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What are your favorite, most *fun* builds to fly?


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I'm sure a lot of people have the most fun flying T2 Battlescouts and T1 Gunships, but what about other builds? Even if they aren't optimal, what builds have just been plain fun to fly?


Here are mine:


1. T1 Scout with S2E converter, Power Dive, and Dampening Sensors

This build is just so fun because of the speed. You can almost perpetually boost. You can use Power Dive to make hard, 90 degree turns around mesas. You can watch pursuers lose you on their sensors, even as you still can see them on yours. You can get ALL the powerups! Not only is it fun true hit-and-fade Scout build, but with practice, it's capable of carrying matches (TDM at least).


2. T1 Strike with Ions/HLC/Clusters, Directional Shield, and Turbo Reactor

This build is fun for a couple of reasons. For one, only your engine component and co-pilot ability have any appreciable cooldowns. That means that most of the time, flying optimally means you're constantly doing four things at once ... switching between Ions and Heavies, angling your shields around, locking on with missiles, shifting power levels--all with no cooldowns. It feels the most interactive and "simmish" of all builds--like playing X-wing. Second, Ion + Clusters can deal out some serious burst damage. By the time your Cluster Missile locks on in 1.3 seconds, your Ion Cannons have already stripped the shields of the target. Then your Cluster Missile hits for 600-800 damage direct to hull. With a quick swap to HLC's (or Quads if you prefer), it's very easy to finish off the target--all in under 3 seconds. And again, there's no cooldown to this combo. Directional + Turbo makes your own shields pretty much impossible to keep down, especially if you're on a sat.


3. T3 Gunship with Cluster Missiles + Interdiction Missiles

I know it's not optimal to sacrifice a railgun for double missiles. But it's still super fun. Unlike the T2 Strike, the T3 Gunship can get two short-range, quick-locking missiles. Spam clusters to lure out the target's engine breaks. Then hit with Interdiction Missile to slow them. Then back to Clusters and BLC's to finish them off. Combine with Power Dive, Directional Shield, and Turbo Reactor, and you're quite slippery and hard to kill yourself--especially since you're never standing still to use a railgun. And because this Gunship gets Thrusters, it can actually hang pretty well under a sat or in turning battles. It's really a better missile-boat than the T2 Strike can be. Also the Jurgoran just looks wicked.


4. T3 Bomber with Interdiction Drone, LLC's, and Clusters

I call this build the Spider. Normally, landing kills with LLC's from a Bomber would be difficult because of slow Bomber turning. But this Bomber can get Turning Thrusters and a turning bonus from Power Dive. Then it can use Interdiction Drone to further even the playing field. You basically use Power Dive to jump into a furball, drop Interdiction Drone to slow all the enemies around you, then melt them with LLC's and a huge capacity of Clusters. I made this build as a bit of a lark, but it turned out to be way more effective than I anticipated. The only limiting factor is the cooldown on Interdiction Drone. And once again, Power Dive + Directional Shields turns you into an extremely slippery target. Though I'd recommend Large Reactor over Turbo for this build, since Bomber shield capacity is a bit low.


5. T3 Strike with Repair Probes, Directional Shield, and Turbo Reactor

It's just fun to be nearly unkillable. On some alts, I use E2S Converter as my engine, to further increase my shield capacity to obscene levels. But honestly, using Power Dive, while not giving a shield bonus, gives you tighter turning, a great missile break, and a makeshift travel skill. In the end, I found that using E2S Converter makes you able to survive more damage, but Power Dive makes you take less. So in the end, survivability is about the same. Either way, Repair Probes + Directional + Turbo means that any damage you do take will quickly go away. And you get to earn healing medals :)


I know some will prefer Charged Plating, and honestly that is fun too. But I've always personally enjoyed the moment-to-moment engagement that Directional Shields brings.


Again, I make no claim that any of the above builds are optimal--though I do think they are all quite competitive in

normal, run-of-the-mill matches. The key thing is that they are just very enjoyable for me. :)


I'm eager to hear what other builds, be they serious or wacky, people enjoy flying the most.

Edited by Nemarus
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It's totally not optimal, but...


T1 Scout - Booster Recharge, StE, Power Thrusters, and Light Lasers. It's 100% a hit and run, but I absolutely LOVE running obstacle courses with people chasing me. Go towards a spawn in a TDM, ping 3-5 enemies, and start running. Through scaffoldings, around asteroids, through doorways in Mesas... And just when you are about to distance people, turn around, barrel roll through them, and keep on flying. The only "optimal" part of it is that if you have 3-5 people on you, they're probably being completely set up for your allies, not that that's why I do it. I've been able to keep 3 people following me for about 3 minutes before they finally got frustrated and peeled.


T3 Scout - LLC, Ion Missile, Tensor, Snap Turn - Tensor and Ion (T5 slowdown upgrade) allows you to kind of play with your enemies, especially with Snap Turn, because no one uses it, or seems to know how to react to it. It's actually a lot of fun to pseudo-joust with someone, hit Tensor as you boost past them a ways, Snap Turn, and watch them looking for you as you line up your next shots. And with this, you give up your target, but Snap Turn is actually pretty effective against people on your 6 as well, because you can hit it, boost past them, and be gone before they have a chance to turn around. I'll also note that I've waited on a lock with Ion on my target with someone on my 6, locking a missile. I let my missile go, let my pursuer lock, snap turn, tensor, and swing back around to my original (now crippled) target to finish them off, and then leave the area.


T3 GS - Similar to your build, actually. And for similar reasons. Although I roll with Retro, rather than PD. It's a little like having the T2 Strike with Retro, and I really, really wish I could put Retro on the T2 Strike. But the Jurgoran does look infinitely cooler than the Quell. It's kind of like a bird of prey.


And yes, I like playing with my marks a bit before moving in for the kill... I think it's one of the reasons I don't like flying bombers or real gunships. It denies me the play time, and turns matches into business meetings.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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T1 scout, LLC, pods, Booster Recharge, Barrel Roll


I've run it with S2E, too, but it seems like overkill to pair that with Booster Recharge. Liberal use of F3 keeps me from running out of engine power well enough. Zooming around like a maniac in it is pretty fun. It's also not bad at doing damage (as Nemarus has pointed out). But for sheer joy of flying, it's the tops for me.


T3 scout with tensor is a close second.


- Despon

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SportsDive or 'You'll-never-catch-me.... oups-I-just-Power-Died' : Novadive StE, Booster Recharge, Pods, LLC, PDie

Assault Bomber or 'Fear-my-mines-'til-I-pop-you-with-my-HLC' : Rempart HLC, Seismic, Conc, CP, EtS

Fighter-Bomber : Warcarrier HLC, Conc, RailDrone, OS, EtS

'I don't care, you aren't getting away' : Nova or FF LLC or BLC, Sabo, TT, StE or Disto, PDie

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The most fun build for me is actually a Sting/Flashfire but not the way most people fly it.


Its definitely not competitive or anything but the build is: Rapid Fire Lasers, Sabotage Probe, Blaster Overcharge with Frequency Capacitor and Concentrated Fire.


So much fun firing that fast with so many red numbers while they just fly in a straight line.


I suggest everyone gives it a shot, for sure my favorite "for fun" build.

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The most fun I have with my Blackbolt / Novadive.


Rapid Laser, Sabotage Probe, EMP Field, Engine Power Converter, Power Dive, Dampening Sensors.


All meanness gathered. Annoyed opponents guaranteed. :D

Edited by Magira
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Fun and always in my hangar


Starguard : HLC / Ion / Conc. Missile / Quick-charge / Koiogran T.

Range Cap. / Regen Mag / Speed Thrust / Turbo Reactor


Pike : HLC / Conc. Missile / Proton Torp. / Quick-charge / Barrel R.

Range Cap. / Regen Mag / Speed Thrust / Light. Armor


Clarion : QLC / Proton Torp. / Repair P. / S. Projector / P Dive

Range Cap. / Def Armor / Regen Reactor / Comm. Sensor


Sledgehammer : HLC / Conc. Missile / Conc. Mine / Directionnal S. / P. Dive

Range Cap / Regen Mag / Speed Thrust / L. Reactor



Wild cards


Condor : LC / Slug Rail. / Interdiction M. / Directionnal S. / P. Dive

Freq Cap. / Regen Mag. / Speed Thrust. / L. Reactor


Novadive : LC / Sabo. Probe / EMP Field / Quick-charge S. / Barrel R.

Range Cap. / Light. Armor / Speed Thrust. / Range Sensor

Edited by Altheran
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My favourite build is the Clarion with Quads, Thermites, Directional Shield, KoiTurn and Repair.

1. Joust the enemy with full frontal shields.

2. Start lock on at 8K-10K

3. Fire Quads at around 5K

4. Relase missile

5. Fly past them with front shields intact

6. Wait a few seconds for the DoT to finish them off

7. :D


And imho the best way to harvest Mechanic/Savior medals and get Repair MVPs.

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But... but... GSF needs teh balances!


The problem is the balance discussions just keep repeating themselves and the devs aren't responding in any visible way. Repeating the same discussions over and over is insane, nothing's changing. Might as well talk about something else rather than go crazy just arguing about things the devs aren't bothering to fix or implement.


Sorry for any typos and the negative tone. Typing on a phone and am just frustrated with the lack of anything about GSF.

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