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One time password...... not one time


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Every single time I either DC or log in for the day, it always sends/asks for a one time password. Like dafrick is this?? Annoying as hell. I added a security key to help circumvent this, but then I found out how buggy the app for it is (cant use it while tethering my internet via cellphone.) ugh! Anyone else have this problem?
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Every single time I either DC or log in for the day, it always sends/asks for a one time password. Like dafrick is this?? Annoying as hell. I added a security key to help circumvent this, but then I found out how buggy the app for it is (cant use it while tethering my internet via cellphone.) ugh! Anyone else have this problem?


Well, to be fair, the "one time" refers to the fact that each code that is generated only works once. It's one code per login session.


Simple wiki check on "one-time password"

Edited by azudelphi
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He is complaining that the game is trying to maintain security of his account... when you try to log back in after a DC, and your IP changed, you get prompted for the one time password (if I knew your screen name... oh wait I do - I can try to log in as you and "guess" your password.) This prevents that from happening without access to your email.
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He is complaining that the game is trying to maintain security of his account... when you try to log back in after a DC, and your IP changed, you get prompted for the one time password (if I knew your screen name... oh wait I do - I can try to log in as you and "guess" your password.) This prevents that from happening without access to your email.


Generally your ip address doesn't change simply from a DC. Yes, the 192.168.1.xx usually changes during a DC, but that ip is specific to your WAN, not your LAN. usually your modem's IP remains static for a month or two before being cycled out and re-assigned (assuming you don't factory reset your RG/modem)


So, instead of people being smart-butts, someone could tell me why this happens. Is it because I'm tethering through my cell phone? (in which case, yes, my IP address could in fact change during a DC if my phone physically loses its 3g, which it doesn't, im talking about the server booting me off) Or is it a bug? Is it a setting on my computer? Answers to questions like those are the ones that are helpful, not sarcasm

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Generally your ip address doesn't change simply from a DC. Yes, the 192.168.1.xx usually changes during a DC, but that ip is specific to your WAN, not your LAN. usually your modem's IP remains static for a month or two before being cycled out and re-assigned (assuming you don't factory reset your RG/modem)


So, instead of people being smart-butts, someone could tell me why this happens. Is it because I'm tethering through my cell phone? (in which case, yes, my IP address could in fact change during a DC if my phone physically loses its 3g, which it doesn't, im talking about the server booting me off) Or is it a bug? Is it a setting on my computer? Answers to questions like those are the ones that are helpful, not sarcasm

ppl gave the answer with the info you gave...not liking the answer cause you didnt give all the info then giving the info doesnt change the answer.


it's not always from your ip changing but that is the number one reason.

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Every single time I either DC or log in for the day, it always sends/asks for a one time password. Like dafrick is this?? Annoying as hell. I added a security key to help circumvent this, but then I found out how buggy the app for it is (cant use it while tethering my internet via cellphone.) ugh! Anyone else have this problem?




The every time password is quite annoying. I have a static IP address, yet every day I log-in I am prompted for it. Sometimes the waits for the password are 15-minutes. I like this game, but I'm not sure it is intelligent to make people wait to play a game. I'm sure we have other icons on our desktop that are inviting.


I'm not going anywhere soon, but I'm pretty sure there will come a day were I haven't played this game for a few weeks. And I'll try to log in and I'll get this everytime password request... and I'll come to the realization that I haven't been playing it for a reason and unsubscribe.


You know, there are other online games I play and this is the only one with such a bizarre system.


- Arcada

Edited by Nydus
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I will admit, I hate the login system of this game. I hate having to log in just to download the patches. And to make a WoW comparison....how about a system like WoW where it remembers my computer for a set amount of time and i dont have to enter the security key in each time?
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Generally your ip address doesn't change simply from a DC. Yes, the 192.168.1.xx usually changes during a DC, but that ip is specific to your WAN, not your LAN. usually your modem's IP remains static for a month or two before being cycled out and re-assigned (assuming you don't factory reset your RG/modem)


And yet, dynamic IP reassignment sounds like the most likely scenario for your problem. If you are tethering to play the game, then a service disruption would have a decent chance of causing a game DC, followed by an IP reassignment to your phone, and the launcher requiring a new OTP to confirm the IP address change. The fact that you're getting the OTP prompt is a strong indication that you're reconnecting with a different IP. The game would not be able to keep a connection up through an IP change like that.


Have you actually confirmed that you're not getting a new IP address when the DC happens? I just simulated a connection failure (put my phone in a nice metal drawer that I know has no signal coverage), and when it reconnected, it reports a different IP address (not even in the same /24). A service drop of even a fraction of a second would be enough to trigger it. While you'd never notice it when browsing the web, it'll kill your game connection every single time.

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Generally your ip address doesn't change simply from a DC. Yes, the 192.168.1.xx usually changes during a DC, but that ip is specific to your WAN, not your LAN.

I think you accidentally swapped LAN and WAN.


I don't like the OTP either. I don't think they are going to change it, though. There were a number of complaints about it when it was first implemented and they held their ground on it.

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