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12x Experience Boost-A slap in the face to people who had to level at launch.


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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .
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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .


Those weak and pathetic nuubs should suffer like I suffered, back in "the day" :p

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And school buses are a slap in the face to all of the grandfathers who had to walk 2 miles through the snow, barefoot! Who cares? They want people to get to 55, so they'll be ready to jump right into the new expansion when it launches. Fin.
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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .


This is satire, right? Please tell me this is satire. :o

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This is great for players like me who are going to level alts to enjoy the storyline on characters that will end up being crafting/mission mules anyway and don't want to go through heroics/daily FP/WZs for bonus xp. If anything, it adds something to do other than the generic log in/raid/logout (loldailies).


Level at normal speed? Ain't nobody got time for dat!

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LOL. I suppose that this thread was inevitable. I can counter with the fact that because I have leveled half a dozen times or better doing all those world quests that this boost is the best thing that they could have ever given me.


Thank you BioWare.

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I suffered back in the day, and am I ever glad I don't have to anymore. I paid my dues. Hell, I ran across Tatooine on foot, with my very first Sith Warrior.


I love the xp weekends and weeks. It gives me a chance to relive my beloved stories, without having to torture myself with gathering and body count quests.

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