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Player Health Bar Bug When Entering/Exiting FP's/WZ's/etc.


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Does this bug affect anyone else?


To sum it up, more often than not, whenever I zone in or out of a flashpoint, warzone, etc. the health bar that floats above my character bugs and shows me at like 1% health when I'm actually at 100%.


Doing a CTRL+UU resets the health bar to 100%, but it doesn't react to any damage I'm taking.


Has this been documented? Does anyone have a fix/workaround for this?


Picture of the bug: http://imgur.com/Vmpvqky

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I get this bug pretty much every day when leaving wzs. It also does strange things like not updating your credit balance in your inventory when you buy things. The money is taken off but the value displayed stays the same. Also channel/cast bars don't always appear.
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I've actually seen this bug personally, as well. I will make sure the team is aware of the issue. Thanks!


This bug has been around for something like 2 years. The last message we got from a BW person was that you guys were unable to reproduce it.


I cannot reliably reproduce it, but I can say that if I'm pvping, there's a reasonable chance (20%?) I will get it at some point. More often when leaving the zone, but it's absolutely game breaking when you zone it.


As well, if I instance switch, when grouped up (say, to kill a world boss), then I have a very, very high likelihood of seeing this bug.

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Yes, this bug is old, happens to me at least since launch.


I didn't play between January and June this year but I had the impression it was worse when I came back just before 2.8.


As said the floating health bar get stuck, not updating to my real health I can see on the character frame. CTRL + U twice resets the bar to my current health but health lost/gain after that still aren't shown in the floating health bar.


It also stops the targeting mark above my current target from appearing (the Arrow).


Like Kurin said, I got no way to reliably reproduce it, but I know I will get it at some point after doing several warzones or ,while in a group, after switching instance to kill a world boss or regroup before heroic missions.

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