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Server Emergency. We Need More Imps!


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Jaxio, you will swoon in rapture as my heals pour over you, saving you from the imps mighty destructive force. Be happy we are on the same team. We will be brothers in arms, soldiers fighting the good fight. Together.


Here's the thing. You've already demonstrated you don't think there is a community, only a "community." You've already antagonized a small, but significant portion of a fairly small pvp population. Sure, tell us how you are a nice guy and a good player, but, whether you intend it or not, a fair number of us think your just a seventeen year old jerk. Most of us enter end game seeking advice on best builds and strategies against good teams. You seem to think we should feel grateful for the awesomeness of your heals and tell us that you probably won't need a guard because you are so good kiting. Good luck with that against a Nemesis premade, with good focus fire and top dpsers hitting for a million damage per warzone.


What does this mean for you? Maybe not a lot. If you are playing with your guild you'll hardly notice. You'll either win or lose and that's fine. If you are pugging, we'll still do our jobs, because that is how the game works. If you play at off hours, well, most games are decided by how many weak players are on each team, not how many good ones.


On the other hand, most serious pvpers have a long friends list of competent players for when they are not with their guild. My guess is that most people won't want you on it because they think you are a know-it-all drama queen. Unfair? Beats me. But that's my guess.


If Anima survives and thrives, then you won't need to care. Being hated is not the worst thing for a pvp guild.


But let's assume it goes the way of most new pvp guilds and implodes six months down the line. Where would you apply? For the two pub pvp guilds that I know well, you would be blackballed instantly, because your forum drama runs exactly counter to their rules of conduct. You constantly write about the pvp community as if it needs quotation marks around it. And you talk down to people like Whist who have demonstrated not only their skill in warzones, but have worked hard to ensure that competitive pvp stays healthy on the server (by, for example, helping to organize ranked nights).


Personal aside: When I was a new 55, Whist took a half an hour out of his gameplay to come to Coruscant with me to help me figure out strategies against stun caps. My guess: you won't be asking advice from anybody because, you know, you already have the game beat.


So yes, go back to the same crap about it just being a game and all that. Yes, it is just a game. But nobody likes to play with jerks if they can help it. My prediction: six months down the line, you'll decide that that swtor just isn't very friendly and move on to another game.


Edit: I see you hit 55 today. Grats.

Edited by Seyahat
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I feel a need to address this dire situation. I began playing pub side when it was obvious that pubs were the losing team, and thoroughly outmanned.


As an imp, I found myself and fellow imps fighting each other. This was fun at times, because I got to kill some of those annoying ******s on my own team that I always wished were pubs...


This can also breed dissent amongst your own team as some people get really serious about losing and start hating you because you beat them too badly. I can attest to that as I got many hate tells from people angry that I killed them. As if they were not trying to kill me! But I digress...


So, I began playing pub side with a cool fellow, I had grown tired of constant facerolling pubs and fighting wargames of imp vs imps.


Me and this cool guy then created a guild which most of you are very aware of named <Anima> and we began hitting the larger, stronger team of imps head-on!


It was not long before we recruited other accomplished pvpers, and then we began dominating warzones whenever we entered them. It became apparent that after the creation of said guild <Anima> the number of imps to fight lessened, and oddly instead of fighting harder the players on imp side decided to just quit and play their pubs. We can call this the <Anima> effect, if you will.


My point in this post is to draw attention to a beginning problem on TEH server. I came from Bastion, and trust me, it actually does suck when one team is 5 times larger than the other, and one team is drastically worse than the other.


When fights are never competitive, that gets old fast. I see TEH server heading this way though, and so, I bring this to our communities attention in hopes that some of you ex-imp players go back to being Imps, and leave the pub team now.


I realize that <Anima> isn't the only one that is dominating Imps non-stop. But, we definitely have had a big impact on the culture of pub pvp strengthening it when it needed some support. Now it appears that TEH imps are heading in a direction where they need some support. Who is going to step up and help them?


I think some servers have low population and time to create NEW BIG STABLE SERVER! :)

Edited by Yeeheepyupee
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Bringing my scoundrel to this server next week... need /ginvite to <Anima> pls :D


Nawww dawwwwg! We need your scoundrel on JC ! Can verify. K'sen got the goods for op heals.... Maybe I should move. Been seriously thinking I need a change of scenery.

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Let me put it like this, nobody really cares about the lowbie pvp aspect. You guys do what you want as far as that goes. But I will say this: you guys come in, join the server and start talking smack right off the bat. "Shout out to Anima" and all that crap. Then you ask how to become a valued member of the community, ignore what people tell you, then continue to talk smack to members of the server that have been here longer than you have played here, and you expect people to be nice?


You come off as arrogant, you can't and don't back up your smack talk. You continue to try and make yourselves a big deal, truth is you can't make yourself a big deal. No one can make themselves a big deal, a guild/person is only a big deal when others respect them. "Oh but I got all these people raging at me on the forums, therefore I am a big deal." That's called people thinking you're a moron, not a compliment, just so you're aware.


I've seen your other posts that you've put elsewhere, you're constantly bad mouthing respectable members and then you wonder why they hate you. Then on top of that there is the whole savior attitude that I mentioned previously: "We saved Republic lowbies" "We killed the imps, SAVE THE IMPS!" Let me explain something: There is an expansion coming out, people are bored, they're rolling on other games, they're doing other aspects of the game.


Until the expansion comes out, there won't be much going on, that and it's lowbies/midbies, nobody cares, it fluctuates all over the place, reps dominate, imps dominate, they fight each other, players enter and leave, nobody cares. It's like how no one really cares that you finished Alderaan. lol You're there to level, learn to play your class and the WZ, then move on.


But then it isn't the midbies/lowbies that's the issue here, it's the way you present yourselves in general. I've never liked you guys since I first saw the forum posts you started. Had you never made a big deal and started insulting people. I never would have cared, no one would have cared, and don't look at that as a compliment, because it isn't. :p All you guys have succeeded in doing is make the community dislike you, "Oh but you guys have to be nice first." Well, people probably would've been willing to had you guys been nice at the start. But good luck with that now.


Either way, I could continue, but considering the amount of effect that the others have posted has done nothing. I don't see much point, you're left with 2 options:


1. Cool it and hush up, just play the game, drop the egos and join the rest of us and slowly over time try to regain your dignity as a guild, hell, maybe even get somewhere notable.


2. Keep doing what you're doing, become so disliked by the community that eventually most of your members will get tired of it and your guild will fall apart. Eventually leaving you to try and join another guild, being there for a short while if accepted into any, only to continually be smack talking and get kicked or leave. Only to leave the game or server.


That is my two cents, do what you want, either way it won't matter. Odds are you'll probably just keep doing this, go for it, idc, all you're doing is hurting yourself and your guild's reputation.

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Let me put it like this, nobody really cares about the lowbie pvp aspect. You guys do what you want as far as that goes. But I will say this: you guys come in, join the server and start talking smack right off the bat. "Shout out to Anima" and all that crap. Then you ask how to become a valued member of the community, ignore what people tell you, then continue to talk smack to members of the server that have been here longer than you have played here, and you expect people to be nice?


You come off as arrogant, you can't and don't back up your smack talk. You continue to try and make yourselves a big deal, truth is you can't make yourself a big deal. No one can make themselves a big deal, a guild/person is only a big deal when others respect them. "Oh but I got all these people raging at me on the forums, therefore I am a big deal." That's called people thinking you're a moron, not a compliment, just so you're aware.


I've seen your other posts that you've put elsewhere, you're constantly bad mouthing respectable members and then you wonder why they hate you. Then on top of that there is the whole savior attitude that I mentioned previously: "We saved Republic lowbies" "We killed the imps, SAVE THE IMPS!" Let me explain something: There is an expansion coming out, people are bored, they're rolling on other games, they're doing other aspects of the game.


Until the expansion comes out, there won't be much going on, that and it's lowbies/midbies, nobody cares, it fluctuates all over the place, reps dominate, imps dominate, they fight each other, players enter and leave, nobody cares. It's like how no one really cares that you finished Alderaan. lol You're there to level, learn to play your class and the WZ, then move on.


But then it isn't the midbies/lowbies that's the issue here, it's the way you present yourselves in general. I've never liked you guys since I first saw the forum posts you started. Had you never made a big deal and started insulting people. I never would have cared, no one would have cared, and don't look at that as a compliment, because it isn't. :p All you guys have succeeded in doing is make the community dislike you, "Oh but you guys have to be nice first." Well, people probably would've been willing to had you guys been nice at the start. But good luck with that now.


Either way, I could continue, but considering the amount of effect that the others have posted has done nothing. I don't see much point, you're left with 2 options:


1. Cool it and hush up, just play the game, drop the egos and join the rest of us and slowly over time try to regain your dignity as a guild, hell, maybe even get somewhere notable.


2. Keep doing what you're doing, become so disliked by the community that eventually most of your members will get tired of it and your guild will fall apart. Eventually leaving you to try and join another guild, being there for a short while if accepted into any, only to continually be smack talking and get kicked or leave. Only to leave the game or server.


That is my two cents, do what you want, either way it won't matter. Odds are you'll probably just keep doing this, go for it, idc, all you're doing is hurting yourself and your guild's reputation.


All that I get from this dude's posts is that he's super serious and super butt-hurt... Over what? Some words? Some trash talk(maybe)? C'mon dude it's a game, like have some fun.


How much time did you waste typing all that? And to prove what point? Are you so insecure that you gotta jump all over someone poking fun?


Poke fun back.:p :p :p :p

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I feel a need to address this dire situation. I began playing pub side when it was obvious that pubs were the losing team, and thoroughly outmanned.


As an imp, I found myself and fellow imps fighting each other. This was fun at times, because I got to kill some of those annoying ******s on my own team that I always wished were pubs...


This can also breed dissent amongst your own team as some people get really serious about losing and start hating you because you beat them too badly. I can attest to that as I got many hate tells from people angry that I killed them. As if they were not trying to kill me! But I digress...


So, I began playing pub side with a cool fellow, I had grown tired of constant facerolling pubs and fighting wargames of imp vs imps.


Me and this cool guy then created a guild which most of you are very aware of named <Anima> and we began hitting the larger, stronger team of imps head-on!


It was not long before we recruited other accomplished pvpers, and then we began dominating warzones whenever we entered them. It became apparent that after the creation of said guild <Anima> the number of imps to fight lessened, and oddly instead of fighting harder the players on imp side decided to just quit and play their pubs. We can call this the <Anima> effect, if you will.


My point in this post is to draw attention to a beginning problem on TEH server. I came from Bastion, and trust me, it actually does suck when one team is 5 times larger than the other, and one team is drastically worse than the other.


When fights are never competitive, that gets old fast. I see TEH server heading this way though, and so, I bring this to our communities attention in hopes that some of you ex-imp players go back to being Imps, and leave the pub team now.


I realize that <Anima> isn't the only one that is dominating Imps non-stop. But, we definitely have had a big impact on the culture of pub pvp strengthening it when it needed some support. Now it appears that TEH imps are heading in a direction where they need some support. Who is going to step up and help them?


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All that I get from this dude's posts is that he's super serious and super butt-hurt... Over what? Some words? Some trash talk(maybe)? C'mon dude it's a game, like have some fun.


How much time did you waste typing all that? And to prove what point? Are you so insecure that you gotta jump all over someone poking fun?


Poke fun back.:p :p :p :p


And, this is my thoughts on the people that actually get angry and are offended when I made the claim we saved pub pvp when we began our guild. Sure, we had matches where we dominated imps in lower tiers. We also lose. Who doesn't?


Point is many of my claims should be taken with a grain of salt as they were and are generally outlandish, silly, and preposterously ridiculous.


It's fun to compete in the warzones and I realize I take a lot of focus now because of what I have posted. It's really fine though, if that's what it takes to bring out the competitiveness in people, cool. I can handle that.


It's hard not to be amused by how serious people are though. And to claim I am a terrible member of the community, that makes me laugh too.


You who are offended seem to think that I have no relationships in the game with anyone, that when someone helps me I don't appreciate it, and as if I have never helped others with pvp strategies or whatever else in the game. All false too.


Judge as you will, it's fine. We all have different ideas about what the game means to us. This guy is right though. Instead of being angry, just poke fun back. It is not that serious.

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the JC forum is over that way. You're in the wrong place. Don't let the door hit your *** on the way out.


Which way? I didn't see an arrow?:confused:


<-------- this way?


That way?-------->


I can't seem to find it:mad:


I make love to JC forum all the time. That beech just doesn't turn me on like she used to.



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Which way? I didn't see an arrow?:confused:


<-------- this way?


That way?-------->


I can't seem to find it:mad:


I make love to JC forum all the time. That beech just doesn't turn me on like she used to.




Yeah, how dare you come into these serious forums of TEH and inject some common sense. Glad someone actually can read between lines and find some humor instead of anger in what I write. ;)

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Serious, what serious? Nothing serious to see here.


In fact, I'm pretty sure every post in this thread is about how people don't take <Anima> serious.


Also, I don't think Bastrus is butt-hurt or taking himself to serious. But he's right, we've seen this before.... If Chancelot keeps this up, his guild mates might get tired of the negative press which might result in the disband of the guild or simply re-naming the guild. It's never good for all of the members.


On the flip side, Chancelot's guild friends might not care that he's on the forums doing what he's doing. They might think it's funny and just don't care to come contribute. Or, they could be totally unawares of his antics. Or, they could be plotting to form a new guild without him when they all hit 55. Who knows?


That said, lay off of Bastrus. He has been around for a while and is a "pretty" cool guy from what I gather.


Keep your negative comments directed to me please, I need a reason to troll you! :D

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....That said, lay off of Bastrus. He has been around for a while and is a "pretty" cool guy from what I gather.


He isn't just a "pretty" cool guy. He is the epitome of awesomeness. You read his forum sig? It's clear as day.


I replaced my D movement key with G, so instead of WASD, I have SWAG.


There is no more I need to say.

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He isn't just a "pretty" cool guy. He is the epitome of awesomeness. You read his forum sig? It's clear as day.




There is no more I need to say.


He still takes this a bit serious, just like you do. Sorry to get all of your panties in a bunch over a little trash talk, talk that began in lowbies pvp which, supposedly no one cares about. If it was so insignificant, why such a strong reaction to my original posts? Ohhhh, that's right. Because people take losing way too seriously and somehow, my subtle trash talk was turned into something sinister and dark. When it never was, and never has been.


If you can't take a little ribbing with the competition you just look emotional and foolish. Chael Sonnen of MMA fame is an example of this. He taunted all of his opponents a lot more harshly than I ever did on these forums, but who came out looking silly and ridiculous? The ones who got red-faced and actually emotional over his silly words.


My guildies rarely come to the forums, and the ones that do are not angry about my posts, because they realize it's not serious and it's not hurting anything, except the egos of those created by little graphic avatars. These are the only people angry over my words. So to you, the emo angst-ridden young men of TEH, I salute you! And I will see you in the warzones. In lowbies where I can dominate you forever.







I am kidding, just kidding, I will be in ALL tiers. See you there!

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