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The Most Lifeless Universe....


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Linear is the price you pay for story, especially with BW-style storytelling.


TOR isn't theme park-- it's a ride at the theme park.


Nope, right now its the queue to a ride at the theme park. And you cant see anyone else on the ride if you finally get on.

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You know I tried I honestly tried to put myself in the other guys shoes and find what they are talking about when they say lifeless


I went to several severs wandered around many planets as both republic and sith.


This is one of the most immersive MMO's I have ever been part of of. Standing around a fountain in wow is nothing compared to the level of player interaction and Environmental Immersion I experienced.



There is simply no way in hell those who are complaining are giving a truthful and accurate portrayal unless they are on a very light server and even then....



Your expectations and definition of massive are different than many other people's. I'm on a heavy server, seeing 20 - 30 people is not massive, it's multiplayer.

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Uhm, no, my PC is fine and that has no link with the fact that the streets of most cities are almost desert and not containing hundreds of NPC. I know there is a bug that prevent you from seeing NPC from a certain angle but it's rare and you can still see them flash shortly. Your point about Hoth is actually a good immersion addition to the game and should be in.


It still sound as if your pc isn't spawning the nontargetable npcs every where I go the streets are filled with them. Basicly the number of npcs that are in the streets are based on how powerful your pc is so the farther way from a top of the line gameing rig with all it's drivers updated that is not being loaded down with background processes the less npc's will be spawned.


and about hoth sure they should just as long as it is night when ever you want to do anything on hoth. you don't gate your questing like that.

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I constantly find NPCs being active and vocal in hubs and throughout the world.


We can't be playing the same game?

No. You don't find NPCs being active throughout the world. You find them being active in designated quests/mob areas. It's fantastic that there is a group of NPCs gunning down some mobs. It's not so fantastic when you walk 15 seconds away from that area and find nothing. Or if the NPCs near the active NPCs are doing nothing.

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You know I tried I honestly tried to put myself in the other guys shoes and find what they are talking about when they say lifeless


I went to several severs wandered around many planets as both republic and sith.


This is one of the most immersive MMO's I have ever been part of of. Standing around a fountain in wow is nothing compared to the level of player interaction and Environmental Immersion I experienced.



There is simply no way in hell those who are complaining are giving a truthful and accurate portrayal unless they are on a very light server and even then....


Are you honestly being honest with yourself? I'm on the second or third most populated EU-PvP server, and even I feel the zones are lifeless. Shards consist of 50-60 players at most, which is preposterous on worlds as massive as Hoth or Tatooine. Tatooine right now has 4 shards of about 40 players each. This means as much as you'll be hard pressed to encounter a single other PC in the outdoor environment, aside from folks in questhubs.


Other than that settlements are devoid of life. There is an absolute minimum of NPC's populating worlds, seemingly living in them. They all feel scripted, feel like robots standing around. Mute robots. They are hardly, if at all, interacting with the world they live in. This causes immersion: Players and NPC's interacting with the virtual world.


You say you went to several servers and traversed several planets on both sides. Why do I have a feeling you're talking right out of your ***? The only planets you could've realistically visited on 'several' servers, both factions, in the current timespan are the starting zones and perhaps the Fleet Stations. If you've been playing non-stop, you might've seen one zone of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas on 'several' servers.


Don't talk **** boy. There is no player interaction apart from buying a token to pick your own Jukebox tune. Skyrim shows how interaction can be done, and even there it's far from perfect.

Edited by Dekadez
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Are you honestly being honest with yourself? I'm on the second or third most populated EU-PvP server, and even I feel the zones are lifeless. Shards consist of 50-60 players at most, which is preposterous on worlds as massive as Hoth or Tatooine. Tatooine right now has 4 shards of about 40 players each. This means as much as you'll be hard pressed to encounter a single other PC in the outdoor environment, aside from folks in questhubs.


Other than that settlements are devoid of life. There is an absolute minimum of NPC's populating worlds, seemingly living in them. They all feel scripted, feel like robots standing around. Mute robots. They are hardly, if at all, interacting with the world they live in. This causes immersion: Players and NPC's interacting with the virtual world.


You say you went to several servers and traversed several planets on both sides. Why do I have a feeling you're talking right out of your ***? The only planets you could've realistically visited on 'several' servers, both factions, in the current timespan are the starting zones and perhaps the Fleet Stations. If you've been playing non-stop, you might've seen one zone of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas on 'several' servers.


Don't talk **** boy. There is no player interaction apart from buying a token to pick your own Jukebox tune. Skyrim shows how interaction can be done, and even there it's far from perfect.


LOL hit the nail on the head - completely agree.

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Have you ever even walked across a tiny fraction of a planet? Do you even begin to know the size you are asking for that would be filled with... what exactly?


It's not that I am against sandbox, I'm just astonished that you came to a theme-park MMO that was clearly about story and expected sandbox out of the box, if you'll pardon the pun. Or indeed some masochistic modeller to create a load of empty space for no reason other than your desire to wander across it.


Now I realize SW:TOR is a theme park like WoW but I simply had to comment on this absurd post! Game developers can easily make desire AND reason to wander across sandbox MMOs, in fact SWG did it excellently! You had point of interests you would visit for 'badges' e.g. Ben Kenobi's home or R2 D2 & C3PO's crashed pod, and then you had player cities which were always fun to explore looking for venders & fellow players (especially roleplayers!).


Now TOR may not be aiming to be a sandbox at all, but to call sandbox games 'empty space' with 'no reason...to wander across it' is simply an astonishingly ignorant statement to make! Oh and we NEED speech bubbles and a chat option that is localized to an AREA not to the whole planet or the community will remain fragmented.


As for the OP I agree, the worlds need more life, more NPC's, more music! I find it hard to get into the 'mood' when I enter a cantina and there are maybe 4-5 NPCs stood around on their own...not to mention when you see groups of NPC's who are literally clones of each other.

Edited by Itose
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Now I realize SW:TOR is a theme park like WoW

I'd like to emphasize that just because a game is like WoW and themepark does not mean it's lifeless. WoW has outdated graphics but the world itself is very beautiful and bursting with life. This is because Blizzard made incredible use of colors and the game is aesthetically pleasing.


Another game that comes to mind that doesn't have amazing graphics is Maplestory -- a 2D side scrolling game. It's also aesthetically pleasing and is bursting with life because of it's art style and color usage.


What kills the life out of this game is that it's lacking in the aesthetics department. Use of color, art style, map layouts, NPCs, mobs, UI and all that jazz are what bring games to life. Not amazing graphics or cutscenes.

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