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OMG Bioware, this was probably the worst possible time for these following reasons:

1. I was playing the game

2. People have mad leveling to do

3. We were totally going for our timed Bestia kill and it booted us...


I thought I was gonna go pro with that Bestia timed run

RIP Harbinger Hamster

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Yup. Just got kicked out of my raid. Twice in a week's time.


The least they could do is give everyone their weekly cap in w/e comms they are eligible, i.e. Ults for us raiders....These issues with Harbinger are just getting ridiculous. What server crashes twice in the course of 2 hours????

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2.9d Patch Notes


There will be no download associated with today's maintenance.



•Applied multiple fixes in order to address server stability issues.



i guess the ppl that should be fixing the stuff they dont do what they say

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I'm sorry, buddy, but you and I both know we're going to get AT LEAST a 15 minute rollback, if not a full half hour plus.


Yeah, we were up to Grob when we dropped... hopefully enough time passed between Draxus and him :p


Otherwise I turn into rage monster :mad:

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So just out of curiosity does anyone have an idea what it is we are paying for with subscriptions/preorders? I mean obviously we aren't paying for a working game... /eats asiago cheese with ciabatta bread and ponders this thoughtfully
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They might just be trickling people in slowly so it doesn't crash the server when everyone logs in at once.


The best part is when I was put into the queue, got near the point of being able to log in, then was given a 1003 code and had to go back to the end of the queue :p

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yeah this is ridiculous been trying to play all day and now ill in a queue with a thousand people in front of me cant say im keen to stay a subscriber this is utter ******** wasting my life sitting in a queue im hopping servers this is to aggravating GG
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