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harder punishment for leaving a pvp match


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Unfortunately, if the penalties become too harsh, people that want to leave would just afk - or worse. Imagine disgruntled sorcs pulling teammates into fire pits in huttball, intentionally filling resolve bars, guarding a friendly tank (so that he can't guard anybody else), intentionally going the wrong way in huttball, etc.


At least when they leave you have a chance at a replacement that actually wants to try and win.


^^ this


It happens all the time, people come in and turn the tide of the match. Forcing people to stay will only cause them to be disruptive, troll, hide, hurt the team, abandon a node, and laugh about it. Add that the end result is that end up getting stuck in the same bad grouping continually while trying to do their daily/weekly pvp, then they'll just stop queueing, and if it happens continually, then they'll overall stop queueing.


Add that there are game related issues that kick people off as well. Just today, while leveling, I queued, queue popped, the next thing I know game crashed and i have reload the game. Is that fair to me for getting kicked off by the game, to take a time penalty, or wait for said wz to end? because of internal game issues? Granted, I was leveling so it really didn't have any effect, but it's happened before on lvl 55 toons where all I was doing was pvping.

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Man, I'd hate to see a bunch of you guys do any sort of Battleground PvP in WoW.


Good thing in WoW you can pick your battlegrounds and exclude those that you don't want to play. SWTOR doesn't have the option when queuing so it's up to the players to decide when to opt out.

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It is easy to fake a DC (pull the internet plug) so how would you differenciate between accidental and deliberate DC's?


Anyway , my suggestion that I've posted many times is just give a lockout (For both quits and DC's) for that toon until the WZ ends. That way if they want to quit they can but they won't be doing anything until that warzone finishes anyway.




I get very frustrated when literally half the team ragequits because we don't cap the middle node in Civil War a minute into the match. I mean seriously, that's absurd. Quitting 1 minute into the match? Good riddance. When we're starting to get massacred (3 nodes to none), all right, that makes a little more sense, but still. Losing is part of the game, whether it's by annihilation or by 1% in Novare Coast.

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Why there will never be leaving penalties for PVP:


you cant pick warzone

there isnt a large enough PVP population to exclude people

WZ votekick doesnt work well...at all

Ignore doesnt keep you out of WZs with people you have ignored

what if I just got disconnected?

some people intentionally grief in a wz or help the other team

I have been yanked out of warzones when GF pops, against my will

I dont have to carry you if I dont want to, just cuz you exist


If you enter a reg warzone with less than 2018 exp, or ranked without being in full augmented Obroan with a full knowledge of your class, you are the one griefing.

Same goes for the yahoos Queing for HM 55 FPs with under 20k hp talking about, I need to get comms somehow. RE-diculous.



And just FYI about that guarding other tanks, you can right click on buffs to remove them. SO you can remove anyones guard on you whenever you want. just sayin.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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