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Stronghold Listing Improvements?


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Hi, I just wanted to make some suggestions about the listings of your strongholds atm. I think it would be better if it wasn't faction based for one, so that your neutral houses are visible to both sides no matter which side your currently on , and 2nd that your houses should be listed 24/7 on the terminal even while logged out to get more people into the decorating part of the game. Cause as of now only a few are interested atm cause of so many restrictions there are on the listings.
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I don't think they'll have enough server resources to make all the public strongholds public 24/7.


But I would be very happy if they were online all the time while you're logged in + 1 minute. Because I relog my ten or so alts all the time for crafting, and I don't like the fact that my 100k prestige strongholds blink and become offline all the time I log out one of my alts and log in another.

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Nar Shadda and I believe Tattoine have a setting that can be listed so both factions can visit.


True,. but I also tested it with a friend and its limited to only the faction your currently on, so Rep to Rep, etc.

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True,. but I also tested it with a friend and its limited to only the faction your currently on, so Rep to Rep, etc.


You ever had to deal with some of the /say on Nar Shaddaa? The ones where the Pubs/Imps insult your mother, father, religion, race and gender? That's almost certainly why they limited it by faction.

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You ever had to deal with some of the /say on Nar Shaddaa? The ones where the Pubs/Imps insult your mother, father, religion, race and gender? That's almost certainly why they limited it by faction.


Never encountered anything like that through 8 chars I leveled and hang around Nar Shaddaa promenade a lot. Little PVP stuff like that either. It's marginal and silly excuse to block cross-fation comunication in a SOCIAL game that relies on communication...

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I didn't really mean to have one say channel combined to both factions, I just simply meant for your house to be visible to both sides all the time no matter what faction your currently on, and also while your offline too.
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