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Petition: More Hooks for Guild Flagship!


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Not sure what you expected. There's isn't exactly unlimited number of different objects (not to mention prices/ease of obtaining) and considering that ships are "mutual" strongholds for large group of people, most guild go for universal faction-themed look. So Imp ships end up full of Emperor statues and red banners while Rep ships get Jedi/Greek republic decos. As for computers - we're talking ships. Sure you can claim the "guild decorator" position and go for a unique Noah's Ark idea. Will sure be original, but not very flagship-like as most of your guild members probably would like


I kindly disagree. There are lots of decorations out there that offer plenty of flagship related items. And every blue moon I even find a guild that's managed to decorate the various rooms differently but they then also have a few empty rooms as well because the hooks were needed in the rooms they decorated. I'm not sure what you expected but I will fully admit I didn't expect the bridge to look like the crew area and engineering area. If you'll read my comment I didn't request new decorations. There's a decent amount to start with now and no need to turn a flagship into a "Noah's Ark". I requested more hooks so that we could make the space look used and well . . . like an actual ship. It's not, as you mentioned, a problem with not having an "unlimited number of different objects" but instead the inability to use most of those objects in a room because you run out of hooks.


My guild's made a bridge, briefing room, med bay, crew lounge, guild leaders quarters, officers quarters, and now we're working on member quarters but I had to dismantle most of our bridge, all entrance rooms, and a lot of the unique touches we'd put in each room to give members that option.


Yes, there should be banners and computers but they shouldn't end up in only a few spots and with no chairs, monitors, storage units, tables or the like nearby just so you can place objects in other rooms. If the ships we visited while questing all looked like this we'd find them poorly designed and very unrealistic. I think anyone that's taken time to decorate their ship and/or visit other ships understands what I mean. Hopefully you understand me a bit better now as well. Regardless, take care and good luck to you in game.


Examples of Unique Rooms:

Crew Lounge Area

Briefing Room & Briefing Room CU

Med Bay & Med Bay CU

Guild Leader's Quarters

Edited by RaeAvenger
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I'm not sure what you expected but I will fully admit I didn't expect the bridge to look like the crew area and engineering area.


Yes, there should be banners and computers but they shouldn't end up in only a few spots and with no chairs, monitors, storage units, tables or the like nearby just so you can place objects in other rooms. If the ships we visited while questing all looked like this we'd find them poorly designed and very unrealistic.

How will ability to put more chairs in and computers make the same ships you visited suddenly unique? In the end it IS about the faction style and number of available objects to pick from. You posted pics from your own guild ships and while it certinately looks great and thought-out, some areas DO look very similar to our ship simply because of objects used.
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Okay let me try to explain this again:


The fact that some of your rooms look the same as the ones I posted is great, in my opinion anyways. Means someone in your guild took the time to fully decorate a room on your flagship. However you will NOT be able to do this to EVERY room in your flagship since you likely used more than the hooks given to you in that room. Thus leaving you less hooks to decorate another room.


Or breaking that down more. Lets say your guild opens up two new crew rooms and get 50 more hooks. In decorating crew room #1 the way your guild likes you use 40 hooks. This leaves you with only 10 hooks to decorate crew room #2 which is the same size and layout as the other. You're faced with the option to remove some from room #1 and make both looks sparse or leave room #1 looking awesome and leave room #2 empty. So this has nothing to do with my guild's flagship looking like your guild's flagship but instead your guild's room #1 looking exactly like your guild's rooms 2-10.


Allowing us more hooks means that the room #1 and room # 5 are unique to each other. Another guild also having a med bay isn't a problem. More hooks means you can add more to each room.


Hopefully that makes sense to you now.

Edited by RaeAvenger
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I've never even seen a flagship and I agree to this. The only reason I could see them not being able to do it is technical limitations. The more hooks they let us have, the more money that could fill their pockets. More hooks mean we need more decorations; needing more decorations mean we buy more decorations. Us buying decorations makes them money.
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So this has nothing to do with my guild's flagship looking like your guild's flagship but instead your guild's room #1 looking exactly like your guild's rooms 2-10.
I get you now, but I think you're approaching it from perspective that makes the issue impossible to fix. Even if you fill 2 Crew Rooms with 70 decorations each, you still won't cover every inch of the wall/floor to make them look completly different. All guild use the same ships with quite distinct architecture and lightining of their own even without any decorations. The rooms will to a certain degree look similar no matter what. We can't change wall color, default lightining etc Edited by Pietrastor
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yup, this is a definite must


We have 4 rooms in the crew deck including the hallway, 1 command room, officers deck and small pieces here and there to go and we have already used we have used 645/700.

I honestly dont see us being able to finish our guild ship with the amount of hooks given.


Another 100-200 more hooks are needed for people to fully decorate their guild ships imo.

The amount granted when you have unlocked everything is a joke and needs to be revised

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yup, this is a definite must


We have 4 rooms in the crew deck including the hallway, 1 command room, officers deck and small pieces here and there to go and we have already used we have used 645/700.

I honestly dont see us being able to finish our guild ship with the amount of hooks given.


Another 100-200 more hooks are needed for people to fully decorate their guild ships imo.

The amount granted when you have unlocked everything is a joke and needs to be revised

I think unlocking all expansions on any stronghold/ship should grant bonus 100 hooks minimum (that obviously wouldn't count towards completition). Sure would be an appropirate rewards for having entire houses/guild quarters unlocked, especially considering that even the cheapest ones on Coruscant/Dromud are investments of millions of credits to unlock in full.


That being said you must've posted wrong numbers for your ship since 645 used hooks would mean 13/15 exansions including all the biggest rooms :p

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  • 1 month later...
I agree, this is crazy we have only half decorated the flag ship bridge deck and already close to being full on hooks and we cant even decorate the 3 other rooms.. unlocking isnt going to help as that is just more empty space.
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More hooks please. We have an entirely empty room on our ship just to allow the proper decoration of others. And even then it's under-decorated. Considering, how expensive guild ship unlock is and how much work it is to unlock it for 100%, the decoration 'possibilities' are just cripplingly limiting!


Not just for guildships, but also for personal strongholds.


Call the hooks that give conquest bonus 'essenial hooks' or something like it and allow to use extra hooks only when you have 100% of 'essential' ones(if you are so inclined to restrict people!), or just add CC unlock (if you are feeling greedy),but increase it, for the love of everything. I have so much free space that I'm just unable to use because you decided to put a limit of 25 hooks for the room that has over a hundred of hooks.


I really don't get it. Hooks are there already, why cannot we use them all if we feel inclined to do so? Even if it's overcluttering, it is our place, so we should be able to do whatever we want with it.

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  • 1 month later...

As someone in a guild with a fully unlocked ship at 100% completion and having done a lot of the decorating, I definitely agree. At least a 100 more hooks would make it somewhat ok.


Furthermore, more ship oriented decorations please. Kind of puzzled as what to do with most of the command deck rooms without more variety in ship appropriate decorations, massassi cages and watertanks just don't work.


Lastly, more utility. A purpose for having certain decks unlocked. Target dummies, mission terminals, hangar deck serving as gateway to Operations, etc. Assumed this stuff was going to get added over time, but so far no hint of it whatsoever.

Edited by Ichikai
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For both the flagship and personal strongholds I now find myself in a position that every time a new pack launches with new decorations I have to go and look for something older to remove to show off the guilds latest acquisition.


Guild ships can easily use 200 hooks more. And speaking just for myself, I'm losing the incentive to buy packs for decorations, if I don't have hooks left to put them on, what would be the point right?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guild Flagships are great, we love decorating ours. But I have a serious gripe - we either have to have a bunch of basically completely empty rooms, or have everything mega spaced out because a limit of 700 hooks for something as massive as the flagship is lunacy.

I know the same can be said for Tatooine too - but these flagships are enormous with huge decorating potential, I don't think it sounds completely unreasonable to say a 700 limit is half of what it could, or should be.

Right now, we either have 6-7 rooms really well decorated (not cluttered at all) and the rest of the rooms empty, or all room decorations stupidly spread out and barren looking. There is a ludicrous amount of hooks to use too.

I think 1,400 hook limit would be ideal. Of course we could use more, but I don't feel we're asking too much to ask at least another 500-700 hooks for flagships, it isn't unreasonable if you really want us to take pride in our ships and spend the effort to them, cause right now it feels pointless cause of the way over the top restrictions.


Any comment from Bioware on this, please?


Don't you mean the items that can be placed instead of the hooks that the items go on?

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As a member of a Republic Navy Rp Guild, that has been based on the concept that we roleplay the crew of a Valour Class Cruiser for almost 3 years now, we find the addition of the Flagship - AMAZING - however we struggle with decoration numbers. Having to constantly limit ourselves to very little wall furnishings or lights.


Which is also another major problem with the Republic Flagship, Lighting, in some places its awful. The Hangars and forward half of the bridge being prime examples. This is only exacerbated when I have looked around an Imperial Flagship and found it to be amazingly well lit, throughout the ship.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seeing as they're already shown they're willing to increase the number of hooks in an existing stronghold, I really think the guild ship needs more as well. I mean this thing is MASSIVE compared to even Tatooine, and it's going to have less than a personal stronghold?


Increase the ship to 1000 and it will probably be perfect.

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