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Dear BioWare: Females of the Species Do Exist


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A few days ago on Makeb I was spacebaring through dialogue and was horrified and shocked to notice that I chose a 'male on male' comment! My bounty hunter had 'flirted' with a sith, AND HE SEEMED TO LIKE IT!!!!


Now--does this mean that my bounty hunter is actually gay? Should I be concerned? Will he not fight as well now? These are major concerns I have. If anyone knows of a 'turn me straight' program I can sign my bounty hunter up for

please, for the love of keeping all things manly and straight, point me in the right direction!

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You know I was being sarcastic right? Anyone who feels that a video game (in game or on the forums) is a good place to debate their political/religious/ethical/moral beliefs, is either seeking attention or a moron.


I was aware. I was trying to complement your sarcasm with an additional heaping. Unsuccessfully apparently.

Edited by Nickious
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So I haven't read through all 23 pages (and counting), but I assume the OP was referring to this:



It does seem an odd choice to represent all 8 classes in that post with pictures of male characters--human ones at that, at least in the pictures where race can be determined. One of the great things about the game is that it gives you lots of choices in character creation, and I would guess that close to half of the player characters created are female characters (guys can like playing female characters, too!). Maybe they chose that art because they wanted them to look uniform? I think they would have been better served by trying to sell variety--variety in the stories, variety in character design--but they went a more boring route this time.


I've been a longtime BioWare fan because they're generally ahead of the rest in terms of fair gender representation. There is still room for improvement, but I think this particular issue is just a small blip and there are other things that are more worthy of 23+ pages of discussion--as was recognized by the OP after it ballooned to 10 pages. Well here's one more post to add to the pile. What can you do :rolleyes:

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The point of these armor concept arts is to display the armor. Varying the gender and race gives the artist more work to do which is not productive. The only reasons they'd want to vary the gender and race are:

1. Because the armor is different between the two genders. Most of these particular armor sets, though, do not significantly change when moved to the other gender.

2. This thread.

Edited by LilSaihah
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