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The Official Unofficial Shadow of Revan 3.0 DIscussion thread


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Having completed 8 of these stories, I can't remember anyone saying we are now in open war. Although I don't play the game for the story. I play the game to play the game.



Well, you know, there was open conflict on Corellia that cost the Empire a tenth of its military. There was that incident where the Republic sent a complete fleet to attack Dromund Kaas so that the Knight could (try to) kill the Emperor. There was that time where the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic was killed. There was the Battle of Ilum. There were the Invasions of Korriban and Tython at the same time.



Long story short, open war from chapter 3 on, the Empire did its best to provoke this in chapter 2.

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Having completed 8 of these stories, I can't remember anyone saying we are now in open war. Although I don't play the game for the story. I play the game to play the game.


They also flat out SAY IT in several of the stories. Jedi Knight, Consular, Sith Warrior, and Trooper I know state it as a fact. Im pretty sure Imp Agent states it also.


Also they flat out say that the Empire declared war on the Republic in response to the Trooper's act 2 finale.

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Sounds delicious. I'll take a dozen to go, please.


Ran out of them already.


Supply lines are stretched too thin, following the sudden appearance of an unknown third party who wishes to wage war against both Republic and Empire.


Such a low blow, following the shortage of popcorn. :(

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I have to say, I have to give kudos to BioWare. I thought that this thread would have gotten nuked by now.


But given it exists due to their own gaffe, they are showing tremendous restraint and graciousness by letting the thread stand. Finally, a positive move by them.



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The funny thing is they doesn't response to the thread or something


actually, I understand that from a legal standpoint. They can't talk about it until they announce it. However this is a forum community, and not bound by that. So we can talk about it as much as we want because we have no real impact on the expansion itself in terms of development and release.

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Yeah I'm just surprised they didn't close the thread or delete it.


Commend them for that. ;)


Not only they manage to f*ck up the announcement that was bound to come this week, but they also -- accidentally one may assume -- revealed the name for the expansion all along.


Resounding success or accomplishment no doubt.

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Commend them for that. ;)


Not only they manage to f*ck up the announcement that was bound to come this week, but they also -- accidentally one may assume -- revealed the name for the expansion all along.


Resounding success or accomplishment no doubt.


yeah, I'll pick up what you're laying down there.


I've thought about that too, that this leak might have been intentional. I wouldn't put it past them, which means this is giving them exactly what they want. However at this point what does it matter? If it was intentional, I'm not mad at them for it; in fact I would applaud them for their smart creativity in turning around some of the PR and criticisms levied against them. If this was intentional, but their hands were tied from an official announcement, then this was absolutely the smartest way they could make and I would give them kudos for it.

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@Zion and Brian

Why are you guys giving BW accolades for a possibly intentional slip of something we all already knew? I could understand it if it was a tiny tid-bit that hadn't been mined yet, but this is old info. I'm not trying to be antagonistic or anything, just confused.


You have to better understand how P.R. works.


It was the best possible damage-control move they could have made, ahead of an actual announcement, and puts the focus and discussion back on them rather than on the people mining things.


It's a shrewd move.

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Most people that play this game don't even know what datamining is so a 'reveal' like this is new news. Hell most on these forums don't know what it is unless they frequent reddit.


I definitely believe Yavin 4 is where we are going and I am hoping for a new species. :)

Edited by Rasen
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keep in mind, there was a significant amount of people who partially left due to the poor treatment of Revan in the story us far, with regards to the original flashpoint.. They felt revan deserved a larger stage, and to be a bigger part of the game.


This expansion has the potential, if done right, to bring some of these people back into the fold. In essence, if done right, it could act as a relaunch of the game in order to bring back former subscribers.


While i didn't leave, i was one of those sorely dissappointed with the treatment of revan.



repub side was great story in bringing him back....then a week later i killed him on my juggernaut. felt very misaligned for one of the great heroes in the game series. I too would love to see a solid story built on him, including backstory fill (in quests and FP's of course) to bring those who never experienced him in KoTOR up to date.



As stated before, doing a solid story on Revan would be awesome. and so would yavin 4 or kash...kassh...achoo.

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While i didn't leave, i was one of those sorely dissappointed with the treatment of revan.



repub side was great story in bringing him back....then a week later i killed him on my juggernaut. felt very misaligned for one of the great heroes in the game series. I too would love to see a solid story built on him, including backstory fill (in quests and FP's of course) to bring those who never experienced him in KoTOR up to date.



As stated before, doing a solid story on Revan would be awesome. and so would yavin 4 or kash...kassh...achoo.


Many people were.


What didn't get a lot of press was one of the story writers at the time, Hal Hood, semi-confirming that Revan didn't die in the Foundry flashpoint in an interview with a fan site. However, that got buried as bigger issues came to the surface, including a complete restructuring of the development team and the implementation of free to play.

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We all knew it would be about it, but quite frankly I'm sick of Revan. He was one of the most interesting character at first, now he became overused and pretty bland to my eyes.


He was always meant to come back. Hal Hood confirmed it a while ago.

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