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Red Mist Plays GSF: Two Player Perspective Scout/Gunship


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Poobakka and Raging-Rondo from Circle of Enmity's Red Mist Fighter Wing group based out of the Bastion Server fly in a 2 person perspective Compilation of a Match we had won earlier in the day. This is my first attempt at doing this with much more to come from 2-8 man perspective's.


Raging-Rondo: G-52 Demolisher

Poobakka: IL-5 Ocula

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So checked out the video, I found the music sound a little high, but the voices and game sounds were perfect.

Great idea with the two different views, very cool.


I have a ton of constructive feedback if that's what you guys were looking for with this, but I won't say anything till you let me know if you want it. ^^


I'd love to see more of these as both a teaching tool to help you guys grow, or even just as entertainment if that isn't what you were looking for.


Good job and keep em coming. :)


Edit: Checked out the rest of your youtube channel, we need to have a serious talk about your ship/builds. You are really really hurting yourself for no reason. Let me know if you wanna have it here or in vent or something.

Edited by Drakkolich
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Yeah not really looking for feedback if that's okay I this is a vlog to show my growth and the growth of my group as a whole. I appreciate it but I am a theorycrafter in nature and I will be growing as a whole and responding to my own mistakes.


*Edit* Bettyknight is also helping with the growth as well and that is why I think for now we will keep the growth internal but I do as I said appreciate the sentiment.

Edited by scotchh
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Yeah not really looking for feedback if that's okay I this is a vlog to show my growth and the growth of my group as a whole. I appreciate it but I am a theorycrafter in nature and I will be growing as a whole and responding to my own mistakes.


*Edit* Bettyknight is also helping with the growth as well and that is why I think for now we will keep the growth internal but I do as I said appreciate the sentiment.


Alright np, but I'm going to have to tear apart your gunship build, just to make sure no one thinks it's a guide to a correct build. I'd love to talk to you about it first, there are many things in your video that are just knowledge issues and have nothing to do with theorycrafting.


Just a tiny example, you choose "ammo capacity" as a crew member passive and have 2 railguns. "Ammo capacity" only applies to the ammunition that missiles have. I notice you talk about your weapon energy power pool like that is your ammo capacity and that is just not the case. There were many more issues like this in the video.

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Not much of a tear down come on buddy you can do better then that. Also I have a reason for using 2 rail guns as explained in my video. I can switch back and forth flawlessly allowing my slug to do more damage while the plasma is bleeding them away. I am sorry but you are wrong to say that there is only one way to play a ship. Play style is half the battle. While you and you ace buddy's fly together in a certain way. I am training and working with my group to fly a certain way as well. This is what works for us and I am not sure that you can call that wrong.


Okay the magazine portion was a mistake but Drako I will acknowledge that with an annotation in my video. I am sorry but you are wrong to say that my ship build is not viable or wrong over a understanding issue. In the long run this isn't about you or me rather it is about growing the community of gamers who enjoy this type of combat. You use twitch while I use another outlet and either is a great way to get the word out. But I will not agree with you on the fact that my ship is not currently viable when PLAY STYLE is the most important part of a game built on skill shots.

Edited by scotchh
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Not much of a tear down come on buddy you can do better then that. Also I have a reason for using 2 rail guns as explained in my video. I can switch back and forth flawlessly allowing my slug to do more damage while the plasma is bleeding them away. I am sorry but you are wrong to say that there is only one way to play a ship. Play style is half the battle. While you and you ace buddy's fly together in a certain way. I am training and working with my group to fly a certain way as well. This is what works for us and I am not sure that you can call that wrong.


Okay the magazine portion was a mistake but Drako I will acknowledge that with an annotation in my video. I am sorry but you are wrong to say that my ship build is not viable or wrong over a understanding issue. In the long run this isn't about you or me rather it is about growing the community of gamers who enjoy this type of combat. You use twitch while I use another outlet and either is a great way to get the word out. But I will not agree with you on the fact that my ship is not currently viable when PLAY STYLE is the most important part of a game built on skill shots.


Slow down there camper! Nobody said anything is wrong with 2 railguns =) He merely mentioned it since you don't have any ammo for that component to increase (so its wasted, where you could have extra regen or power pool for weapons). I doubt also that he said there was one way to build / fly a ship (I know Drako well and he adheres to many different builds / playstyles)


He has taken great care so as not to offend you publicly but it does seem like you could use some one on one instruction. There is nothing wrong with being new, but as a new player many of your assumptions will be wrong, this inst an affront to your character just a fact.


There are many different ways to build a ship, but there is also a wrong way. Using components that don't mesh well with one another or not understanding a components true use / potential can lead you down a path where you waste not only requisition but your time (which is more important IMO) I am glad your theorycrafting and trying things out but there is also a WEALTH of information from people who have already done this. I suggest checking out Stasies compendium it has a great many playstyles / builds.


Some of the ships I fly are not considered standard, some are odd like my Burst / Pods / TT / Power Dive T2 build, but there are solid reasons why I chose these components (max evasiveness) and there are niche uses for it, but its not every game. My advice, take your experiences with a grain of salt and open your mind. In no time flat you can learn all t here is to know about this game. It is a journey though, and I am afraid yours is just beginning.

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Slow down there camper! Nobody said anything is wrong with 2 railguns =) He merely mentioned it since you don't have any ammo for that component to increase (so its wasted, where you could have extra regen or power pool for weapons). I doubt also that he said there was one way to build / fly a ship (I know Drako well and he adheres to many different builds / playstyles)


He has taken great care so as not to offend you publicly but it does seem like you could use some one on one instruction. There is nothing wrong with being new, but as a new player many of your assumptions will be wrong, this inst an affront to your character just a fact.


There are many different ways to build a ship, but there is also a wrong way. Using components that don't mesh well with one another or not understanding a components true use / potential can lead you down a path where you waste not only requisition but your time (which is more important IMO) I am glad your theorycrafting and trying things out but there is also a WEALTH of information from people who have already done this. I suggest checking out Stasies compendium it has a great many playstyles / builds.


Some of the ships I fly are not considered standard, some are odd like my Burst / Pods / TT / Power Dive T2 build, but there are solid reasons why I chose these components (max evasiveness) and there are niche uses for it, but its not every game. My advice, take your experiences with a grain of salt and open your mind. In no time flat you can learn all t here is to know about this game. It is a journey though, and I am afraid yours is just beginning.


I am sorry if what I wrote offended anyone I am sorry. You all are misunderstanding what was going on. Not only have I flown with Drako in the past but we are very friendly towards each other. Not only was I in Mumble when typing that response but we were talking about how to better advocate this game called GSF to new players and make them better. New ideas and projects are in the works and I want you all to understand that my response was misunderstood. Thank you.

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Thank you for backing out the bad advice one.


The type 2 gunship is one of my favorite ships, and the design of it isn't bad- but the implementation sort of is. The ability to use a torpedo is sort of meant to be its thing, but that is not as useful generically as you might expect. Meanwhile, the option you like (and so do I, for what it is worth) is the double railgun. The problem is that there isn't as much synergy as there SHOULD be. The plasma debuff, which can be up to 7 seconds, can reduce an enemy's evasion versus a subsequent railgun shot by 10%, and also versus your allies. The problem is that the railgun is at least 3% less likely to hit at first, and often 8% less likely (you in particular are all about high deflection shots). This is because it lacks the tracking accuracy that slug and ion both get. That upgrade is vastly superior to anything else in the tree- it is certainly better than 10% extra damage. How would 8% extra accuracy be better than 10% extra damage? The issue is that often- VERY often- your chance to hit someone isn't 100%, it is less. For instance, if the net result of your accuracy minus their evasion yields a chance to hit of 70%, taking that to 78% increases your damage by 11%. Much more importantly, many times you need a hit far more than you need damage- for instance, if a target has a small amount of health, increasing the damage by 200% would be meaningless, but increasing your accuracy by 8% would be huge.



So plasma misses that to start with. This means that the situations where it outperforms slug are few and far between. But, that's not a design issue with a powerful high damage railgun that leaves a short debugg- that's an IMPLEMENTATION issue with the gun.



The situations where it is better are relatively few. Versus a scout, a full charged plasma followed by a slug will result in a faster kill than just two slugs. But you need to actually fire both railguns to get there. In other situations, the plasma is just worse, and that's a tuning issue.


The plasma has another option, that of reducing armor. This option is unfortunately a trap. The armor reduced is 20%. Strikes and gunships have a base of 5%, bombers a base of 10%. For most of your allies, armor during that 7 second window won't really be a big deal. Versus the few really powerful armored foes, the 20% won't matter much- the ship will still be effectively immune to regular damage. The problem? Slug ignores ALL armor via talent, as do a TON of weapons. Why this one can't just disable armor like thermite torpedo does is a bigger issue. The other part is that the initial hit will still be reduced by the full armor amount, unlike, again, proton/concussion/thermite/slug/blc/hlc. You will just never be able to chase slug damage with it.



I've spent around fifty games with slug/plama I think? I've gotten semidecent of spotting the times when plasma into slug will be better, or just plasma. But it's rare.


Additionally, the type 2 gunship needs you to WANT certain things for it to be worthwhile. It has a LOT of overlap with the type 1 gunship.


If you don't find any of these things compelling, run a type 1 gunship instead:

> Heavy Laser with a capacitor over burst laser without one

> Proton over a railgun

> Thermite over a railgun

> Directional over Distortion


If neither of these four things are important to you, run a type 1 gunship.


Type 1 gunships also can run plasma/slug (though obviously they'll do much better with ion/slug). Unlike a type 2 gunship, they have an armor component, which greatly increases their defenses. They can choose to have more health, or much more commonly, to pick the amazing distortion field (second missile lock!) plus lightweight armor to be very slippery versus enemy railguns and have some advantages versus melee fighters.


The stuff I've seen show up in the videos is plasma/slug with fortress shield, and very little time spent trying to heavy laser anything. That's better suited to a type 1 gunship- if you aren't milking that capacitor, you want an armor component.





Again, thank you for removing the one video that got so many facts wrong, but did so in an informational tone. That was the only reason I was flipping out earlier- I was worried that it would mislead a new player. The play videos are definitely fun to watch. Thumbs up for Bettyknight!

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I here you loud and clear I would ask though in the future you show a little more tact when asking people to do things not all of us are trolls on the internet and we would all like to see this game thrive I feel, but thank you for the feed back I love the type 2 gunship as well and I will do my best to rep it well.
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Here's my feedback:


1- Some folks not zooming out consistently.

2- IMO some of those intro shots should have been ion.

3- The Mailoc spent some time pivoting at 0 engine, could have gone to "decelerate" to make those turns much tighter without meaningfully losing position.

4- F3 usage inconsistent- sometimes solid, other times clearly planning about being in snipe mode when not there. Once or twice someone was in F1 whilst positioning and at almost 0 engine, but nearly full blaster pool, but really great situational F3 at around the 10m mark the jurmurgen-shmurgen- lot of extra purple made there, an F1 would have been suboptimal.

5- I think some of the movement was at default speed when it should have been at maximum. Ex: Watch the Mangler do his opening boost (which IMO could have been replaced with a barrel). Not only does the Mangler drop to 0 purple (safe in this game, but a bad habit), he is at 3/4 throttle instead of full throttle.

6- I *personally* would have gone a TAD longer on some of the missile locks before breaking.



Solid video, good to see! Definitely glad to see a lot of "pull reticule past target whilst charging to center target, snap back to fire" in there, and also good "roll ship to pitch to target" while aiming. That's very solid.

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