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Dyes and color matching on companions. Long past time we fixed this bug.


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All the conversations (predominantly aboard your starship) where the dyes and color matching on your companions is just flat out ignored by the game. This bug is now older than some players.


Don't you think it's high time we scratched it off the list?

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It's been this way since they introduced the dye system. If I remember correctly, it's been said that there's nothing they can do about it. Something about what a mess the coding is for the ships.


Nah its just too hard for them, like they can't just add a simple on/off for hoods, that's too hard as well even though the code for it already exists

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Since it happens in my stronghold too that's a big ol load of bologna... :(


Yeah, I don't use my stronghold for much besides dropping stuff on the gtn and quick travel, but I did notice this a couple of days ago when I used if for a companion conversation. So, no clue what causes it or why it hasn't been fixed. :confused:


Still, given how long it's been around I'm not hoping for a fix anytime soon... or ever, truthfully. :(

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It's been this way since they introduced the dye system. If I remember correctly, it's been said that there's nothing they can do about it. Something about what a mess the coding is for the ships.


Perfect time to scrap ship coding, then, and start from the ground up. This time around, let's make the interior and companion placement work something like Strongholds. It's our ship, after all, we should be able to decorate it as we see fit.

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