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Lorewise, Revan not teaming up with the Republic makes no sense


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When looking at what Revan throughout lore, we have to take into account that he's betrayed several people before:

Revan turned to the Darkside and betrayed the Jedi.


I wouldn't say he turned to the dark side by that point.


After all, when he first got to Dromund Kaas with Malak, their objective was to defeat the Emperor, not become their minions.


A flaw in logic truth be told, considering that Mandalore the Ultimate had already fallen prey to the Emperor.

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I'm aware of all Revan has done but nonetheless I wish we could have joined him, although the way SWTOR is that would be impossible. (if only they did this in a separate game) I think it would have an incredible opportunity to see how the history of the galaxy would change had he succeeded, for better or worse.
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He was never a fan of the Republic except for a period of time when he first had his memories erased.


He went against the Republic and the Jedi when he fought the Madelorians. Even in his book he was never really part of the jedi order because he felt they were on the wrong path.


Revan was pretty much a man of action with a large ego.


He would certainly view the Republic as weak and unwilling to do what it takes to defeat the Emperor.


So its no surprise that he's going to knock them over too.


this is partially true. But i did not like the jedi order and what it was doing not the entire republic. He was a man of action and revan was very humble person if you read the books (ego is not the same as confidence and positive attitude that he will triumph). Also he does realize his own blood is on the jedi side right? They just made this DLC to kill him and then put it to rest.

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In some SW language, Wrenched might be the same thing as Reborn:p







On a more serious note, oddly enough, LS-Revan does use the term "wrench" shortly before they are made whole, as seen


Close but still, no cigar. :o


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