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That's your opinion and your experience. *shrug* It's been fine for me, and loads of other people. *prepares for inevitable attack at the use of an ambiguous quantifier*


its not to bad in pve.. but its god awful in pvp.... GOD AWFUL

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its not to bad in pve.. but its god awful in pvp.... GOD AWFUL


Given the state it was in when I did it in beta, it's likely a lag related issue. Give it time, or not. Take a break and check back to see if they fixed it. I'm sure they haven't stop working on things. I think. Guys, you still there? :p

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First of all this is a very linear game. Tatooine is NOT massive, it's a series of little maps, none of them anywhere near the size of a single WOW zone. Tatooine may be made up of a number of areas but each one of them is a seperate map, you can't count it as one map simply because you have to take a taxi from one to the other. For example upon arrival at Tatooine lets see you try and ride your speeder out of the starting area and get to the middle of the planet...YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM EXAUSTION TURN BACK COS WE CAN'T MAKE PROPER ZONES!


If Blizzard made this you would be able to ride all over Tatooine from the space port right up to the enemy factions base, seemless and engaging, this is why imo SWTOR is NOT an MMO but WOW is an MMO, the clue is in the word MASSIVE.


I rest my case and there is not fanboy in the world that can answer to this statement, you can say anything you like but at the end of the day SWTOR is small and WOW is Massive.


Merry Christmas

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If Blizzard made this you would be able to ride all over Tatooine from the space port right up to the enemy factions base, seemless and engaging


At which point you proceed to kill every guard, vendor, quest giver, and every ambient NPC you can find. Yeah? No. No thanks to that. Bioware has it the way they do with the main cities on the planet for a reason.

Edited by princey
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It felt massive since it launched, unlike this one.


I have many friends who played WoW from the start that would dispute that massive claim.


But you have been here for days being negative. I am not surprised to see you in this thread doing the same.

Edited by Darkeus
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The game is massive for starters, its the instances that makes it look like noone is playing with pretty big worlds full of quests. If they raised the instance/server cap or got rid of instances, people would be all over the place. I would hate to fight 5 other people for the same quest so right now its not too bad even though I would prefer a middle ground. Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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The way instancing and phases work is very well done in TOR. Only once I've had to wait for a quest mob spawn and theres just enough players in each instance to see people passing by now and then. If you played wow, then you know what happens when phasing is badly done :p
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The game is massive for starters, its the instances that makes it look like noone is playing with pretty big worlds full of quests. If they raised the instance/server cap or got rid of instances, people would be all over the place. I would hate to fight 5 other people for the same quest so right now its not too bad even though I would prefer a middle ground.


It would only fix a small part of the problems.


Planets would still feel dead with barely any mobs and huge areas of nothingness. Those areas shouldn't even exist in the first place.

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I have many friends who played WoW from the start that would dispute that massive claim.


But you have been here for days being negative. I am not surprised to see you in this thread doing the same.


Eh, World of Warcraft did feel massive to me, it's true.


That was until I began to fathom how the world of Azeroth effectively functions when it is but the size of Manhattan.


Feeling massive =/= being massive in my opinion.


We should make a forum for this guy and the two other people I see skulking around, throwing their negative (not constructive, negative), subjective feelings into other people's faces.


It should be called "The Gumby Section".


Don't know what a Gumby is?


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At which point you proceed to kill every guard, vendor, quest giver, and every ambient NPC you can find. Yeah? No. No thanks to that. Bioware has it the way they do with the main cities on the planet for a reason.


Is that the best you can do? You think BW made the game this way to stop the odd griefer? LOL

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Eh, World of Warcraft did feel massive to me, it's true.


That was until I began to fathom how the world of Azeroth effectively functions when it is but the size of Manhattan.


Feeling massive =/= being massive in my opinion.


We should make a forum for this guy and the two other people I see skulking around, throwing their negative (not constructive, negative), subjective feelings into other people's faces.


It should be called "The Gumby Section".


Don't know what a Gumby is?



Oh I know what a Gumby is... Lol...


And what I was saying is that the feeling massive thing is subjective. That is all, but I think we are on the same point here...

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It would only fix a small part of the problems.


Planets would still feel dead with barely any mobs and huge areas of nothingness. Those areas shouldn't even exist in the first place.


Dont know what youre talking because mobs are all over the place. And the only area of nothingness I see is the desert on tatooine but really a big surprise? But I would say that 90% of these mobs stay still in one spot except one npc that walks a patrol, that adds to the dead feeling.

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Eh, World of Warcraft did feel massive to me, it's true.


That was until I began to fathom how the world of Azeroth effectively functions when it is but the size of Manhattan.


Feeling massive =/= being massive in my opinion.


We should make a forum for this guy and the two other people I see skulking around, throwing their negative (not constructive, negative), subjective feelings into other people's faces.


It should be called "The Gumby Section".


Don't know what a Gumby is?



So wait, you're saying:


" Feeling massive =! being massive"


but then


" Being massive (and devoid of any life) = feeling massive " ???


Dont know what youre talking because mobs are all over the place. And the only area of nothingness I see is the desert on tatooine but really a big surprise? But I would say that 90% of these mobs stay still in one spot except one npc that walks a patrol, that adds to the dead feeling.


Try areas of nar shadda, try hangar space ports, try some city areas, try alderaan, try taris.

Edited by Skeelol
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It felt massive since it launched, unlike this one.


No it didn't lol.


It felt positively TINY once you got mounts. Why do you think SS/TM was so big? There was very few places that the two factions actually naturally engaged, and because of mounts/FPs/Zepps/ a smaller space everyone could get there within 10 minutes if stuff started happening.


SW:TOR feels a LOT more massive out of the box than WoW did out of the box.


Does SW:TOR feel a little flimsy atm? Absolutely, but they have plenty of time to address that now, they'll likely add to existing planets, ESPECIALLY iconic ones like Tatooine.


They are already adding a new flashpoint/expanding an Operation (confirming my suspicions that Kiragga's Hideout was only added for launch because BioWare was taken aback by how many people would just space bar the story/rush to 50 and base their impressions solely on end game content..even at launch) pretty soon.


Themeparks can be just as entertaining as sandboxes (more so if done right), the reason they so often suck is cause devs treat them like a sandbox (finish content let players deal with it for 6+ month).


As long as BioWare gives me a steady stream of content/continually adds/expands the game at a pace no longer than 60 days, then I'm ecstatic. Themeparks suck when new content takes any longer than 2 months.

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Is that the best you can do? You think BW made the game this way to stop the odd griefer? LOL


The odd griefer?


You haven't played any big time MMO at launch have you? Especially ones separated into two factions.


Name of the game after hitting top level, before raiding, is often steamrolling small towns.


Also, if we complain loud enough, I'm sure they can remove the "exhaustion zones" that prevent people from getting to base to base...

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You can go back for datacrons, harvesting, collecting codex entries.. In other games, when you finish questing in a zone/area, is there some magical reason to go back to it that this game lacks? Not following your logic here.


Yeah that's because there is no logic. In your post I mean.


When I complete a zone I complete it. That means I collect all datacrons and codex entries BEFORE I leave.


Yeah now you see: no reason to go back there. Except farming mats, but that's just like any other MMO.


As for the deadness of the world: It's dead because NSCs outside quests don't talk or if they talk you get the conversation in full volume no matter how far you run away from them. Epic FAIL Bioware.

Edited by Granyala
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Is that the best you can do? You think BW made the game this way to stop the odd griefer? LOL


Yes. You're unable to get to the opposite faction's Tattooine main city to make griefing impossible there. As for the exhaustion areas in the dune sea, just how far do you want to ride through an endless expanse of dunes? What do you suggest be put in that endless expanse?

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The odd griefer?


You haven't played any big time MMO at launch have you? Especially ones separated into two factions.


Name of the game after hitting top level, before raiding, is often steamrolling small towns.


Also, if we complain loud enough, I'm sure they can remove the "exhaustion zones" that prevent people from getting to base to base...


Nope they can't.. because they haven't built any content into them. They're just there to "fake" it.

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As for the exhaustion areas in the dune sea, just how far do you want to ride through an endless expanse of dunes?


More interesting question: How far could you ride into a desert with nothing on you but a few medpacks and a speeder?


Yeah not that far, exhaustion zone is completely ok they have to limit the zones somehow. (WoW dows the same btw) ;)

Edited by Granyala
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Nope they can't.. because they haven't built any content into them. They're just there to "fake" it.


What? You mean that massive stretch of desert from Anchorhead to the Judland wastes?


Yeah, I noticed how it totally didn't look like the rest of Tatooine.

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Level 50 Guardian here soon as my free months up im out and its not because i can't afford the petty monthly fee, but Because the zones are so linear it feels like im playing an MMO on a damn Race track it just feel stupid.


Then add in the worst PvP ever AoC,Rift,Wow Destroy Swtor PvP by far and that is beyond ridiclous for a new game...Which Dev thought no Diminshing returns would be a good idea? Stun/snare/incompacitated and everything has 2-3 of these abilitys....PvP will never be high level in this game which is pretty pathetic I feel i got my moneys worth with the voice acting quests up to 50 but thats about it this game WILL BE A GHOST TOWN IN 6 MONTHS MARK MY WORDS.


BTW the Currency / Professions are worthless reminds me of rift and that flopped like this will.

Edited by warkat
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Course i'm upset, i wanted an awesome MMO set in the star wars universe. I was hyped. I started playing and then i realized it was false advertisement.


Wouldn't you be annoyed?


I'm glad the game is everything you wanted, at least you're enjoying it, but i'm not just like many others who are more of an MMO player than a SW fan.


But this is what baffles me.


You don't like the game. Check.


You can't be persuaded into thinking it can be fixed. Check.


Declaring it F2P, or dead, in X amount of time. Check.


Not going on the forums because you don't want to be involved in a game you're disappointed in.


Wait, not check? Where's the check on that one?


Why do you still skulk about on these forums and whine all day if there's nothing we can say or do to change your mind?


I miss the WoW forums a little. At least when people expressed their dissatisfaction with the game, they'd make a quick forum post, people would ask for their stuff, and then they'd leave.


...and renew their subs a month later. Heyyo!


But seriously, why?

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Cities are dull empty shells.

Entire worlds unable to be explored.

A Universe so linear it's like traveling down a blackhole.


This game like many others has taken several steps back in the mmo genre. Create expansive concepts and shut out the actual delivery. If one can overlook the fact that this is a suped up scroll-screen type game you'll still feel cheated because of the crappy server instance system that's in place that keeps players seperated.


***, if WoW or EvE can have x amount of players in an open world/universe enviorment why cant swtor? Im not tech savy but it's like stepping back into time with whatever there using to run the game and I dont mean the GuildWars 1 type graphics...that can be another issue.


All in all it's just my opinion, story's engaging light saber and force power real cool but thats just half the game...if that much can be acreditted to it.


I purchased Star Wars...In the game the "Wars" are possible but the "Stars" are locked out to us.




ok ive not had much sleep, so pls excuse any errors in spelling etc.


I havent Played EVE, but I have played WoW again for the last 3 months, and I can tell you one thing. (Based on moonglade server)


Thunderbluff = EMPTY

Undercity = EMPTY

Silvermoon = EMPTY

Ironforge = EMPTY

Darnasas = EMPTY

The Exodar = EMPTY

Shattrath = EMPTY

Dalaran = EMPTY


Orgrimmar = under 100 people most the time.

Stormwind = Cant really say, but probably the same.


The Most ppl I saw when lvling a goblin mage from 1-85 was on the starter goblin island, orgrimmar standing around AH or uldum, and that was just druids farming herbs.

The only time you play with others is cross-server dungeons, where you dont speak to anyone, ppl are rude and steal everything. Guild perks are needed to force ppl to join random guilds, because you dont even know many people on your server useless you chat in trade :S


So much for lots of areas to quest in, they had to nerf all group quests because theres no-one to group with!


GW before expanisons was super linear, doing quests to the dungeons was dot 2 dot, but it meant you had people to do the dungeons with no matter if it was first timers or twinks,


NOW you have 3 different campaigns to start from, you only see people mainly when the campaigns moved to eye of the north!!! It went from ppl grouping to do quests and dungeons for everything, to everything being done with companions.


So your WAY OFF the mark here! dont need to be tech savy.

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