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Typical team at GSF....


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I wasn't able to break this opposition with sookat n pylan. You need to be really coordinated to handle that - ion aloe from gs and def dr strikes. A pods n quads build t2 scout (or blc pods) would be helpful to have on your side. Target is the lone GS from range first, then pick off the bombers individually when they stray too far.... This is simultaneously happening while your team doesn't just fly around and feed / be unable to cap a node. Again, this is not an effort that can be thwarted by ANY one player. teamwork OP
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Tried to clean the sats with EMP, with some success (loss to 671), however, without voice comm breaking this combo is close to impossible...

EMP missile does really nice work on bomber infested sat - sadly practically no one use it.

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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I wasn't able to break this opposition with sookat n pylan. You need to be really coordinated to handle that - ion aloe from gs and def dr strikes. A pods n quads build t2 scout (or blc pods) would be helpful to have on your side. Target is the lone GS from range first, then pick off the bombers individually when they stray too far.... This is simultaneously happening while your team doesn't just fly around and feed / be unable to cap a node. Again, this is not an effort that can be thwarted by ANY one player. teamwork OP

This honestly surprises me a bit.


I absolutely agree no 1 player could do anything here, but I'd have thought that the 3 of you in voice, with a competent and somewhat coordinated other 5 could have broken through this. I don't think I've ever run into a match that was THIS bomber-centric, was just thinking you might have been able to keep them from ever getting too dug in on 2 sats. Being Kuat probably does make a pretty serious difference, though, because I'd imagine it would have been impossible to keep them away from B with the LOS issues there, and trying to keep them all away from A and C at the same time is spreading you more than a little thin.


Honestly curious... Do you think it would make a difference if it had been Denon (where the distance helps you see them coming) or Shipyards (where you could get A, and make it a fight for B where you could conceivably cover both sats from distance)?

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If they stack interdiction/interdiction bombers, your Clarion isn't going to be able to move.

Hit interdiction mine, get grabbed by interdiction drone. You are now stuck.


Look before leaping? Even if you get caught, it's rather trivial to pop charged plating and power dive out of there, you'll only ever be in trouble if they're packing heavy lasers with armor pen and even then they'll have to leave the satellite to come after you.


Honestly, stacking bombers doesn't work too well except against inexperienced pilots. A single gunship with the T4 ion aoe can shut down all bombers on a node and make them easy pickings for strikes and scouts.


Surprised that the OP had trouble with this composition.


Edit: Admittedly, it would be quite annoying if the rest of your team couldn't hold a node once you've turned it. Also, chaining hyperspace beacons can be a bit bothersome.



Edited by zvbm
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