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this is getting old


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Sorc who's name who rhymes with "I" or "lie" or "why" or "die" is the next stardamon?

And allso, the pvp community here is diseased. 1 tiny error and you get branded.

And by branded i mean boarderline harrasment and or indirect death threats. (suggestions for suicide etc)

How long wil the community be allowed to harry, mock and expel the striving players not so immune to what once started as trash talk and evolved to mental abuse?


This is everyday.

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Well, you're bound to find ******es on all servers. Sadly some of the Ranked players (I assume this is ranked..) tend to nerdrage just a tad too much. I understand the frustration that comes with queueing and ending up with someone who isn't geared / prepared for it, but raging like that in whispers is a bit... much?



Ignore them the second they start whispering.

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This is everyday
Erhm, considering you hear this every single day you play, chances are you are doing something really wrong! Stop being a victim, grow a pair of manly behemoth coconuts and L2P! :rolleyes: Edited by Nightkin
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