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12XP on Class story is glorious


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Even though I love the idea of the 12x experience boost we have, this is a bit of a double-edge sword comment here but I think you will agree with this.


Basically on one side we are blitzing through the levelling and end up levels above the existing content making yourself powerful and easier to kill stuff is great and all. Except you get to the point that we are needing the comms for our gear and sometimes perhaps a decent amount of credits is needed as well. I have to admit levelling a character from 1 - 55 in a matter of 3 days is definitely showing to me that can be done and not a problem there but what I would have like to see is the comms and credits would be at least quadrupled while completing each class mission.


Even though it may seem good and all, when players reach level 55 its a double edge sword again when it comes to trying to complete dailies for Oricon - unless you have a 55 with plenty of comms and legacy gear that would accommodate this but what about the Free to Play players? or First timers? I think its a bit unbalanced don't you?


Anyways if there is some kind of reward for powerleveling to 55, should there be a reward for a full set of basic gear for example? Or a reward of some extent? Thoughts?

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I loved playing through Empire/Republic side missions and planetary quests the first time round but after a few alts it does start to get a bit stale.


This buff has made me want to level those alts once again! Loving the fact I can literally just go in and follow the storyline of a class now, hope it becomes some sort of Legacy Perk.

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I have to admit I do love this buff.


I have been around this game since headstart (beta doesn't count) but never got a class to max level.


I admit I only play for a few weeks here and there. I don't tend to stick around long because I get bored. I love the class stories, I love the companions little conversations but the planet quests are just more of what i've seen in ever single mmo i've ever played and it bores me.


Now I get to see the class stories and cut out all the stuff I don't like and as such I got my first max level character just this morning. My Sage is now 55.


I do have a level 54 Sniper I did when Makeb first came out but never hit that last level. So I have come close before. Highest I got before that was 44.

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I am also loving it!


Only had a chance to play for about 4 hours this weekend, but managed to get my Commando from level 34 to level 43, and close out Chapter 2. This is a huge deal for me as this granted the last class buff i needed to get all 4 buffs and not rely on guildies.


I've had 4 lvl 55 toons for a while, but seem to only have enough time during the week to enjoy the occasional RAID. No time for leveling alts. My poor alts have been sitting idle waiting for 2xp weekends as they roll around, but now with the remaining 7 weeks I hope to get BH, Consular, & Guardian complete!

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Finishing up my last of the 12 toons.

Thinking about a few more AC I want to try like Sorc and Blaster Corps(wo)man. If fact I may try them on a different server because God knows if you have a toon with Biochem and another with Cybertech you don't need any other alts crafting your gear.


Please Keep!! At least if you have XX toons at 55 or unlocked if <class> finished story line.

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I also love it to bits. I kind of wish it would never leave, but it does mean I have been skipping almost every other quest, which is a shame. It's just nice to have a coherent run through my story without losing consistency by doing hundreds of other quests over the same time frame.
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I tried it out with a new alt and I have to say it's not for me.


The positive side was experiencing the story in a coherent manner, where otherwise there would be more than a month of RL time inbetween the start and end of the story.


But overall leveling up this way left me with somewhat of a shallow feeling. It doesn't feel like my character actually took part in a large part of the galaxy spanning conflicts and for that I feel less connected to my character now.


Also gearing was a constant pain. Where I would normally upgrade with crafted armor and mods from planetary comms I now upgraded only every 8-10 levels and was effectively undergeared from time to time. I know I could theoretically have used greens or blues from the GTN, but I'm way too concerned about my character's look for that and use custom armor as soon as possible.


I've now started to level another alt the old fashioned way even if it means a few greyed out quests from time to time, and it feels right and satisfying again.

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