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Friday Community Stream with Courtney and Hillary (10/3)


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Which in effect happens when someone goes past the accepted behaviour of a protest. When either one or two people go past the accepted behaviour and starts acting like jerks, your point in a protest is lost. You should understand that and you should also try to find out and explain that to others. If you truly want something changed then behaviour needs to be above board and never sink to personal attacks.


You are preaching to the choir...


But you will never remove those few people, it is human nature to have such outliers in such a large population.


And the point is not lost... There was violence during the civil rights movement, yet the points remained valid and moved forward...


Of course I'm not equating this to that movement in terms of importance, I shouldn't even have to say that, but based on posts here, I guess I have to. But the points remain valid regarding the need to speak out when you see something you don't like.




So, getting back to the core point of being unhappy with Bioware and the direction the game has taken and the delays in getting out new content...

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It is not acceptable to protest in real life?


What it feels like is that people are so focused on the personal attacks that they can't see the overall message. It is why Dr. Martin Luther King was such an advocate of non-violent protest. The minute you use violence, you lose the moral high ground and give the authorities the excuse they need to crush the protest.


So in effect, by continuing to refer to the few who made personal attacks, you draw attention away from the core issue.


Been reading through the posts here and this one caught my attention. Martin Luther King did indeed advocate non-violate protest. I AGREE, that it is EVERY individuals right to express an opinion as long as it well founded but remains expressed in a non-violent way. There is a time and place for violence but only in the face of true tyranny and evil. The community team is far from tyrannical or the embodiment of evil. They are fellow human beings and verbally assaulting them violently is a LARGER ISSUE than a delay of information regarding a VIDEO GAME.


In regards to Friday's stream, There was a large percentage of comments that were verbally abusive and sexual in nature, aimed at both Courtney and Hillary. We are not talking about one or two people here, but a large percentage of the viewers.


THOSE INDIVIDUALS, using curse words, derogatory, and sexual comments on the stream in their questions/comments, were not protesting peacefully and DO NOT deserve to be listened to, until they can express their complaints/concerns in a professional and mature way.


The individuals expressing their opinions/concerns in a non-verbally violent manner, I hope your comments were made note of since you were respectful towards the community team and that issues respectively brought up are resolved in a timely manner.


Keep in mind people, the community managers have very little to do with developmental process of SWTOR; their main job and task is to relay information when they have it, between the devs and players, and from the players to the devs.

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In regards to Friday's stream, There was a large percentage of comments that were verbally abusive and sexual in nature, aimed at both Courtney and Hillary. We are not talking about one or two people here, but a large percentage of the viewers.


I'm sorry to hear that... such behavior does tend to drown out the larger message, and those people should be (but won't be) ashamed of themselves...


Keep in mind people, the community managers have very little to do with developmental process of SWTOR; their main job and task is to relay information when they have it, between the devs and players, and from the players to the devs.


I agree, I've said so many times before, they are just the messenger... and you really never should shoot the messenger...


Even in real war time, most civilized militarizes understand that when an enemy soldier comes over with a message, he carries a white flag to indicate non-violence. He is allowed to deliver his message, take a return message, and peacefully return to his side.


Why? Because the minute you start shooting messengers, all communication breaks down and nothing useful gets accomplished. Which is why you might not like the general on the other side, but you don't take it out on the guy standing out in the field holding the white flag.

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Hey everyone,


For the Friday Community Stream, Courtney and I will be playing our Empire toons on The Shadowlands.


When: 4PM CDT

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor

What: Level 55 Empire

Server: The Shadowlands


Look forward to seeing y'all later today!




How about instead of running a live stream, you get to working on the problems with the Harbinger server. I could care less about your live stream if I can't even play. This is getting ridiculous with two crashes in one day.

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How about instead of running a live stream, you get to working on the problems with the Harbinger server. I could care less about your live stream if I can't even play. This is getting ridiculous with two crashes in one day.


The community team don't do server maintenance. Also, that livestream was last week. You're a little late.

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