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Bioware strikes again


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So back in the day, I subbed and leveled up a Chiss Bounty Hunter to 50 specifically so that I could make a Chiss Jedi Knight. The Chiss JK was the grand prize and it took a really long time but I was super excited once I did it and felt really accomplished. When leveling and grouping with my JK I received a lot of compliments and stuff. But then Bioware decided that it wanted more money so they came out with the Cartel Market and then anybody could get Legacy species unlocks for five bucks.


It was dumb and I felt cheated but I learned to get over it. Now they are striking once again, though! One thing I prided myself on in this game was that I had a lot of max level characters. As of right now I have six level 55's and working on the seventh (I eventually want to have a max level toon for each class). This has been a really long undertaking of about two years worth of play, two years in which I was giving Bioware subscription money. It is very rewarding to have all those Legacy abilities and buffs, and looking at the quickbar slots that house them makes one feel really accomplished. But now they are gonna **** that one up too with this stupid 12x experience boost.


By making big accomplishments super easy to do, they are effectively diminishing the value of those accomplishments and nullifying all that hard work done over the months (years, in some cases, like mine). To deflate what was months or years of grinding by paying subscribers to two months is nothing short of a slap in the face. Having multiple high or max-leveled toons will be not as special because it will be so common by December 1st.


I would TOTALLY be on board with this if it was for a weekend or two. A whole weekend where I get TWELVE TIMES THE EXPERIENCE? That's *********** rad! I would be on board if it was 2x xp for the two months. Wow, that's a really nice bonus! But 12x xp over two months? That is completely and utterly absurd.


It is literally cheating the customer.


I'm not really proposing anything here because it's not like they can take the XP boost off after having already said it would be until December, but I just thought I would voice my opinion here and see if anyone else agrees. This is totally stupid and I disagree completely with this decision and think it was a huge slap in the face to the players who legitimately leveled up their characters over several months or years of payed play.




"Wow, it took you THAT long to get six level 55's? You're a big noob and will never be as 1337 as me!"

A: The entire playtime wasn't spent leveling and there were some periods where I wasn't subscribed. But that's not really the point so whatever, stroke your e-peen more please.


"Bioware just wants people to experience the new content they made!"

A: Okay, I can dig that. But was TWELVE TIMES experience over TWO MONTHS really necessary? The player only needs one max level toon to experience the new content, not multiples, which can EASILY be done with such a gratuitous XP boost over a weekend or two.


"Grinding planet quests gets really old and this is a nice shortcut!"

A: Yeah it is a nice shortcut, something that should have been done over a weekend and not TWO MONTHS.


"Well, pretty much everyone already has several max-level toons anyway. You're not that special!!!"

A: I would say that this is debatable, and even if it were true, that just means that that many more people are getting cheated.


"Oh em gee, it's just a game, get over it nerd!"

A: The fact that I don't really have a life doesn't take away from the fact that I was paying real life money for all that play time which will now be condensed into a couple of months.

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I have 3 marauders and 2 sentinels , 3 of them are level 55 . The fact that I can roll more marauders to pvp with once 3.0 launches makes it an awesome idea. Honestly who the hell cares since if they reverse their preoerder bonus they might as well refund everyone 20 USD for preordering . Edited by Kenjigreat
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I think your in minority Tbh. My opinion is I have 10 55s working on the 11th. I'm only doing it to experience the class story as I'm bored of planet stuff as seen it so many times. I'm glad we can level with just class co I'm gonna see a couple of the story's I've not seen for a while and probably delete the chars.
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You're making it a bigger deal than it needs to be. Things change over time, deal with it.


For example, I played at launch when you weren't able to get speeders til level 25 and they weren't on the GTN for dirt cheap. Does that mean I want to force people to go through the same process I had to? No, I don't. I still remember running across Tatooine on foot...

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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You're making it a bigger deal than it needs to be. Things change over time, deal with it.


For example, I played at launch when you weren't able to get speeders til level 25 and they weren't on the GTN for dirt cheap. Does that mean I want to force people to go through the same process I had to? No, I don't. I still remember running across Tatooine on foot...


But 2 years of his precious time and effort . Oh no newbies are going to be able to have 6 level 55s in 2 months . The horror and injustice.



Read in sarcasm font



OP you are just a selfish ******* who needs to feel superior to newbies just because you were here first -.- . This boost is awesome for those who want to recommend the game to their friends.

Edited by Kenjigreat
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Considering it takes 2 weeks normally with not much time on a day to get a 55, I dont see how this change is a problem. All it means is I can skip the not-interesting non-class missions and get to the good stuff.


It also gives me a use for all the legacy inheritence/birthright kits I found lying around literally everywhere.

Edited by TACeMossie
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But 2 years of his precious time and effort . Oh no newbies are going to be able to have 6 level 55s in 2 months . The horror and injustice.



Read in sarcasm font



OP you are just a selfish ******* who needs to feel superior to newbies just because you were here first -.- . This boost is awesome for those who want to recommend thei game to their friends.


Did you not read the "expected responses" part? And I don't have this opinion because of selfishness, I have it because I feel legitimately cheated.


And Essence_of_Light, the speeder thing is totally not comparable to a 12x experience boost and it was dumb that we had to wait till that long anyway.

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So back in the day, I subbed and leveled up a Chiss Bounty Hunter to 50 specifically so that I could make a Chiss Jedi Knight. The Chiss JK was the grand prize and it took a really long time but I was super excited once I did it and felt really accomplished. When leveling and grouping with my JK I received a lot of compliments and stuff. But then Bioware decided that it wanted more money so they came out with the Cartel Market and then anybody could get Legacy species unlocks for five bucks.



OP this first paragraph just shows how much you need people to stroke your ego. Just go hire a stripper that will throw you compliments and quit gaming.

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Did you not read the "expected responses" part? And I don't have this opinion because of selfishness, I have it because I feel legitimately cheated.


And Essence_of_Light, the speeder thing is totally not comparable to a 12x experience boost and it was dumb that we had to wait till that long anyway.


I had a 50 Marauder a month after launch . Nobody gives a ****. You just want to feel special.

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I don't feel cheated. I don't feel slapped in the face. I love my Chiss Guardian, but my sense of coolness comes from having, sharing, and a little bit of showing off, not trying to keep other people from getting the same cool things I have. I want to see what other people do with the same opportunities. I don't feel copied or mocked when I see other people with the same species or class or clothing or any combination that happens to match part of mine, I stop to check out what they have and compliment them on having great taste :D


To the OP: It kind of sucks that you feel so strongly about it, and that the idea of other people getting a fast track makes you so unhappy. I hope that you come to some sort of peace with it and that it doesn't ruin your enjoyment of the game forever.

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OP this first paragraph just shows how much you need people to stroke your ego. Just go hire a stripper that will throw you compliments and quit gaming.


Why are you reacting so hostilely dude? Does it really bother you that much that I have this opinion? And I talked about the compliments to show how it was a bigger deal back then to have a legacy species slot, not because I needed "people to stroke my ego."

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I love my Chiss Guardian, but my sense of coolness comes from having, sharing, and a little bit of showing off, not trying to keep other people from getting the same cool things I have.


It's not about "keeping other people from getting the same cool things I have," because anybody is capable of doing the same things. It's about devaluing the accomplishments that dedicated players have made. It's not about the "cool things" at the end, it's what one had to do to get there.

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Games do this, the entire point of the xp bonus is to entice new players to join because they'll be able to level up faster and enjoy the new content when it is released. It's nothing new.


I am curious, have any other MMO's gone so far as to have 12x xp boosts over two months? This is a serious question because I don't actually know (this is the only MMO I have played).

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It's not about "keeping other people from getting the same cool things I have," because anybody is capable of doing the same things. It's about devaluing the accomplishments that dedicated players have made. It's not about the "cool things" at the end, it's what one had to do to get there.


You didn't have to do anything. You presumably found some enjoyment getting your characters to level 55 otherwise you probably wouldn't have done it. If it was fun then I don't see what the problem is. If it wasn't fun then I don't know where your priorities lie.

Edited by Kaymac
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WoW has a triple xp boost if you refer a friend which stacks with the in-game triple xp boost. This applies to everything. Quests, kills, dungeons. When I played with a friend, all we did was do dungeons, since every dungeon we would level like 3 times. So no, 12x exp boost on only class quests is not significant.
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Why are you reacting so hostilely dude? Does it really bother you that much that I have this opinion? And I talked about the compliments to show how it was a bigger deal back then to have a legacy species slot, not because I needed "people to stroke my ego."


Remember when full rakata was a big deal ? Now ask anyone on fleet whether they even remember full rakata. Things change . New players come in . Deal with it. Its a lot harder to convince a friend to start leveling a toon to 55 just for the expansion then to say , hey now you can play for 5 hrs a week and make it in time for the expansion.

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1. you could unlock chiss for JK before cartel market. it just cost credits instead of giving you an option of credits or cartel coins. I know, cause I got some kickass fanart of my characters from an artist who was raising funds to buy chiss for a friend of theirs.


2. there's no accomplishment in leveling a ton of alts. none. you do it becasue its fun, not because status symbol or whatever. i love this boost becasue I'll finally be able to get all the story reiterations I could ever wish for without it taking forever. mind you - i do enjoy planetary stories. every once i na while. but I also enjoy having a crapton of alts and going through story without interruptions.


in short. this is not a money grab. this is bioware's answer to both people's request for AC change and requests to be able to replay stories and ONLy stories. at least for now. I hope.


I am curious, have any other MMO's gone so far as to have 12x xp boosts over two months? This is a serious question because I don't actually know (this is the only MMO I have played).


multitude of MMO's give people leveling boots, experience boots, just downright - boost to this level boosts.


every year I get boosts to lvl 20 in GW2. with expansion for world of warcraft coming up - they gift you a boost to lvl 90 (something that allows you to start expansion immediately) for one character with option to buy it for more.


at least TOR doesn't gift you max level character but rather allows you to level one faster. to catch up to friends and the like.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I am curious, have any other MMO's gone so far as to have 12x xp boosts over two months? This is a serious question because I don't actually know (this is the only MMO I have played).


Age of Conan gave people a free level 55 character when their expansion was ready. So yes, other games have doen similar tactics.

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Let me preface by saying that I have 12 55s. With others at various stages of leveling, 19 toons total.


I find it odd that as a reward for the next expansion with the dramatic overhaul of the new discipline system that will dramatically change the leveling experience that BW are then causing pre-order players to hustle through that same leveling experience and will never fully realize the claim they are making.


i.e. I'll never see the impact that the disc. system makes if I level toons at 12x the rate prior to the system's implementation. Not saying there's anything wrong with either the 12x reward or the disc. system, the idea just feels counter-intuitive on its face.

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Did you not read the "expected responses" part? And I don't have this opinion because of selfishness, I have it because I feel legitimately cheated.


And Essence_of_Light, the speeder thing is totally not comparable to a 12x experience boost and it was dumb that we had to wait till that long anyway.


First of all, your "expected response" BS did not address anything that he said. Try again.


Second of all, he is absolutely right. I leveled 4 of each class for the legacy class buffs soon after they came out so I could be one of the few players in the game who had all 4. I got both republic and imperial toons up to raiding caliber so that I could transfer black-blue, black-red, etc. crystals between factions with the Chevan event bowcaster when that was the only way you could get those colors cross-faction. I too leveled a race (sith) just to use it for legacy where it otherwise isn't available (all my republic toons). I also spent a lot of time mixing and matching armor sets (both adaptive and not) to make my characters look good before the cartel market came out and let everyone make whatever outfit they wanted easily.


Do I care that all of those things are now trivial to accomplish? Hell no. It literally does not affect you/me whatsoever that other people are able to do those things much easier than we did back in the day. I'd rather other players be allowed to have fun the way they want without having to grind. I do sometimes miss those days anytime I see a pureblood sith on republic side or an imperial character with a black-blue crystal, but the bottom line is it does not take away the fun I had being one of the few to do it back in the day - people whispering me constantly asking me how I did it. Even if it wasn't trivial to accomplish now, after this long, there would still be plenty of people doing it.


Last, an XP buff is such a ridiculous thing to cry over that I don't even understand what you could be thinking making this thread. Literally no one cares how many 55s you have except you, as tons of people have tons of them already. Obscure aesthetic things like what I mentioned above I could understand, but leveling? Getting to end-game is what makes MMOs fun for a lot of people, and you want to force them to grind more just because you took forever to do it? Wow.


So yeah, ultimately this thread just makes you look selfish and entitled. You just want to take away other people's enjoyment so that you can feel better about yourself. I kinda hope you cancel your sub over this.

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