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PVP is fail for solo que


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I run into so few level 50s that it is rarely a problem. Most of the pvpers on my server are between level 10 and 30 tops


Yet. But it will be more common problem day by day. Soon PvP will be only enjoyable for lvl40+. After that only for 50s. Otherwise its not fully true, because if i will be 40+ or 50 I dont like to see lvl10-20 on my side, also dont want to fight against lvl10-20 also. Wheres the High-end WZ in SWtoR???????? WE NEED BRACKETS

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The 50s being with the lowbies is a temporary situation. Once we get more 50s it'll separate.


hopefully. but you know, we pay for the game from first day, and we want to enjoy it from first day. Also what an advantage for the most nerds to farm their high-end PvP gears, while half of the players in warzones around lvl10-30. They can gets more rewards easily, without really hard work, by just using 3-4 of their skills, while most of players are 20+ lowers around them

Edited by Dwighty
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