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1-55 in 10 hours, spent only 69k credts.


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How did your progression deviate from a standard story mode run? Anything other than skip planets when possible (Tatooine and one more?) and going to Makeb at 47?

Do nothing but class quests. Just go from one class mission straight to the next. As soon as you ding 47, return to your ship to get the Makeb quest, then go there and blitz to 55.


With a generic XP boost and 12x, I have been hitting 47 after the second or third class mission on Voss. I hit 55 on Makeb after the next to last planet story line mission. At that point I move on to the next toon. I'll circle back and do the last Makeb mission and finish Chapter 3 later on after Dec 1 or when I run out of alts to level.


I solved the gear problem by using some of those GSF legacy bound armor sets to make up some leveling gear to cover every alt and companion. For each main stat, I have sets for levels 13, 29, 41, and 53.


The level 13 and 29 sets are filled with purple mods ripped from the shells that they sell on the CM. You could use blue mods just as well, or craft purples yourself. Low level stuff has been a bit scarce on the GTN since 12x XP got really rolling, so I just went the CM route. Those sets aren't super cheap if you spend the CC for them, but you only need to buy them once for each main stat.


The level 41 and 53 sets are filled with plain blue mods. I bought all the stuff off the GTN for the level 53 sets because at that level everything is cheap and abundant. For the level 41 sets I bought the armorings off the GTN, and got all the mods and enhancements using planetary comms I had saved on my new alts. If you take only the planetary comms for every class mission, you'll have a lot by the time you hit 41, like 50+ probably.


The level 53 set isn't actually needed, unless you want to circle back at the end to do a couple more missions in order to complete the conversations on all of your companions. I wanted to do this to pick up the last few presence bonuses that I had not unlocked. You could try to use your level 41 gear to do the last few class missions since you're way overleveled for them anyway, but your armor rating (damage reduction) will be terribad if you're wearing level 41 gear at level 55, due to the way the stats curves work above level 50.


Once you run through enough alts to get your sets made up for each main stat, you only have to buy stuff for your weapons after that on the rest (assuming you don't have a a couple of dozen legacy bound weapons to set up for leveling as well). That's not too expensive, or you can cover barrels / hilts and the mods for them with planet comms alone after your first couple of alts.


As long as you have blue / purple sets available at these level points or around them, you should be set all the way from 1 to 47. Once you hit 47, the Makeb bolster makes further gear upgrades unnecessary.


If you have not gotten the presence unlocks for all classes, definitely do it, because it makes the low levels trivial once you have a few classes worth and the Human species bonus.


If you do want to complete your companion conversations for the presence bonus, here is the cheapest route. It'll kill your finger clicking, but it saves time hunting and paying far too high prices on the GTN.



  1. Buy the companion gift and conversation affection bonuses from the Legacy window for your character.
  2. Go to the companion gifts vendor on fleet and give one of each Rank 1 gift type to figure out which is the favorite for your current companion.
  3. Buy 99 of the gift that gives the highest affection (+125 with the bonus, with most companions, starting from zero) and give them all. The gain will eventually slow down to +25, but just keep going. Note that you could use Rank 2 gifts after 4,000 affection, but the minimum affection gain from three Rank 1 gifts is more than from a single Rank 2 gift, and the cost is the same for 3x Rank 1 as it is for 1x Rank 2, so it's cheaper to stick with Rank 1 gifts until the gain hits zero (it's more clicks, but not that much more).
  4. When you run out, you should be around 5,000+ affection. Buy ~20 more Rank 1 gifts, however many are needed, to get to 6,000 affection. At 6,000 affection the gain will hit 0.
  5. Buy 80 Rank 2 gifts, which should be enough to get you to 8,000. Note that you may have to buy a few gifts more for companions that don't have a "favorite" gift category that gives +125 affection at the start.
  6. Lather, rinse, repeat, for all five companions, until you are at 8,000 affection on all of them.
  7. Go to your ship and do all of the conversations for all companions. This may get you to 10k with some of them, depending on your choices. If not, buy a few blue Rank 5 gifts of your companion's favorite or second favorite type off the GTN to finish them up.


For one companion you also will have to do one or two short story line quests to get them to finish their conversations with you. For the other four, they should complete without having to do any actual quests.


For a handful of companions like Mako, the companion story line won't complete until a certain point in the middle of Chapter 3. If a companion is at 10k and seems stuck, and won't talk to you any more, but you haven't gotten the legacy unlock, just do a class mission or two until they want to talk again, and then they should finish.


Once you complete all conversations with all five companions, you'll have a +50 bonus to presence (+10 for each companion), permanently, for each base class that you do this on.


If you get all the class unlocks and the Human species bonus, you will have 500+ presence at level 1, which makes your companion an absolute monster at low levels. I usually summon HK-51 at level 1 on my new alts, strip off all his gear, and give him an empty orange sniper rifle from my collection. When I had around 400 presence baseline, he would solo anything on the starter planets this way, including packs of HEROIC mobs, while I stood and watched.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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I never understand how people do this stuff. Even removing the time I gathered/crafted/fleet I wouldn't be close to 8-10 hours. I think it took me 24ish hours to go 1-55 and that felt pretty fast. Really the travel times are what kill it for me. Even utilizing things like 10m quick travel, stronghold for quick jumps to fleet/ship, and intentionally dying in some areas I still can't get around fast enough to do that.


Same theres gotta be something I missing, over 10 hours and not even at level 47 yet .

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Took me about 14-16 hours with the Jedi Knight Story, just that story no Makeb. May have messed around a bit so maybe closer to 12-14. That is with listening to every conversation and not skipping any. I bought gear around 20, 30, 40 and 45 or so. Pretty sure I spent more towards 100k. I'm doing bounty hunter now and using the pilot gear with mods after grinding heroics. I'm 37 with that one buying mods at 21,31, and plan on 41.


I found it pretty tough with the Sentinel once I hit the high 30s/low 40s, maybe more annoying than tough. I was about a level or two behind the class quest but it was being a level behind everything else that was annoying. Always seemed to grab random mobs and do a lot of fighting on the later planets. I died a bunch, almost every gold with an add would kill me. My companions were geared ok, just found it tough. I felt the last mission was about the easiest compared to everything else from 40-47. Finished the main class story at 47.


Anxious to see how the rest goes from high 30s on. So far Bounty Hunter has been really easy up to where I am now at 37. Not sure where to get gear besides GTN. Buying gear for my Knight on GTN was pretty easy but finding any gear for my BH DPS has been tough. So I went the commendation way. Which is also kind of annoying. Maybe there is a better way to get gear? I never liked professions so never messed with them. I'm a founder but rarely play and decided to come back just to do the class missions I hadn't done(all but Smuggler) and found I have to grind a little with my high level just to be able to level an alt. Really wish they would have found a way to provide gear through the story so I wouldn't have to do that.

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Took me about 14-16 hours with the Jedi Knight Story, just that story no Makeb. May have messed around a bit so maybe closer to 12-14. That is with listening to every conversation and not skipping any.




Could you please give me a guildline as to what you did? I'm playing imperial agent, level 49. It took me 53 hours, without messing around. I tried to do as quickly as possible, avoiding combats, using quick time travel and fleet pass, trying not to return to fleet as often, skipping all bonus quests on main, doing nothing else but speedrunning class missions.


I don't understand. There are at least 60 main class missions. Each mission requires you to travel to various points on map using a speeder, and you inevitably have to fight some enemies, which means each quest could eat up 20~30 minutes of time traveling + fighting + backtracking and possibly an hour if by listening to dialogues. How could anybody do it so quickly without skpping, and even if you skip I can't still fathom how that's possible. Do your speeders move at 300% speed or something?


Why am I taking so much longer compared to you guys.. :confused: I'm raising self-sufficient toon but I don't have much difficulties in battle and I'm avoiding fight where possibel.

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Could you please give me a guildline as to what you did? I'm playing imperial agent, level 49. It took me 53 hours, without messing around. I tried to do as quickly as possible, avoiding combats, using quick time travel and fleet pass, trying not to return to fleet as often, skipping all bonus quests on main, doing nothing else but speedrunning class missions.


I don't understand. There are at least 60 main class missions. Each mission requires you to travel to various points on map using a speeder, and you inevitably have to fight some enemies, which means each quest could eat up 20~30 minutes of time traveling + fighting + backtracking and possibly an hour if by listening to dialogues. How could anybody do it so quickly without skpping, and even if you skip I can't still fathom how that's possible. Do your speeders move at 300% speed or something?


Why am I taking so much longer compared to you guys.. :confused: I'm raising self-sufficient toon but I don't have much difficulties in battle and I'm avoiding fight where possibel.


Almost same here guys, how do you do that, the time to travel to location to do the main class with the regular speed speeders taking so long everytime, using all CD for coming back as fast as possible to validate quests and so on. Using XP boost+25% all time, dying intentionnally in some dungeon to reach the Elite boss to kill asap.


I could have saved by skipping some cutscenes but i didnt watch a lot, I lost just a bit of time at the fleet to gear myself and in some travels where I lost myself and taking a bit time to find the way to the next class quest.


I can't believe you reached 9h level 47 to go Maked and 1h level 55, just the time to reach the quests guys takes much more ! I don't understand.


Result Sorcerer level 55 in 32 hours I could have make it in max 24 by rushing like hell, never dying, back to the fleet just when necessary and doing things with 100% efficiency but 10h... don't get it.

And I'm a founder I know the game quite good...

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Could you please give me a guildline as to what you did? I'm playing imperial agent, level 49. It took me 53 hours, without messing around. I tried to do as quickly as possible, avoiding combats, using quick time travel and fleet pass, trying not to return to fleet as often, skipping all bonus quests on main, doing nothing else but speedrunning class missions.

One thing it sounds like you might be doing is playing all the way to the end of Chapter 3. It is faster by far to head to Makeb as soon as you hit level 47 and finish up there, if you just want to get to 55 in the shortest time.


Because you get 12x XP for the Makeb planet story line, you can get from 47 to 55 in under an hour there if you push it. And thanks to the bolster you do not need to worry about gear at all from 47 on to the end. Makeb also gives you five to seven pieces of decent level 51 to 53 green gear, so you'll be well equipped (and way overleveled as a bonus) if you want to circle back and finish Chapter 3 later.


On the two characters I have done under 12x so far, I hit level 47 after the second or third class mission on Voss, using just the generic XP boosts that the class missions give you, with no guild bonus, and doing nothing but going from one class mission to the next. I went from 47-55 in less than two hours after that, and I hit the level cap at the end of the next to last Makeb story line mission both times.


So as soon as you are level 47, drop what you're doing, go to your ship, get the Makeb quest from the holoterminal, and then head there. You can pick up the bolster from the GSI terminal that is near the shuttles on the orbital station (also available from GSI terminals at any taxi stand on the planet). The bolster levels all your gear up to 156 rating (Basic quality), so you can breeze through the entire story line with whatever you're wearing.


Travel time does become probably 50-80% of your /played time by Alderaan, I would say. But I've hit around 20-25 hours anyway even when watching (mostly) all the cutscenes.


I have the Kortub Alliance (refer a friend) speeder, so at level 10 I just buy Speeder I from the legacy window and then I have a 110% speeder from there on out. It's the only speeder in the game that I know of that works like this (i.e., it's a Rank III speeder that requires only Rank I skill). But the little extra speed from it doesn't make a whole lot of difference (the extra knockoff protection, however, is very useful for running through packs of mobs to your mission point when necessary). Having any speeder at level 10 is sort of a big deal, but all subs will have that.


Besides the level 10 speeder, I always buy the unlock for Personal Starship Quick Travel on each new character, and I have the Quick Travel and Starship QT legacy perks maxed out so that QT is pretty much always available when I finish each mission, and the Starship QT is always ready at the end of each planet.


Keep in mind that if you don't have starship quick travel, or if it is on cooldown, you can just travel to stronghold and exit to your ship. The same goes for the rare occasions you need to visit fleet, if your fleet pass is on CD; travel to stronghold and exit to fleet for a free pass back with no cooldown.


If you haven't done it yet, you may want to think about setting up your own personal "mission hub" right at the entrance to your stronghold, with all the facilities like GTN, mail, banks, and repair droids within arms reach, right by the taxi speeder at the entrance.


Example: http://imgur.com/a/NgE3G


If you need to grab some gear or make repairs, you can save a lot of time by just popping to the stronghold and using the return to planet exit option, because that will put you back at the exact spot on the planet where you quick traveled from. Unless you need to see a quest giver in order to complete a mission, this will always be quicker that going back to a regular mission hub on the planet.


When it comes to the larger planets like Alderaan, I always run ahead to whatever is the next taxi station on the route just after my class mission, and I unlock the quick travel point and taxi stand there, before I go and do the class instance. That way when I finish the mission I can quick travel back to the quest giver (who often is all the way back in the arrival zone or capital city hub), and when I get the next mission I can taxi straight out to an outpost that puts me much closer to the next class mission than I otherwise would be.


You also may have to go out of your way to unlock a station that is in the middle of some routes, like the King's Pass taxi stand on Alderaan. The extra time spent doing this is worth it for the time saved on return trips, on those planets that run you back and forth constantly.


Another thing that I do is go into preferences and turn on subtitles for the cutscenes. This will let you see on the screen the full text of what an NPC is going to say as soon as they start speaking. So if you want to get "the full story," you can read the text and then hit spacebar and skip the voice over, if you like. (This feature also is golden if you ever have to play with sound off, as I often do.)


I usually watch most of the scene anyway, and I'll watch all of it if it's something I care about like getting a new companion. But if I don't care that much about the scene, I might spacebar 80% of it just reading the text so that I know what is happening.


One other thing you didn't mention but that can eat up a lot of time is regearing. Try to do it as seldom as possible, no more than once every 8 levels as a minimum, and every 12-16 levels would be better. I have posted elsewhere on how to manage this. If you make up a few decent legacy bound armor sets for each main stat at strategic level points like 13, 29, and 41, you can reduce your re-gearing time to almost nothing and just grab the next set in order from your legacy bank when you reach the level for it.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Perhaps they will L2P from this.


It is true though, also proper comp usage. I won't use Jaesa on my Mara, makes no sense for example. It's also what makes Treek too OP, since she is tank and heals, completely ruins your comp bonding, but no one cares about that with the 12x.

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For those wondering how to go fast - some tips and tricks...


Avoid unnecessary combat. Seriously, if you want to go fast - don't fight everything in front of you. Try to go around, beside, stealth, run through, etc.


I've even done things like run through a set of hallways filled with endless trash (House Rist Empire) popping cool-downs, stuns, knock-backs, sacrificing companion and eventually dying (then rezzing) at the entrance to the story area in an effort to go faster.


Abuse travel perks - unlock everything you can afford, from Fleet Pass to QT to travel perks for your starship and homeworld.


Use them creatively - like when you end a story boss fight three maps over on a large planet like Hoth and the next task is 'Use your ships holoterminal', use Fleet Pass then your hanger to get back to your ship as quick as possible or use the starship perk if you have it unlocked and off cool down.


Swap characters or take a break if you get somewhere across the map and QT is on cooldown and the next task is to return to base. Why waste five minutes traveling when you can check your GTN sales on another character or take a quick break, come back and QT right where you need to go.


Use Heroic Moment on cooldown. If you have Heroic Moment abilities unlocked, use them. This is great to use on story bosses and lets you kill them in seconds with minimal effort.


Use the mailbox and alts for getting gear and dealing with inventory. Don't go back to Fleet for things you can mail from an alt already at Fleet, nor to sale items or store items - use the mailbox.


Use your stronghold and stronghold travel. You can travel from any spot in the world to your stronghold, use your storage and personal GTN, repair, vendor and anything else, then Exit Area ' Return to Previous Location' right back to where you were on the story planet.

Edited by DawnAskham
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It is true though, also proper comp usage. I won't use Jaesa on my Mara, makes no sense for example. It's also what makes Treek too OP, since she is tank and heals, completely ruins your comp bonding, but no one cares about that with the 12x.


This is subjective and depends on how well you can play along with your play style. I found using Jaesa to be very easy on a Mara as it lets me kill stuff very fast.


My personal approach with 12X XP however has been to simply use whoever I last acquired such that they have the best gear. No more worrying about 'is my companion's gear up to speed'.


Both do take being able to adjust your play style and being able to do things like roll cool downs and such to survive, along with letting your companions take most of the brunt of damage as healing them up is as simple as mounting or dismiss / summon.

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Use Heroic Moment on cooldown. If you have Heroic Moment abilities unlocked, use them. This is great to use on story bosses and lets you kill them in seconds with minimal effort.

Heroic Moment + Unity FTW. Got me through a ton of "hard fights" with hilariously bad gear.

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This is subjective and depends on how well you can play along with your play style. I found using Jaesa to be very easy on a Mara as it lets me kill stuff very fast.

DPS / DPS setups can work very well, and are by far the fastest way to blitz through most instances, as long as you know what you're doing, like playing fast and aggressive, and don't need to always be pegged at 90% HP to feel safe.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been consistently leveling from 1-55 in 14-15 hours:


- Create the toon and immediately go to my stronghold. Equip a 3 hour 1.5x Major XP Boost from my Legacy Storage.

(12.32x + 1.5x + 0.05x), put Improved Rocket Boost II (30 second cool down) on keybind (mine is F2).

- Unlock titles and mounts that are mailed to new toons which almost completes level 1 for you.

- Level to 10. Get Treek and set her to heal, Advanced Class (spec as DPS for leveling) and mount (if you can't unlock with cartel coins, switch to a toon with at least 45K

- At levels 19, 29 and 39, return to Stronghold for BtL gear. Unless you also have BtL main-hand and off-hand from the last Gree Event, take an additional 5-10 minutes to use acquired planetary commendations to upgrade hilt(s)/barrel(s), armoring, mod, enhancements for main-hand and off-hand. Switch toons if necessary (previously leveled 55 in my case).

- At level 47 (Belsavis or first/second turn-in on Voss), travel to Makeb, use GSI terminal on the Orbital Station for bolster.

- At level 55, take a screenshot of total time played (/played in chat with System Feedback enabled) and 55 achievement on the screen. Leave spec as DPS or re-spec as Tank or Heals depending on your preference.


Spam space bar and 1 (you can always use crew skill missions to change your Light/Dark alignment).

Use Quick Travel, return to Stronghold and taxi exits for previous location, fleet and starship when needed.

Travel ahead to unlock taxi and QT points on map in order to QT back for turn ins (Alderann, Hoth, Balmorra, Belsavis).


I think that covers everything.

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Class quest only 1-47 then makeb main story only 47-55 didn't skip any planets at all. I wouldnt ay its got better as such just more efficient class storys I'm on a pretty bog standard laptop so load times are quite lengthy for me the knight story is load screen hell with lots of to your ship, to this ship, to tython etc the addition of sneak on shadow and scoundrel has helped a lot as well.


Screen load times, AND time spent inside the class story cinematics DO NOT add to character /played time. They only add to your keyboard time in front of your computer.

/Agree. Stealth classes can do 2-4 hours faster simply because they do not have to engage in NPC combat to get past trash on the way to the next step in story progression. Also, ranged dps classes, such as Commandos, are faster then some melee classes.

Edited by Andryah
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Pics or it didn't happen. :p


Agreed. They always claim some ridiculous number, but never back it up with any proof. Then, to top it all of, you get a whole train of others claiming the same nonsense.


Let's see a video of you reach level fifty-five from level one within ten hours. Until then, you're a liar and whatever you say is cowpies.

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I've been consistently leveling from 1-55 in 14-15 hours:


- Create the toon and immediately go to my stronghold. Equip a 3 hour 1.5x Major XP Boost from my Legacy Storage.

(12.32x + 1.5x + 0.05x), put Improved Rocket Boost II (30 second cool down) on keybind (mine is F2).

- Unlock titles and mounts that are mailed to new toons which almost completes level 1 for you.

- Level to 10. Get Treek and set her to heal, Advanced Class (spec as DPS for leveling) and mount (if you can't unlock with cartel coins, switch to a toon with at least 45K

- At levels 19, 29 and 39, return to Stronghold for BtL gear. Unless you also have BtL main-hand and off-hand from the last Gree Event, take an additional 5-10 minutes to use acquired planetary commendations to upgrade hilt(s)/barrel(s), armoring, mod, enhancements for main-hand and off-hand. Switch toons if necessary (previously leveled 55 in my case).

- At level 47 (Belsavis or first/second turn-in on Voss), travel to Makeb, use GSI terminal on the Orbital Station for bolster.

- At level 55, take a screenshot of total time played (/played in chat with System Feedback enabled) and 55 achievement on the screen. Leave spec as DPS or re-spec as Tank or Heals depending on your preference.


Spam space bar and 1 (you can always use crew skill missions to change your Light/Dark alignment).

Use Quick Travel, return to Stronghold and taxi exits for previous location, fleet and starship when needed.

Travel ahead to unlock taxi and QT points on map in order to QT back for turn ins (Alderann, Hoth, Balmorra, Belsavis).


I think that covers everything.


Damn... Mindless actions. That's why i cant level one more alt, can't stand it anymore.


Just let me buy level-up boost to 50-55 in the shop like in WoW (insta 90, current level cap is 100). Fast money for Bioware! :)

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I rerolled on an entire new server, and without all my presence bonuses combat was tough again. I stripped Treeks extra set of gear of the mods as baseline equipment, and used some collection armor shells to insert them in. It was a good startin point at 10, and I'm doing great. I'm level 45 now, almost to makeb, and haven't spent a single credit on anything except repair, travel, and the 4k for DK and Coruscant SH.


I did a few WZs for the 20 implants and ear, and the Maelstrom/ Taral V (insert Foundry/ Boarding Party) quest and story arc, which REALLY helped supliment my gear. That got me through the tough battles, now I just have Belsavis to do then home free to Makeb.


Conclusion: combat wasn't THAT bad as a completely new toon with no legacy unlocks or presence. I didn't even use Treek past level 20. The toughest parts were Darth Angrals ship and the Emperors space station.

Edited by wiredgutter
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I started a new Guardian, bought green gear for me and my companion at lvl 23, than again at lvl 42. Spent total 69k in green gear.

Lvl 47 I went to Makeb, bolster is beaultiful.


So, those complaining about gear problem.. I don't see it if know how to use defensive cooldowns mixed to medpac, avoiding damage, pack of mobs, etc etc.


Was this Your first toon here or was it number x on Your account, this playes a MAJOR role....if you know the game, the classes it is quite easy to to og relatively "low" on gir all to lvl 55.......

On a New toon, first time around....NO!

So yes until you learn the game and classes well enough gir is EVERYTHING, as soon as you know "enough" gir is actually less important and tactics in solo pve becomes much more important


But I doubt this was first time ever..........on swtor With any toon......so Yeah...doable for the experienced player....not for any starters.......for that my advice is og slow...anf gir up as good you can, then if you want to do it "quick" do so at a later point With another toon........:)

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Ok, this may be a dumb question... A bit of background first...


I've been playing the game since beta weekends. The only class I've played is BH before the 12X XP. i've had no desire to have another class. With the 12X XP, I start other classes. I'm the type to enjoy the story 1st MAYBE 2nd time around. Thus far I have 3 BH (2 Mercs, 1 PT) (Don't ask, long story...) I watch the cutscenes and enjoy the story.


This 1-55 in 10 hours, is everyone just bypassing the cutscenes? it takes me considerably longer to level a character. Possibly 48-72 hours or so.


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This 1-55 in 10 hours, is everyone just bypassing the cutscenes? it takes me considerably longer to level a character. Possibly 48-72 hours or so.



Two weeks for my new alt. I tried to enjoy same story for the second time, but after 48 I just flew to Makeb and got 55 in 3 hours. Burnout maybe, not sure... :p

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