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Sentinel/Marauder or Juggernaut/Guardian?


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I uploaded the same thread on Juggernaut/Guardian forum; I would like to hear from perspectives of Sentinel/Marauder players as well.





Hi, I'm getting back to the game with 12* experience boost event for the time in 1 year.


I used to have a marauder as my main toon. I got the best gear in the game(it was hero set, I think?) and annihilation spec back then was absolutely overpowered; I used to massacre opponents without getting killed once, and I remember winning 4v1 once. I thought marauder nerf was incoming but it didn't take place for months, so I enjoyed the nice run until I stopped playing with a forced server transfer that moved my character to US east where I had 10 times larger lags than in US west and suddenly PvP became unplayable.... I got furious and deleted my characters.


However, the balance presumably must have changed much since then if Bioware's not been sleeping. I've done some research but couldn't find one addressing this topic on the newest patch. I want to know your opinions on which of these two is better class overall to PUG in PvP at max level. Thanks in advance!

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What information do we we have about 3.0 for the Marauder ?

Im not trolling, i just dont have read anything about it.


Nothing official enough to talk about. I'm sure they will do something similar to what they did with the sorc at some point in November/early December.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a question I battle every day.


Here's a scenario:


- I log on my Jugg do some wz. Hmm that force cloak looks awesome! and uhm...twin sabre throw, geez talk about cool spell. and the burst omg the carnage burst.


- I'll relog to my mara. I attack some guy in pvp, ops rooted, stunned, knock back. I cant push to charge again, I am not immune to CC's anymore and no taunts! I still havent figured out what to bind on my taunt keys cause I subconsionsly press them every 15sec or so.


- Relog to jugg. Hmm.. that force cloak sure looks nice...

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I have both. A Sentinel, plus a Guardian and Juggernaut. Based on that alone, you probably can figure out which I prefer.


Sentinel for me was fun to level because of the power early on (specially in Combat or Focus specs; Watchmen take a much higher level to get good). It was my first character I started, but after I started a Commando, it sat for about 3 month before I got to it at level 30. By the time I got back to my Sentinel, and had leveled a Guardian and Vanguard to 55 and geared the Guardian quite well.


Guardian DPS is much more simple. Vigilance is a very fun and powerful spec that has an easy to level rotation and great defenses as well. Only Sent spec that matches it ease of play wise is Watchmen (My Sentinel has never been played as Focus).


Sentinel game play is very different in every spec. Vastly different rotations and procs/stacks to manage. If you are into a challenge, Sentinel or Marauder is your class. Don't get me wrong, Sentinel is worth it to play, and its damage is top of the class. Personally I just dont like to have to watch my buff bar constantly or depend on stacks of Zen to have maximum effect.

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Mara needs the back-up far more than the Guardian. Also, having to watch the buff bars on a Mara goes against being a mobile, predatory spec. You also have to know every other class more so than rDPS, because you have to defend yourself in the thick of things against multiple opponents with your many CDs in just the right way or you dead v. fast, and you have to quickly trigger gazillion of your abilities just right while watching the bars and moving.... you gotta be v. good. Edited by DomiSotto
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PVP: Juggian for vigilance or defence. Their defensive CDs are very good in PVP. A maraudinel can do a ******** of damage, but is easily shut down and CCd to death without a pocket healer. If you can play in a premade, they can be devastating, if you solo pug, you're gonna have a rougher time.


PVE: Juggian tank is very capable (some say the best, I wouldn't know, haven't played them all), and top end DPS is less than watchman/annihilation and combat/carnage but not by a staggering amount (its 10% or so). Vig/veng has a decent compromise between single target damage, AOE (as smash is free, you can get it in your rotation easily) and target switching (it uses bladestorm in particular as a standard part of its rotation).


Maraudinel has higher DPS potential, for PVE very good defensive CDs; watchman allows outstanding single target DPS and combat allows great damage against a single target or a few stronger ones. I tend to find watchman the best warrior/knight PVE spec, as the hardest fights are those with high boss uptime, which watchman excels at.


That said, neither maraudinel spec is what you would call easy (combat is one of the hardest in the game, maybe the hardest, and watchman is medium-ish as you have to go through several phases in your rotation as it ramps up. Vigilance/vengeance however is a total piece of piss to play, but correspondingly dull (imo)

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