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Whats better for a merc DPS pyro or arsenal


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There are a number of people that think you should know how to use both DPS specs well. They think that fight mechanics will tell you which spec is "better", and that what numbers you can put up on a dummy are hardly the final word in how a spec performs.


We call these people "right". Arguing anything else is rather silly. Learn both specs, buy Field Respec, and swap when necessary.

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However depending on the skill of the players you can and should use arsenal for pvp BUT pyro is way more mobile and rails shot hurts but so does heat seekers... Idk I love both specs.


uhhhh no, Pyro merc barely clings onto viability in PvP, Arsenal offers both more burst, better survivability, and more utility.

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For me discovery of Pyro spec after playing Always with Arsenal spec was amazing expierience :*

*now i can move and shoot

*i don't have to deliver directly the dps to kill anything i can apply DOTS hide and LOS and heal my self, so i don't have to face tank all my enemies i can play smart

*in PvE fighting lvl 55 standard/weak mobs is easier because you have 3 abilities that stun them Explosive Dart, Thermal Detonator, Unload if there is an 4th mob in a group it is for your companion to handle :p but most of the time itis enough to stun theeem for enough time to kill them all without taking much damage

*in PvP i like the mobility of Pyro and that sweet Thermal Detonator that killed many players even when i was dead. So again i like pyro because i don't have to deliiver the damage face to face too enemy to kill them

*if you have lucky crits which i tend to see in PvP, stacking incedntary + Explosive Dart + Thermal Detonator + Rail Shot + Unload (refresh Rail shoot)+Electronet+Rail shoot to be devastating for most occasions, and because some of the damage is delayed after applying usually when i Rail Shoot the thermal Detonator and Explosive Dart are explofing at the same time creating shock effect Boom 50-60% HP gone and there is unload comming with another Rail Shoot :p and don't forget the DoTs are ticking too

Edited by Nebdar
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Hyperbole or you don't know how to play Pyro?


I can play every single one of the Bounty Hunter specs. Arsenal is better for PvP, this isn't 1.7. There is nothing Pyro brings to the table that arsenal doesn't do better, except tab dotting.

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I can play every single one of the Bounty Hunter specs. Arsenal is better for PvP, this isn't 1.7. There is nothing Pyro brings to the table that arsenal doesn't do better, except tab dotting.

Hyperbole than.

How about the immensely higher sustained dps while still having respectable burst and better mobility?

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Merc Pyro doesn't have enough sustained to justify it. And mobility means nothing if you hit like a wet noodle.


Some teams take gunnery commandos for ranked 4s, but nobody takes pyro mercs for 4s, there is a reason for that.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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PVE - The spec you want to use depends on the boss and fight mechanics, but in general terms pyro will provide you with the most sustained damage on a single boss target and provides good mobility. Arsenal provides a better AOE damage and burst damage while being able to maintain good heat management. This would be your preferred spec for bosses with lots of adds.


PVP - Both will work and can put out good damage. i prefer arsenal for burst dmg and surviability. I like the ability to off heal and get back in the fight...all to often i find myself in a wz with no healers so having the ability to cast two instant heals is a big benefit to staying in the fight.

Edited by DawgTrainer
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Merc Pyro doesn't have enough sustained to justify it. And mobility means nothing if you hit like a wet noodle.


Just so you realise what BS you are talking here:

Pyro has 5.5% less sustained than the best spec in game, Madness Assassin, and Arsenal has 20.97% less sustained than Pyro (link).


Some teams take gunnery commandos for ranked 4s, but nobody takes pyro mercs for 4s, there is a reason for that.

Yes because there are soooooooo many Merc/Mando in ranked 4v4, and the thing about ranked that if a spec even a tiny bit better than the other than virtually nobody will play the worse spec.

But that doesn't mean it's useless, "hits like a wet noodle" or "barely clings onto viability".


But you are obviously biased for some reason (maybe Pyro touched you in the wrong place when you were a kid?) so I won't waste my breath.

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Just so you realise what BS you are talking here:

Pyro has 5.5% less sustained than the best spec in game, Madness Assassin, and Arsenal has 20.97% less sustained than Pyro (link).

its 20% less hitting a dummy. You can't push those numbers in PvP, because PvP uses Unload as priority for procing railshot due to not being interrupt vulnerable, whereas in PvE unload is never used to proc railshot because its a straight dps loss. Not to mention that pulling those numbers assumes that pyro is allowed to freecast powershot frequiently.


Compare that to arsenal which only has to get tracer off once to get both the heatseekers and the unload proc.



Yes because there are soooooooo many Merc/Mando in ranked 4v4, and the thing about ranked that if a spec even a tiny bit better than the other than virtually nobody will play the worse spec.

But that doesn't mean it's useless, "hits like a wet noodle" or "barely clings onto viability".

You literally just implied that arsenal is better than pyro.

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So sorry i havent posted in a while. I got my merc to lvl55 a while ago and i have been using arsenal because im fairly undergeared and i need as much survivability as possible and it is easier to use also im not a very skilled player and i like the burst damage but i liked pyro too so i think im gonna be switching back in forth. Working on a sniper right now. Nobody queing for Dread Palace DARNY DARN DARN i want the tuantuan lol:)
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However depending on the skill of the players you can and should use arsenal for pvp BUT pyro is way more mobile and rails shot hurts but so does heat seekers... Idk I love both specs.

i don't follow this at all. pyro does more dps in pve.

depending on the fight, i'll spec arsenal if i need to burst things and sustained dps is less important.


for pvp, pyro is better for arenas, and for warzones its a wash. i prefer the tech dmg to ranged dmg in arsenal to kill operative healers and upside burst.

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It's not a 20% difference, no, but remove that debuff from pyro and their parses fall to being within in range of arsenal with RNG being the deciding factor. Especially since the parse for merc on that thread you linked is not updated to 2.7.

if you're parsing higher in arsenal than pyro, you're not doing something right with your pyro rotation.


leaving the the 20% buff off the dummy, 10/10 times i will parse 300-800 higher with pyro.

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