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Bioware: Is Crafting to Win™ intended?


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You have no idea. That epic battle totally ****ed the mat economy on Shadowlands. Another consequence that people tried to post about in the forums before conquest went live. This whole patch has ****ed the economy of several servers. Between the cash sinks of the actual game, Strongholds, and now the epic crafting wars, I'm shocked people are flat broke yet

Uh oh. You seem to forget that someone is making a lot more money for mats than they did before. This is most likely balancing the sheet overall instead of any negative effect to the market. At the same, people who sell mats can acquire a lot of credits and buy things they could not before like rare mounts, item modifications, pets, decorations, you name it. This is refreshing for the economy and much needed to be honest.


Again, kudos for two insane guilds and their massive credit and time sacrifice! :D

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Oh, yeah, because the other things to do in game for conquests require so much effort.




Methinks some people lose sight of the fact that this is just a computer game.


Tell that to to the groups that nt only wipe in fps but every other op they do. lol, sad i know. Come into a "say no to pugs" or Triumph pvp match tell me u had an ez time beating 8 other players. You're probably terrible.


Its about having fun, nt about what platform its on. Try to remember that.

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500 million is a helluva lotta scratch for a few achievment points.


This. To the OP, you complain that crafting is a"easy win" yet you blew 500 MILLION credits for that "easy win"


Will your guild be able to blow another 500 million credits a week to do this easy win each time? Highly doubtful. You guys used your heroic moment :p Sure if you decide to spend an insane amount of credits you can craft your way to the top, but its not an easily repeatable "win" much as people like to say, credits come from somewhere, as do mats.


Whether you conquest via pvp, pve, or crafting, its effort expended either way. I spend just as much time doing dailies to pay for gathering missions as the guy who does a fp, its not like you can just toss 20 basic mats and get that invasion force, it take combos.

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This. To the OP, you complain that crafting is a"easy win" yet you blew 500 MILLION credits for that "easy win"


Will your guild be able to blow another 500 million credits a week to do this easy win each time? Highly doubtful. You guys used your heroic moment :p Sure if you decide to spend an insane amount of credits you can craft your way to the top, but its not an easily repeatable "win" much as people like to say, credits come from somewhere, as do mats.


Whether you conquest via pvp, pve, or crafting, its effort expended either way. I spend just as much time doing dailies to pay for gathering missions as the guy who does a fp, its not like you can just toss 20 basic mats and get that invasion force, it take combos.


You have no idea how easy 500 million is to get for guilds like Triumph and WOOK. Each week.

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Its about having fun, nt about what platform its on. Try to remember that.

That was rather my point.


such a very intelligent response, branmakmuffin...

Indeed it is.


"dont like it dont play it". No wonder people hate the swtor forums

I don't like Monopoly any more. So I don't play it. Seems rational.


Anyone playing a game by definition likes that game.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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You have obviously missed the point of the post. Perhaps I am just wasting my time with these kinds of petitions. The player base is too thick to understand simple logic.


I'm afraid you are wasting your time. The defenders know nothing apart from defending the game without logic and reason, giving pathetic replies such as "dont like it dont play it" among other things.


Unfortunately they will remain here on these forums, trying to scare away the good people such as yourself.

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This. To the OP, you complain that crafting is a"easy win" yet you blew 500 MILLION credits for that "easy win"


Whether you conquest via pvp, pve, or crafting, its effort expended either way. I spend just as much time doing dailies to pay for gathering missions as the guy who does a fp, its not like you can just toss 20 basic mats and get that invasion force, it take combos.


Do you hv any clue what they've done to win each and every week? Or how many fps or ops played into this weeks score or any other? No, you don't. Any every guild who wants to win would rather play pvp/pve then craft. Including Triumph. Thats the point. If BW, balances crafting, then conquest will be more about other types of gameplay.


Read and COMPREHEND what the thread is about in OP.

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I'm afraid you are wasting your time. The defenders know nothing apart from defending the game without logic and reason, giving pathetic replies such as "dont like it dont play it" among other things.

Yeah, it's much more rational to get all worked up about the way a game works.


Unfortunately they will remain here on these forums, trying to scare away the good people such as yourself.

That's funny, I couldn't care less if you or the OP or anyone plays or does not play the game.

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Just to turn this around:


What annoys me is your thinly veiled attempt to preserve your broken method to win a conquest without effort through crafting. :rolleyes:


See what I did there?


This isn't a matter of getting rid of one method, it's a matter of balancing them.


Should crafting be a viable way to win a conquest? Yes. Especially on crafting themed conquest weeks.


Should crafting be the most efficient means to attain conquest points every week? No. Especially not on non-crafting themed weeks.


I am a crafter, and love having crafting matter for conquests. No one is trying to take your candy, just control your consumption so it's not the only method for winning.


Crafting is in fact the easiest thing to do to get conquest points. Standing around crafting = no effort


Doing raids and flashpoints = effort.

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That was rather my point.



Indeed it is.



I don't like Monopoly any more. So I don't play it. Seems rational.


Anyone playing a game by definition likes that game.


As we all know mmos are static and never adjusted based on player feedback, exactly like a board game.:rolleyes:

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Yeah, it's much more rational to get all worked up about the way a game works.





Again, its about increasing the amount of fun while competing in conquest. In case you forgot, thats what game r for. Balance crafting would do that.


People who play a game like ASPECTS of the game. That doesnt mean theyre in love with every single detail. Know the difference.

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Honestly I wouldn`t take the Conquest system that seriously. It`s fun and a good idea but it has flaws which will take time to get out . It`s like still in beta.

And I honestly am glad crafting is so relevant for the conquest.


However I don`t think conquest is overall worth the effort because the rewards for conquering a planet are very lackluster.

Edited by menofhorror
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Again, its about increasing the amount of fun while competing in conquest. In case you forgot, thats what game r for. Balance crafting would do that.


People who play a game like ASPECTS of the game. That doesnt mean theyre in love with every single detail. Know the difference.

If you don't like a particular aspect of the game, you are not going to participate in that aspect of the game. There is nothing appealing to me about conquests, so I don't participate. If you participate, you obviously, on balance, like conquests. When that stops being true, you will stop doing conquests. End of story.

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This. To the OP, you complain that crafting is a"easy win" yet you blew 500 MILLION credits for that "easy win"


Will your guild be able to blow another 500 million credits a week to do this easy win each time? Highly doubtful. You guys used your heroic moment :p Sure if you decide to spend an insane amount of credits you can craft your way to the top, but its not an easily repeatable "win" much as people like to say, credits come from somewhere, as do mats.


Whether you conquest via pvp, pve, or crafting, its effort expended either way. I spend just as much time doing dailies to pay for gathering missions as the guy who does a fp, its not like you can just toss 20 basic mats and get that invasion force, it take combos.


The example in the OP is an extreme one, it was a rare instance that two wealthy guilds did a ton of crafting. However, it still stands that crafting is the only way to make that kind of dent, and even on a smaller scale it's much more efficient than any other method.


Take PvP on a bonus week assuming a 100% SH bonus. You get 750 points for participating and 1500 for winning. Assume you win every match you play for 2250 points per warzone. On average you can probably play 4 WZs per hour considering game time, load screens and queue time. That's 9k pts/hour. With one character crafting it takes approximately 4 hours to craft 25 War Supplies with affection and companion bonuses. On a non crafting week that's 25k points in 4 hours or 6k pts/hr. It's only slightly behind and can be done without being in game. If you log in to queue that crafting just 3 times per day you can hit 75k per day or 450k per week on one character. At the rate above of 9k pts/hr via pvp that would take 50 hours of game time, and that's if you win every match during those 50 hours. Trust me, it absolutely doesn't take close to 50 hours of game time to support that crafting.

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Oh, the sweat must literally pour off your brow as you struggle with the mighty challenges of playing a computer game.


Ahhh, thats explains. You only believe that using physical muscles take effort. Because strategizing for conquest, pvp matches etc....aka using ur brain, doesnt count right?


Well, at least we know why you aren't using yours.

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If you don't like a particular aspect of the game, you are not going to participate in that aspect of the game. There is nothing appealing to me about conquests, so I don't participate. If you participate, you obviously, on balance, like conquests. When that stops being true, you will stop doing conquests. End of story.


When life sucks and you hate life, do you just kill yourself? The answer is no, you try to work at improving it for the better.


Same story here in SWTOR. We are constructively trying to improve an area of the game which has much potential.


You may say that we are too serious and care too much. But you making tons of posts shows that you care even more.

Edited by ParagonAX
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If you don't like a particular aspect of the game, you are not going to participate in that aspect of the game. There is nothing appealing to me about conquests, so I don't participate. If you participate, you obviously, on balance, like conquests. When that stops being true, you will stop doing conquests. End of story.


And thats exactly what the forums are for...to state your opinions and FEEDBACK on the game, and how it can be IMPROVED.


Yet for some reason you don't like the idea of feedback, instead you go with " DONT LIKE IT DONT PLAY IT!!!!11oneone"


Go away with that mindset, no body likes it.

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Ahhh, thats explains. You only believe that using physical muscles take effort. Because strategizing for conquest, pvp matches etc....aka using ur brain, doesnt count right?

Differential calculus, stand aside. Here comes "hard mode raid strategizing."




Shots fired!


only branmakmuffin can compare an evolving changing MMO to a board game :rolleyes:

A game is a game. There is nothing inherently superior about an MMO versus Monopoly. If someone really likes Monopoly and really hates MMOs, to that person Monopoly is superior.


And thats exactly what the forums are for...to state your opinions and FEEDBACK on the game, and how it can be IMPROVED.

The game is either good enough to play or it's not. /shrug It's a computer game, not a trip to the ER.


Yet for some reason you don't like the idea of feedback, instead you go with " DONT LIKE IT DONT PLAY IT!!!!11oneone"

Hey, if you like venting on the forums, vent away.

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