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Friday Community Stream with Courtney and Hillary (10/3)


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Hooray! My prayers have been answered. The last time I was on Eric and Tait's stream I was grumbling that recently we have been getting too manly streams and it's time to "feminize" it. ;) Eric and Tait are fun to watch, but variation is needed to bring balance to the force.


Edit: Sadly I won't watch it live as 6PM CDT is 1AM for Eastern Europe. :sul_mad:

Edited by PavSalco
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Hey everyone,


For the Friday Community Stream, Courtney and I will be playing our Empire toons on The Shadowlands.


When: 4PM CDT

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor

What: Level 55 Empire

Server: The Shadowlands


Look forward to seeing y'all later today!




Oooh, might be able to watch this one. For some reason, the last stream I watched (can't remember which one) the two guys doing seemed really drunk. Drunk and loud. Dunno why.

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Give us another teaser trailer with actual information about 3.0 and I will actually watch, otherwise I have better things to do then waste my time with a stream.


Boy I bet you're a lot of fun at parties. Still stuck on that?? Dude get over it, it's pretty pathetic

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Could be better truth be told.


I have to be honest - I watched maybe three minutes. The chat box seemed to just be a cesspit with perhaps some interesting questions, but - idk - the sound seemed a bit iffy and I couldn't hear the lady who was answering the questions. And then you just had the usual ****ery that happens whenever women are on the internet.


Also, watching wipes on the sandstorm phase makes me angry. Tactics aren't hard.

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I have to be honest - I watched maybe three minutes. The chat box seemed to just be a cesspit with perhaps some interesting questions, but - idk - the sound seemed a bit iffy and I couldn't hear the lady who was answering the questions. And then you just had the usual ****ery that happens whenever women are on the internet.


Also, watching wipes on the sandstorm phase makes me angry. Tactics aren't hard.


Just to Clarify on the HM FP CZ run. We purposely did not do the mechanics of the boss. We were messing around. Nothing against Hilary but if we had an actual healer that was healing and paying attention, rather than paying attention to the toxic twitch chat it would have been fine.

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Just to Clarify on the HM FP CZ run. We purposely did not do the mechanics of the boss. We were messing around. Nothing against Hilary but if we had an actual healer that was healing and paying attention, rather than paying attention to the toxic twitch chat it would have been fine.


You big meanie :p


Edit: But seriously, I wouldn't want to get stuck in a group where half the people are streaming to that lot, either.

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Just to Clarify on the HM FP CZ run. We purposely did not do the mechanics of the boss. We were messing around. Nothing against Hilary but if we had an actual healer that was healing and paying attention, rather than paying attention to the toxic twitch chat it would have been fine.


Next time, if there is a next time, I'll be sure to log on and carry miss multitask.

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Haha... I have to admit, I had a lot of fun tonight with y'all and definitely started focusing more on healing towards the last half of the stream.


Thanks for tuning in! Remember we will have a stream every Friday at 4PM CDT and will primarily be on The Shadowlands from now on gearing out our toons together.




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Haha... I have to admit, I had a lot of fun tonight with y'all and definitely started focusing more on healing towards the last half of the stream.


Thanks for tuning in! Remember we will have a stream every Friday at 4PM CDT and will primarily be on The Shadowlands from now on gearing out our toons together.





It was a lot of fun playing with you. Hopefully next week we can gear you guys out really fast and help ya on anything you guys want to learn how to become better at. :)

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Haha... I have to admit, I had a lot of fun tonight with y'all and definitely started focusing more on healing towards the last half of the stream.


Thanks for tuning in! Remember we will have a stream every Friday at 4PM CDT and will primarily be on The Shadowlands from now on gearing out our toons together.





I felt bad for you guys...that chat was TOXIC. I don't get how ur able to put up with that

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Haha... I have to admit, I had a lot of fun tonight with y'all and definitely started focusing more on healing towards the last half of the stream.


Thanks for tuning in! Remember we will have a stream every Friday at 4PM CDT and will primarily be on The Shadowlands from now on gearing out our toons together.





It was fun tanking for ya! :D

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Courtney and Hillary,


I applaud you both for staying professional and positive during today's stream. I usually tune in for the streams and that was by far thee most hostile chat room I have seen in a long time and never before on the community stream. Those immature individuals will get theirs one day, and I hope their negativity doesn't prevent future live streams or keep you both from participating in the live streams.

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I just have to /facepalm a bit at the folks who spend their lives degrading/demeaning other people over video games events?. What kind of person logs into a community event and belittles the game developers? Good on the community team for staying cool and calm. Always be the better person. They will never be you or anything close to what you do.
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The chat was toxic because they broke a promise to provide info on 3.0 earlier in the week. This was just the latest in a long list of things they've done that just plain annoy a section of the community. Frustration has been building for a long time and last nights livestream was a perfect opportunity for them to vent.


Some of what we saw was incited by a streamer who watches the Swtor stream on his stream and comments on what is being said and encourages his viewers to ask questions. While his intentions are good and I get the impression that he cares about the game and isn't just doing it for giggles it does create a mob atmosphere which generates what we saw. Also with 350 viewers and active chat you're going to get a bunch of twitch trolls joining the party as well.


Given the activity on the forum this week this was 100% going to happen so I'm surprised Eric let Courtney and Hilary do the stream I would have expected him to "face the music". Having said that Courtney and Hilary handled it very well they tried to answer most of the questions and managed to keep smiling throughout the ordeal.


The one positive that I'll take from the stream is Courtney admitting that they were aware that a lot of players were unhappy with the lack of difficult content and that they were looking at releasing difficult content more often in the future. Hopefully this means with 3.0 and beyond they release hardmode flashpoints at the same time or shortly after the tactical version, one can dream.

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That chat was pretty brutal. And it kind of ruined the atmosphere of the stream. Everyone thinks they are entitled to information. They said they can't reveal any information. Why do you idiots insist on destroying chat because they can't reveal that highly coveted information you can cry about? Things change, they said they'll release information, turns out they can't. No sense crying about it. We all wanted information, the mature audience understood we weren't getting any, and just decided to enjoy the stream. Yet we get 10+ people crying about the lack of information for 2 hours and it sucked really bad.
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That chat was pretty brutal. And it kind of ruined the atmosphere of the stream. Everyone thinks they are entitled to information. They said they can't reveal any information. Why do you idiots insist on destroying chat because they can't reveal that highly coveted information you can cry about? Things change, they said they'll release information, turns out they can't. No sense crying about it. We all wanted information, the mature audience understood we weren't getting any, and just decided to enjoy the stream. Yet we get 10+ people crying about the lack of information for 2 hours and it sucked really bad.


You miss the point, this is the communities way to try and get management's attention.


Courtney and Hillary are just the front women, they are not devs and are not management, they don't have any control over the incompetence coming out of EA/Bioware these days. They just suffer for being the only consumer facing front of the company.


If they are smart, they'll go to their bosses and make sure they are aware of this. If their bosses are smart, they'll understand that too many core customers are starting to reach their limit.


3.0 is late, more real story is late, more real flashpoints that have real mechanics are late. Chapter 5 is late. New ops are late.


The boiling point is here. Bioware can't just release SOMETHING and call it 3.0, they have to release a major expansion that contains all of that, or they may well find out that CU and NGE effect happen to them. Nothing new has been added to the core game for a year, everything from GSF to GSH has been side show. Content to be sure, but core game play is now really late. (4 tactical flashpoints are nice, but aren't enough in a whole year)


This will continue to get worse until that is addressed. If they do another stream next week, it will be even harsher if 3.0 hasn't been announced.

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