much devastation in the galaxy that he can utilize a ritual to absorb the lost lifeforce to become unstoppable. Frankly I think the Emperor's goal is more closely in line with the storyline being displayed in SOR, especially considering the massive secret forces at play which more closely resemble a plot of the Emperor(Especially for those who have played the JC storyline). But, Darok and Arkous both said they were saving the galaxy, so who knows.


And Arkous also said this.


In other words, it doesn't exactly suggest they were doing the Emperor's bidding; then again, it's also possible they were duped... We won't know for sure until December I guess. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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