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Upcoming Requisition Changes in 3.0 (No New Maps/Ships)


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Howdy Space Jockeys! I wanted to pop in and let y’all know that there aren't going to be any new maps or ships for GSF in 3.0. However, we are making a change to the Requisition curve in that all the Requisition rewards are getting a permanent boost. Remember though (because Musco would kill me if I didn’t say this) that this change is subject to testing and not final in any way. Here is a list of the changes for the Requisition that are going into 3.0 as of right now:


Fleet and Ship Requisition Increased


In-Match Reward Calculations

  • Fleet Requisition Multiplier increased by 50% (0.1->0.15)
  • Requisition Objective Control Attacking Multiplier increased by 50% (60->90)
  • Requisition Objective Control Defense Multiplier increased by 50% (0.2->0.3)
  • Requisition Objective Destroy Defense Multiplier increased by 50% (0.3->0.4)
  • Requisition Participation Multiplier increased by 50% (0.15->0.2)

Quest Rewards

  • Major Fleet Requisition Grant increased by 400% (1000->5000)
  • Fleet Requisition Grant increased by 25% (500->625)
  • Minor Fleet Requisition Grant increased by ~25% (250->313)
  • Major Ship Requisition Grant increased by 25% (2500->3125)
  • Minor Ship Requisition Grant increased by ~25% (750->938)


The reason we wanted to do this adjustment to Requisition Gain is we found while playing and sifting through the data that the ramp up time for new and moderate GSF players was taking too long and those players couldn’t match up against veterans most of the time, despite skill level. So we wanted to get players into the meaty part of the leveling curve and into a ship they really wanted to play faster. So with this goal in mind, after finishing the introduction quest players will be granted enough Fleet Requisition to purchase any ship (not the Cartel Market ones though) they’d like. In addition to aid experienced players, daily, weekly and, in-match objectives now give greater requisition rewards so players at any point in the level curve can move along it at quicker pace. For the hardcore GSF players the goal is that this change will increase the amount of players sticking to GSF and thus increase the queue pool. More matches and more bogies to take out! :sul_tongue:

While we are excited about this change we want to do additional GSF content and balancing (we've been reading the GSF forum every week gathering feedback on what y'all want to see) but there is no timetable currently.


We hope everyone enjoys these requisition changes and it makes GSF overall more enjoyable from the player just getting their wings to the battle scarred Aces. Looking forward to y’alls feedback! Cheers!


I guess this means I'll have every single ship completed (full mastery in every component) soon. Give us Denon TDM!!! :p


On another related note, perhaps we should have one solid thread full of requests/changes that we can keep up on the front page for the developers. Since, you know, they actually read here infrequently (and a lot of the other threads here are full of whining and/or bad/incomplete ideas/suggestions). Volunteer?





Edited by TrinityLyre
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Posted in that thread, linking to this thread.



Stasie, we have several posts- many made by me- that serve as consolidate bug listings already. We also have several balance threads- including my favorite, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=752949 - plus, I don't think everyone is going to automatically agree on balance (though, to be honest, I'm actually thinking that by now the meta is aged enough under the current patch rules that almost all servers are seeing similar things).


But for bugs, I reproed what we have in that thread, and I've also listed them multiple times here.




Only thing to add to this is the ion railgun ninja nerf, and I put that in the other thread.




We also need to be clear that we REALLY want the tooltips to match the game. It is REALLY HARD to test stuff in GSF, because we don't have any way to queue without destroying our own team's pvp experience- there's no target dummy, and the tutorial doesn't allow you to queue your own ship, and there's no way to queue a reqless experience with your allies to test stuff out even. Should EMP field have been nerfed to 3000m? Probably not, but the devs just need to hear that it's not ok that the range on this needs to match the tooltip, be it 3000m like it is or 4500m like the tooltip says. The game is already very nerdy, it doesn't need a secret layer of spells that only the shamans know.

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Stasie, we have several posts- many made by me- that serve as consolidate bug listings already. We also have several balance threads- including my favorite, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=752949 - plus, I don't think everyone is going to automatically agree on balance

No one expects the whiners/casuals to agree on balance. Ramalina got it - a curator. None of these threads you listed reliably stay on the front page near the top. That's where they'll need to be if this forum is read once a week by the developers. I submit that this concept is not only good to have, but necessary if the GSF community is to last for any length of time. Discussion can occur in the thread, but the owner needs to keep it constantly updated, fresh, and full of insight in the initial post(s). This would certainly be more valuable than most of the threads I skim through and don't bother replying to.


We also need to be clear that we REALLY want the tooltips to match the game. It is REALLY HARD to test stuff in GSF, because we don't have any way to queue without destroying our own team's pvp experience

You've proven you can handle these types of threads, maybe you should be the one to do it. :cool:

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Bioware confirming that they do not read these forums at all.


Dude, the post EXPLICITLY states that they read our forum.


I think asking them to POST here is reasonable, and I did so. Claiming they don't read is unfair.



Seriously man, I think they have no hours assigned to GSF until some future date, hence my "@Project Leads: Give Us Back Our Devs" type of posts. If you think they don't care, you're nuts. Look at the level of detail that the game DOES have- it's pretty much "everything the engine can buy us". This game looks and smells like a game with 2-4 devs that pushed absurdly hard to make it happen and dragged some others along with their enthusiasm.

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You've proven you can handle these types of threads, maybe you should be the one to do it. :cool:


I can try. Look man, we can't even get them to sticky your Compendium, and it's probably the best "how to GSF" set of words ever set down anywhere on the net. SWTOR's reddit links to it whenever anyone asks, but come to this forum and whether it is visible depends on whether we felt like linking a niche build or the latest "ship for drunkards" build that particular week.

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Sigh... I guess it's nice that I'll be able to gear up alts more quickly, but the last thing my mains need is more req... :(


As for keeping balance/other suggestions in a coherent, organized thread, I think it's a great idea. It's one I don't feel comfortable volunteering to upkeep, but it would be good to consolidate the valid gripes, suggestions, and bug reports in either 1 place, or a small series of threads.


Would it be too much to ask for a sticky or 2 for this? That would definitely help keep the threads from getting buried.

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No one expects the whiners/casuals to agree on balance. Ramalina got it - a curator. None of these threads you listed reliably stay on the front page near the top. That's where they'll need to be if this forum is read once a week by the developers. I submit that this concept is not only good to have, but necessary if the GSF community is to last for any length of time. Discussion can occur in the thread, but the owner needs to keep it constantly updated, fresh, and full of insight in the initial post(s). This would certainly be more valuable than most of the threads I skim through and don't bother replying to.



You've proven you can handle these types of threads, maybe you should be the one to do it. :cool:


Well, there a draft one up, somewhat modelled after your ships guide. I'll take suggestions on improvement of format if anyone cares to offer them. Hopefully I've left myself enough room so stuff will fit well near the top of the thread.

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A curator, or a censorship ? How do you differenciate a bad idea, from one you do not agree with ?


You have a very long discussion portion where people can talk about the merits of a proposed change. You also hopefully have a moderator capable of distinguishing the bad and absurd ( delete ship class x, make slug do 20 dps) from things that are simply not popular with some people (keep slug dps the same but increase rate of fire to 2/second).


There's an element of judgement, an element of maturity, and space constraints that hopefully limit the 'official list' to the better than average suggestions.


Then too, in the discussion section, anything should go as long as it's not just willfully cluttering up the thread.


That an adequate answer?

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You have a very long discussion portion where people can talk about the merits of a proposed change. You also hopefully have a moderator capable of distinguishing the bad and absurd ( delete ship class x, make slug do 20 dps) from things that are simply not popular with some people (keep slug dps the same but increase rate of fire to 2/second).


There's an element of judgement, an element of maturity, and space constraints that hopefully limit the 'official list' to the better than average suggestions.


Then too, in the discussion section, anything should go as long as it's not just willfully cluttering up the thread.


That an adequate answer?

I guess, yes.
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I'm hesitant to say 'yay!' because all they have done is given in to the overwhelmingly previlent entitlement culture that is a terminal disease in North America.




On a more serious note, I do believe this will backfire. We will have plenty of new pilots in stings/flashfires crashing into rocks because the real need, training, is not being addressed.

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I'm hesitant to say 'yay!' because all they have done is given in to the overwhelmingly previlent entitlement culture that is a terminal disease in North America.




On a more serious note, I do believe this will backfire. We will have plenty of new pilots in stings/flashfires crashing into rocks because the real need, training, is not being addressed.

Well the solution is obvious - PVE Starfighter with tranining quest missions. Really hope this is the next mini-expansion lined up
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having read the devs post what i read was:


Having released gsf and seen that 75% don't play it at all we no longer care and will devote no time to it.


In my eyes this is a real waste as it's fun and if people give it a go long enough to gear a ship or two they will see the fun (new req sharing may help this) .however leaving us with 3 maps with tdm and 4 for domination is just lazy and to not give us infiltrator class when we know damn well that they started coding it is just lousy. it's bad enough to only give us 2 new ops in a whole calendar year whilst only really putting any sort of effort into the cash cow that is reskinning cruddy armours and the poorly thought out sims like poop that was the build your own house playset expansion, but to totally eschew a decent proportion of the game any new content for lord knows how long is just plain sad. i love this game but if they continue to neglect the areas of the game that i value i will treat it as i did blizzard's wallet ****** and just walk away.

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on another note, we now have guild flagships, why not at least give us guild vs guild (over that weeks selected planet )disable the g ship battle to count for conquest total, this would add a decent impetus for people to actually gsf. including both pilots and flagship turret users? not a huge thing to code surely and i feel it would breathe real life into gsf
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on another note, we now have guild flagships, why not at least give us guild vs guild (over that weeks selected planet )disable the g ship battle to count for conquest total, this would add a decent impetus for people to actually gsf. including both pilots and flagship turret users? not a huge thing to code surely and i feel it would breathe real life into gsf

This is a great idea and something that would actually feel like competition between guilds over planet control. They could make space zones (even if simple) over each of the conquest planets and have teams compete with both their fighters and support form Guild Ships. And it would be actual new conquest content, not just grind of all stuff sans the Commanders (with ain't even repeatable and don't even count in many weeks lol)

Edited by Pietrastor
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I think this is a good, but very insufficient change.


The real benefiiciaries will not be an influx of new players but those who are already moderately successful but stil newish, altaholics and those who have played for a while but only do a game or two for their daily. For all these categories it's a huge boon.

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to not give us infiltrator class when we know damn well that they started coding it is just lousy


To be fair it's entirely possible they realized that there was just no way to really make a stealth ship balanced and shelved it rather release something gamebreaking. I'm pretty sure anyway that we'd all be very upset if they released a totally broken ship. Based on how long it took to really bring the ion railgun love tap and other issues in line it's not like we could've expected it to be fixed in less than a month if it was too powerful.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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