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Translation: I need help, Anima keeps beating me.


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If anyone's in the mood for some free wins in lowbies feel free. <Anima> (AKA pub <Catfish>) has been running lately. I doubt many know or remember them since they always turn tail and flee from 55's only to roll new alts to premade lowbie/midbie PvP again.


People wonder why I posted on the forums here defending our guild, and also thanking them for the good times.


This guy really began the whole show. I don't even know who his lowbie alts are, but his ego obviously is easily bruised when he loses in pvp on this game. Too bad for him.


As seen by one of his posts above, he was a sore loser and decided to beg for help on the forums to fight our small 2-4 member group that occasionally are in the lowbie warzones. Our guild was only hardly a week old when he posted this cry for help.


Part of his charm is also to write total non-truths, or as most people would call them "lies".

The "slaughter" lmao. You guys were running a healer/tank/2dps premade in lowbies a couple days ago and the only ones getting slaughtered were you. But I'm sure we'll see you in 55's, right? I mean you're just so good after all. :rolleyes:

When did we get "slaughtered"? When our guild has grouped, particularly with 4 in a group I cannot honestly recall losing, not once in a warzone. It could happen, sometimes you meet some great premades on imp side, but, in all honesty I do not recall losing, let alone ever getting slaughtered...


Yeah try again. Both the matches I fought you in lowbies your four man group lost to a pug. But that selective memory of yours sure does come in handy doesn't it?


Another one of his proclamations. All I can say is obviously this guy takes losing personal, and gets bent out of shape then cries about it on the forums. He loses, then comes to the forums and says those who beat him lost. Truly a bad loser. I am sure he probably is a great player, and it probably gets frustrating losing in warzones when you are with PUGs against a guild that groups and beats you. Right Saya?


By the way, who are your lower level alts? Think i missed that part.


-Van-supra <Anima>

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Wait...So <Anima> is <Catfish>???


Wow, <Catfish> was terrible. I was just returning to the game after a long hiatus, and we saw them in mids mouthing off while getting stomped. Several of them begged to join <Hex> once they hit 55, which gave us all a chuckle considering they were so abusive during WZ's. I think we even have some screenshots of them saying nasty things to friends and guildies.


This is bloody hilarious if this is the case. Did they actually re-roll pubs when they hit 55 on their Imps?

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I ran into a player carrying the <Anima> tag for the first time in 55 PvP yesterday. The player in question ragequitted in consecutive games and later ended up rejoining the same match he/she quitted, which is arguably a more embarrassing situation to be in than having dealt no more than 46k damage by the end of the match.


Now that's just one member who may lack both the dedication and class the rest of <Anima> hopefully has, but that's how I remember your guild. You can expect every player who has visited one of your threads to remember your guild with the egotistical shout-out you extended to yourself. It takes more than the mad PvP skillz you are yet to demonstrate to earn respect in this community, and you are making yourself more and more difficult to sympathize with.


You should really consider stopping making more threads. Let the existing ones die as well. The best thing you can hope for at this point is to be forgotten, since it is getting more likely with each thread you make that your guild will end up becoming the laughing stock of the PvP community rather than the celebrated saviors of the Republic as you claim to be.

Edited by Advanderer
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Wait...So <Anima> is <Catfish>???


Wow, <Catfish> was terrible. I was just returning to the game after a long hiatus, and we saw them in mids mouthing off while getting stomped. Several of them begged to join <Hex> once they hit 55, which gave us all a chuckle considering they were so abusive during WZ's. I think we even have some screenshots of them saying nasty things to friends and guildies.


This is bloody hilarious if this is the case. Did they actually re-roll pubs when they hit 55 on their Imps?


^ This is not true. We have only 12-15 active players right now, and two of them had characters in Catfish. that hardly equates to our guild being Catfish rerolled on pubside. Both players are great I don't care if they were in Catfish.


Our guild has many players who are or were in multiple different guilds on imp side. Not surprisingly, the pvp community here is pretty small and it's common to run into the same players on alts that you never realized was soandso.


I can even say I had bad experiences as an imp, playing with some of Catfish. This doesn't make me hate everyone that was a member of that guild. That's not reasonable imo. that's great you have screenshots of a guild mouthing off in chat, a guild that has nothing to do with our guild.


-Van-supra <Anima>

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I ran into a player carrying the <Anima> tag for the first time in 55 PvP yesterday. The player in question ragequitted in consecutive games and later ended up rejoining the same match he/she quitted, which is arguably a more embarrassing situation to be in than having dealt no more than 46k damage by the end of the match.


Now that's just one member who may lack both the dedication and class the rest of <Anima> hopefully has, but that's how I remember your guild. You can expect every player who has visited one of your threads to remember your guild with the egotistical shout-out you extended to yourself. It takes more than the mad PvP skillz you are yet to demonstrate to earn respect in this community, and you are making yourself more and more difficult to sympathize with.


You should really consider stopping making more threads. Let the existing ones die as well. The best thing you can hope for at this point is to be forgotten, since it is getting more likely with each thread you make that your guild will end up becoming the laughing stock of the PvP community rather than the celebrated saviors of the Republic as you claim to be.


Who is the 55 you speak of? Everyone claims all these poor performances of our guild, but no names are ever given. If that's the case, then so be it... I play with guildies that are lowbies and mids... So, I cannot sit here and say what you say is not true. But I don't know of any active 55s in our guild right now, that PVP and PVP frequently.


As for letting threads die etc., yeah maybe early on it sounded a bit overzealous proclaiming that our guild was saving pub lowbie PVP, but, it was fun saying it and it sure did get a reaction. Sure, that was a trollish thread to create.


That thread was created just to stoke the anger in one particular player who lies about our guild and also has some personal problem with anyone who was ever associated with <Catfish>. 2 members of our guild were in Catfish. Not a big deal. Neither member "mouth off", or are disrespectful in warzones and I like grouping with them. Saya can criticize them all he wants but fact is many people come from many different guilds who were not partiuclarly well-liked. That doesn't mean all members of that guild are bad people or bad players.


Our guild demonstrates our abilities in low and mid pvp warzones, that much cannot be denied by anyone that plays with us. That's not being trollish. If people don't like the fact we group in low/mid warzones that's their problem. We even had some angry imp say they were reporting us for creating a premade in lowbies. We got a chuckle out of that one.


If we get to 55 we will still group and once there, we will see how it goes. I can't really say, "oh, well what we do in low/mids pvp will translate into the 55 warzones". Until that time comes it will be an unknown.


As for 55s in our guild pvping and doing so badly, I do not know of one active 55 that is pvping, raging, and quitting 55 lvl warzones. Instead of claiming this, provide screenshots, or at least give some names and quotes as to what they said that equated to them "raging". We don't "rage" in the warzones, and we don't talk crap either. So I find this hard to believe that someone was "raging".


-Van-supra <Anima>

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Third pointless-troll forum post from Anima in one week.


Can we ban them from the forums?


If anything you ought to be banned, your name is more trollish than any post I have created. Add that, you spelled the "terrorist" part of your name incorrectly. Rage on Whiteterroist. Rage on.

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why would you want to ban them? If they're as good as they say they are it's only good for the server. We can use the extra competition. I may even come back and play more often if there's more faction balance on the server.


Sorry, I did mix you up with "Jediharrison", who claims his scoundrel healer coupled with his 55 lvl healing experience pulled our warzone team to victory. Without him we were surely doomed. He says all of this, without sharing who his awesome healing scoundrel is. w/e.


The issue is, these guys are bad losers if you want the truth of the matter. They claim how great they are at 55, yet when they lose in low/mid pvp they come to forums and call us out, how we can't play 55 pvp, and they can't wait to really teach us a lesson once we are 55 lvl. The actuality of it all is, they are simply angry because they lost a match or two versus our guild group in lowbies/mids. That's it.


They don't want competition, if they did, they would look forward to the challenge we present in the lower tiers of pvp. I find it ironic that the ones who complain here the most are highly skilled players with 55 lvl characters. Who also queue and group, and destroy lesser skilled players in the lower tier pvp. It's only a problem when they lose and get beat.


We began this small guild because fact of the matter was, pubs generally got dominated constantly in lower tier pvp. Also there are less pub pvpers than imps, so that adds a challenge too. I abandoned my imps, and plan to stay pub side now on this server because it's more challenging.

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why would you want to ban them? If they're as good as they say they are it's only good for the server. We can use the extra competition. I may even come back and play more often if there's more faction balance on the server.


I'm talking about the forums.

Edited by whiteterroist
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So let me get this straight. You claim that you aren't trolling, or don't want drama, or something along those lines. Yet we're on how many threads, exactly? Cuz this makes four I believe. Not sure if I should chuckle or facepalm right now.


Saya, you make my day. You are probably hilarious in warzones with your raging. Who are your lowbies again?

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Saya, you make my day. You are probably hilarious in warzones with your raging. Who are your lowbies again?


And you are hilarious with how awesome you think you are. Just a tip, as someone in one of your other threads already pointed out; low and midbies are not representative of PvP in this game. Get to 55's and we'll see how you fare, somehow, I don't think it's going to be all that well. But please, continue feeling awesome for PvP in low/midbies, you certainly make all of us proud.


As for lowbies, I have a level 12 jugg who I'm probably not going to mess with as I plan on getting my level 52 jugg restored instead. But hey, since you're so "good" I'm sure you won't have any trouble killing a level 52, right?

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Wait...So <Anima> is <Catfish>???


Wow, <Catfish> was terrible. I was just returning to the game after a long hiatus, and we saw them in mids mouthing off while getting stomped. Several of them begged to join <Hex> once they hit 55, which gave us all a chuckle considering they were so abusive during WZ's. I think we even have some screenshots of them saying nasty things to friends and guildies.


This is bloody hilarious if this is the case. Did they actually re-roll pubs when they hit 55 on their Imps?


Yeah, Jerc I was thinking the same thing. These anima guys aren;t much of anything. They pat themselves on the back when they finally beat a pug team with their premade. Catfish re-rolled because they thought they would be good when they hit 55 and as it turns out they were nothing more than dead weight. The lhance guy's keystrokes are just filled with desperation. Seriously could you get any more pathetic? You are like a jack russell terrier barking for attention.


No one will remember <Anima> for being anything more than some comedy on the forums. Much like the vVv or when regulators sent an anonymous shout out to themselves.

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Been just sitting back reading all this the past while. Entertaining read.:eek:


Anyways, I have an ungulded Sage (lvl 21) and ended up in several WZs tonight playing on the same team as <Anima>.


They didnt have much to say in Ops chat, but they conducted themselves just fine and appeared pretty well coordinated.

I am not going to get into the discussions on "lowbie heros" and such, but I can confirm that they played well and certainly didn't suck. I don't recall losing any matches that we played together in and there were several.


General note that pub lowbies have like no healers atm. I was running Balance spec and found myself off healing lots. Not just in those WZs, but I played Pub lowbie all night and healers were few and far between. Only other on I ran into was a single unguilded scoundrel.


@Morderca - I have a Jack Russell. They don't bark for attention. They whine (that high pitched one that gets me like nails on a chalkboard). They also attack feet to get attention. That one really pisses me off. Still love the little bugger, but sheesh:rak_04:

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Been just sitting back reading all this the past while. Entertaining read.:eek:


Anyways, I have an ungulded Sage (lvl 21) and ended up in several WZs tonight playing on the same team as <Anima>.


They didnt have much to say in Ops chat, but they conducted themselves just fine and appeared pretty well coordinated.

I am not going to get into the discussions on "lowbie heros" and such, but I can confirm that they played well and certainly didn't suck. I don't recall losing any matches that we played together in and there were several.


General note that pub lowbies have like no healers atm. I was running Balance spec and found myself off healing lots. Not just in those WZs, but I played Pub lowbie all night and healers were few and far between. Only other on I ran into was a single unguilded scoundrel.


@Morderca - I have a Jack Russell. They don't bark for attention. They whine (that high pitched one that gets me like nails on a chalkboard). They also attack feet to get attention. That one really pisses me off. Still love the little bugger, but sheesh:rak_04:


At least one person gives an honest opinion of us and how we conduct ourselves in warzones. He actually has played with us, and can say something positive instead of making up lies and stories about how we get carried by the PUGs of pubs or that we play so terribly. Thanks.


That being said, I am happy to see a Guerrilla player still active, I don't see you guys much anymore. What happened to Corndogs/Yolk? Does he still play? I have asked a few different Guerrilla members and none claim to really know. One guy said he thinks he might have gone to another game... Is this true?


When I first started on server as a lowbie imp, he was one of the first people to approach me to group in pvp. We always had fun and he was a cool dude, he didn't let his ego get in the way of who he would group with which is rare with great pvpers. Seems most don't want to group outside their close group of associates.


Anyway, hope he is well and thanks for your positive words and honest opinion on the forums. This is really a troll trap, so I am surprised you even bothered commenting here. GL.

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At least one person gives an honest opinion of us and how we conduct ourselves in warzones. He actually has played with us, and can say something positive instead of making up lies and stories about how we get carried by the PUGs of pubs or that we play so terribly. Thanks.


That being said, I am happy to see a Guerrilla player still active, I don't see you guys much anymore. What happened to Corndogs/Yolk? Does he still play? I have asked a few different Guerrilla members and none claim to really know. One guy said he thinks he might have gone to another game... Is this true?


When I first started on server as a lowbie imp, he was one of the first people to approach me to group in pvp. We always had fun and he was a cool dude, he didn't let his ego get in the way of who he would group with which is rare with great pvpers. Seems most don't want to group outside their close group of associates.


Anyway, hope he is well and thanks for your positive words and honest opinion on the forums. This is really a troll trap, so I am surprised you even bothered commenting here. GL.


You guys do play fairly well, but there's just too much talking in the forums. I even tried to give you the benefit of the doubt in another thread that you were baited into defending your guild. At this point though it's just going a bit far. Let you play do the talking and let the forums die down on the topic. You'll already be a target by a lot of people at this point which will make your gearing up and acclimating period in 55s pretty miserable. I'd just try and cool it a bit if I was you.


My lowbie is Mystiir by the way, you mentioned me in one of your several threads :p Try and conduct yourselves on the forums as you do in game. I had my own issues with 'forum pvp' in the past but I've come to realize it's really not worth it and just makes you look silly in the end. Most of the people I argued with ended up being cool to boot. Embrace the community don't fight it. If you do that you'll probably find several people defending you rather than joining in with the trolls.


edit: As for Yolk, I'm pretty sure he's only playing Starcraft currently.

Edited by ML_DoubleTap
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According to his Enjin page, it seems that way. I seem to recall him posting an image of cancelling his sub, though that may be someone else I'm confusing him with.


I figured he was gone and, if that's the case not coming back. Ah well. Nice guy and fun to play with. Wish him well.

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