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Friday Community Stream with Courtney and Hillary (10/3)


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JC or ****.


Again, this is the second time in a row they've streamed from the Shadowlands.


Not that it makes me a difference either way but just saying.




Correction: Third time in a row it would seem. :D


EDIT: (2)


W T F is also censored. :(


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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You miss the point, this is the communities way to try and get management's attention.


Courtney and Hillary are just the front women, they are not devs and are not management, they don't have any control over the incompetence coming out of EA/Bioware these days. They just suffer for being the only consumer facing front of the company.


If they are smart, they'll go to their bosses and make sure they are aware of this. If their bosses are smart, they'll understand that too many core customers are starting to reach their limit.


3.0 is late, more real story is late, more real flashpoints that have real mechanics are late. Chapter 5 is late. New ops are late.


The boiling point is here. Bioware can't just release SOMETHING and call it 3.0, they have to release a major expansion that contains all of that, or they may well find out that CU and NGE effect happen to them. Nothing new has been added to the core game for a year, everything from GSF to GSH has been side show. Content to be sure, but core game play is now really late. (4 tactical flashpoints are nice, but aren't enough in a whole year)


This will continue to get worse until that is addressed. If they do another stream next week, it will be even harsher if 3.0 hasn't been announced.


It's not 2015 yet, so 3.0 Can't possibly be considered late yet...

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That chat was pretty brutal. And it kind of ruined the atmosphere of the stream. Everyone thinks they are entitled to information. They said they can't reveal any information. Why do you idiots insist on destroying chat because they can't reveal that highly coveted information you can cry about? Things change, they said they'll release information, turns out they can't. No sense crying about it. We all wanted information, the mature audience understood we weren't getting any, and just decided to enjoy the stream. Yet we get 10+ people crying about the lack of information for 2 hours and it sucked really bad.


Its called entitled, socially awkward gamers who's entire lives depend on gaming. Its sad that the stream had to turn into people pretending Bioware stole their first born child. I honestly don't blame them if they don't do another one for a few weeks.

Edited by Arkerus
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You miss the point, this is the communities way to try and get management's attention.



If that's the communities way of getting attention then they have something in common with my 2 year old niece. They weren't releasing 3.0 info. Cry it about then move on. Don't spam chat for 2 hours like a 2 year old expecting them to just say "Oh since you guys want to know so bad here's the 3.0 info". The world doesn't work like that. Sometimes life throws you lemons, sometimes it throws you through a brick wall. Grow up.

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If that's the communities way of getting attention then they have something in common with my 2 year old niece. They weren't releasing 3.0 info. Cry it about then move on. Don't spam chat for 2 hours like a 2 year old expecting them to just say "Oh since you guys want to know so bad here's the 3.0 info". The world doesn't work like that. Sometimes life throws you lemons, sometimes it throws you through a brick wall. Grow up.


Lemons? Lemonade.

Brick wall? House.


Also, I get the feeling a two year old doesn't attempt to sexually harass women over the internet, either.

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I felt bad for you guys...that chat was TOXIC. I don't get how ur able to put up with that


There was nothing toxic about it. Maybe if BW started actually addressing all the problems with this game the community wouldn't be so pissed off.

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There is never a reason to be rude to anyone. Yes they changed the date but things happen and dates will change. The last time I check the dates are never written in stone, they have always been subject to change.


There is a way of getting attention to the situation other than being rude. When a person becomes rude then they are acting like a child but then I have seen some 5 years old that act better than some of the adults here.

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It is also the way people use to get attention when they have NO OTHER WAY TO DO IT. :)


Sorry that simple point is so easily lost on you. It is sorta like when people go out and protest, it is simply the only option to gain attention to a cause.


Management isn't going to listen to nice polite quiet comments, it simply doesn't work that they, they are too tone deaf.


Acting like a child over video game news and you support it?


Think about that for a bit.

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Yes, the world DOES WORK LIKE THAT... or do you know nothing of history?


Eh, probably not, too many people know nothing of history... When the boss/company/king isn't listening, this is how the people get their attention.


By being verbally abusive to two women who are just doing their jobs and have no power when it comes to development times and what decisions are made and when? Also, being sexually suggestive and abusive over the internet in a time when threats of sexual assault are made hourly against women in the same medium?


If you think that's a reasonable way to express your frustration, I hope they cancel the expansion, you don't deserve it.

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There is never a reason to be rude to anyone. Yes they changed the date but things happen and dates will change. The last time I check the dates are never written in stone, they have always been subject to change.


There is a way of getting attention to the situation other than being rude. When a person becomes rude then they are acting like a child but then I have seen some 5 years old that act better than some of the adults here.


Of course, rudeness is almost never called for (I say almost, because there are times and places when it may be, this isn't one of them).


That being said, the venting and frustration is very real. Trying to sweep it under the carpet and saying, "all is fine, nothing to see here" is equally foolish.

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By being verbally abusive to two women who are just doing their jobs and have no power when it comes to development times and what decisions are made and when? Also, being sexually suggestive and abusive over the internet in a time when threats of sexual assault are made hourly against women in the same medium?


If you think that's a reasonable way to express your frustration, I hope they cancel the expansion, you don't deserve it.


I didn't see anything sexual in nature, I clearly missed that. No, that isn't called for clearly...


In any large protest, you're going to have a few bad/violent apples, ignore them and focus on the fact that it was overun by unhappy customers.

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Yes, the world DOES WORK LIKE THAT... or do you know nothing of history?


Eh, probably not, too many people know nothing of history... When the boss/company/king isn't listening, this is how the people get their attention.


You are confusing Courtney and Hillary for the people worth voicing their displeasure too. It's not their choice to with hold the 3.0 information. And they said numerous times they won't reveal anything. That should have been enough. But the children surround this game feel they are entitled to information when they aren't. Don't compare history to video game news. That's very juvenile.

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You are confusing Courtney and Hillary for the people worth voicing their displeasure too. It's not their choice to with hold the 3.0 information. And they said numerous times they won't reveal anything. That should have been enough. But the children surround this game feel they are entitled to information when they aren't. Don't compare history to video game news. That's very juvenile.


They are the front face of the company, they know (or should have known) that this was part of the job they accepted.


If the management would come forward and meet the customers, we could vent our annoyance at them. But since they have chosen to hire the community team, that is what we have.


They do not have to work for the company if they disagree with their policies.

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They are the front face of the company, they know (or should have known) that this was part of the job they accepted.


If the management would come forward and meet the customers, we could vent our annoyance at them. But since they have chosen to hire the community team, that is what we have.


They do not have to work for the company if they disagree with their policies.


But that does not entitle them to be harassed by children over the internet.

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They are the front face of the company, they know (or should have known) that this was part of the job they accepted.


If the management would come forward and meet the customers, we could vent our annoyance at them. But since they have chosen to hire the community team, that is what we have.


They do not have to work for the company if they disagree with their policies.


I just want to bold that part and use it back at you Heat-Wave. Since you seem to feel entitled argue about every little thing that has been said in this forum post.


If you do not like how the company is running the game, Then you have the choice to not play it.


Now with that being said. Anyone that thinks that the twitch chat on the stream was not Vile or Rude or toxic you are completely wrong. The chat was spouting out rude and possibly hurtful things at both Courtney and Hillary. The might be the "front" of the company. But they do not deserve to be treated so poorly. They did their best to provide a joyful and relaxing stream and the constant spammers and whiners and rude people on that ruined that for many people.


So flipping what the information on 3.0 got delayed. It got delayed for a reason, reason being they wanted to give back to the subscribers that have stuck with them so far.


If you have such a problem with how things are being run by EA there are multiple ways you can go about it without being a complete jerk to people who are trying to reach out to the customers of the game and give them what information they are able to divulge. There are emails that are provided to you that you can email, customer service, In-game customer service. With the power of google you can find the head of EA's email address and send one directly to him. But being a complete jerk and ****** is not one.


If you don't know, which would be rather sad if you didn't, Much like WoW, Wildstar, Rift, and all the other MMORPG games out there. ALL EMPLOYEES must sign a NDA with the company about new content and information coming up about the game. IF said EMPLOYEE was to leak information they would ONE - Lose their job. TWO - possibly have legal action taken against them if the company so wishes.


Anyways my rant is done.


TLDR Grow up, Stop acting like children, This is not the end of the world We are still going to get info and 3.0 before the years end as the promised.

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But that does not entitle them to be harassed by children over the internet.


When you choose to frame it that way, there is no conversation to be had.


You can call it that all you like, it will neither stop it nor fix the underlying issues that caused the situation in the first place.


Go ahead, call them children, call them names, defend Bioware... The emperor has no clothes, no matter how much you say otherwise.

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If you do not like how the company is running the game, Then you have the choice to not play it.


The irony is that you are trying to tell other people what they can and cannot protest about.


I'll continue to protest, I guess you can keep defending Bioware...

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Now with that being said. Anyone that thinks that the twitch chat on the stream was not Vile or Rude or toxic you are completely wrong. The chat was spouting out rude and possibly hurtful things at both Courtney and Hillary. The might be the "front" of the company. But they do not deserve to be treated so poorly. They did their best to provide a joyful and relaxing stream and the constant spammers and whiners and rude people on that ruined that for many people.


Perhaps the wiser choice would have been to end the stream early... Perhaps that is what the protesters were trying to accomplish, that would be more likely to get the attention of the powers that be...


Civil disobedience is a well established practice in all walks of life. Was some of it over the top? Yes. Was some of it perhaps too far? Sure, that always happens.


You continue to ignore the root causes and blame the protesters... At some point, will you ever be willing to admit that perhaps Bioware is part of the problem?

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If the chat contained sexist and misogynistic comments directed against them then it went too far. However Heat-Wave is correct that much of the atmosphere in that chat can directly be traced to the lack of announcement last week if what it sounds like actually happened.


Bioware have seriously annoyed a reasonably large section of the player base and that player base is making their displeasure known. I strongly suspect that the atmosphere at the upcoming community cantina is going to be fraught at best. It would not surprise me if boos, jeers and heckling occur a substantial amount, and frankly would be perfectly deserved. I know that were I to attend and get to ask a question it would be phrased along lines indicating substantial displeasure at their awful handling of recent events, asking when 3.0 is coming out, and whether they have the major features locked. I would ask that sort of question even if guidelines were not to do so because sometimes guidelines need to be ignored.


Bioware need to be made to suffer some consequences for their postponement and the awful handling of the expansion. If those consequences include vitriol directed against PR people, so be it.

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If the chat contained sexist and misogynistic comments directed against them then it went too far.


For the record, I completely agree... and I honestly didn't see any of that, but I also didn't watch the whole thing, so if that is the case, shame on those people...


Bioware have seriously annoyed a reasonably large section of the player base and that player base is making their displeasure known. I strongly suspect that the atmosphere at the upcoming community cantina is going to be fraught at best. It would not surprise me if boos, jeers and heckling occur a substantial amount, and frankly would be perfectly deserved. I know that were I to attend and get to ask a question it would be phrased along lines indicating substantial displeasure at their awful handling of recent events, asking when 3.0 is coming out, and whether they have the major features locked. I would ask that sort of question even if guidelines were not to do so because sometimes guidelines need to be ignored.


Bioware need to be made to suffer some consequences for their postponement and the awful handling of the expansion. If those consequences include vitriol directed against PR people, so be it.


^ This, times ten... the upset players exist for a reason, the customers are unhappy for a reason.


If any personal attacks or sexist comments were made, then yes that is over the line, but angry upset customers expressing their vitriol *at the company* during the stream are perfectly acceptable.


Just to be clear, if the stream was disrupted with angry comments along the lines of, "Bioware is screwing up, when are we going to get 3.0 info", and "I am pissed at EA for screwing this up, I want attention on the 3.0 issue", then all is well.


Those comments are directed at the company, not at the two girls. And frankly, it doesn't matter that they are girls, if it was Eric and Tait, the same rule would apply. I'd never personally attack them, they aren't making these decisions. But their job is to hear the unhappy customers.

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