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Ok Aces who do you Respect/Fear?


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Such hubris. If all these subtleties of team skill can be imagined in a pug vs premade roflstomp then it really is time to switch over to the weaker faction and see how good you really are (which you wont). You see one day you will be alone and that is the time you'll find out what you are really about.


Interestingly, I have little to no respect for dedicated* solo pilots. By refusing to learn the majority of the game, they only learn a tiny sliver of a skillset, and often point to it as if the game should be balanced around that, or as if 1v1 skills or uncoordinated tricks are the game. Often they come to the forums and denigrate teams, team builds, teamwork, team synergy, team queues, the fact that they are playing a team game, and generally act like their tiny fraction of the game IS the game.

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We're having a weird issue right now. Both sides won't engage a turret in contention or in control. They all sit outside of turret range and melee with each other. Its like it's dec of last year all over again. It is not a matter of skill or quantity it's a matter of experience which breeds both.


Good lord... so glad to be on a server with a large population that knows how to play... more power to you and PoT5 brother! REMEMBER DECEMBER!!! (lol - had to)

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Such hubris. If all these subtleties of team skill can be imagined in a pug vs premade roflstomp then it really is time to switch over to the weaker faction and see how good you really are (which you wont). You see one day you will be alone and that is the time you'll find out what you are really about.



I've been alone plenty, and I've had people log over and curse me out. That's doing something right.


And we play both factions. All of us have every ship mastered on both factions, because why wouldn't we? We frequently swap sides.


Heck, we've taken our crew to other servers and everyone just hates us there then and posts massive nerf threads and hate threads in their server places.


So yea, your gauntlet? That was like, March? We did that a long time ago, and for months straight.

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I actually very much agree with this - on all aspects. Nice to be mentioned, but when it comes down to it, ya, these threads are popularity contests.


It's for these reasons that I normally avoid actually doing these threads. Quite simply, there's TONS of great pilots. But if everyone is already talking about a guy I play with and against sometimes, ofc I'm gonna give a shout out.



I mean- if we had moderators who were more into these threads (they'll fix egregrious stuff for sure), this thread would have been INSTA-LOCKED.


Because it's not like "Hey Aces- is there some superace category?" Is going to be a useful thread. We already have an Aces thread, and it's been terrible, but at least it was STARTED with good intentions, and has some maintenance from the OP. Intentions count for a lot.

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Simple fun thread.


Well if you consider yourself an ace who do you respect, fear or call out before or during a match?


No rules on if you are an ace or not so no flaming of other posters and what not. Keep it light.


And no format to go by just your thoughts. ;)


Just a little reminder to all this is just a casual thread not to be taken seriously.


A lot of the posts have been very good so keep up the Respect towards others who fly cus we are the minority or so they say. Please carry on with your thoughts!


Also just clarify a bit this thread was started to ask those who were named in the other Aces thread who they thought were good. Because we know talent when we see it since were all experts by know right? Get it now? Maybe ;).

Edited by SithAceI
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Just a little reminder to all this is just a casual thread not to be taken seriously.


A lot of the posts have been very good so keep up the Respect towards others who fly cus we are the minority or so they say. Please carry on with your thoughts!


Also just clarify a bit this thread was started to ask those who were named in the other Aces thread who they thought were good. Because we know talent when we see it since were all experts by know right? Get it now? Maybe ;).


Just a bump for a top page so no one misses it. ;)

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My guess would be lack of competition


I'm actually having a lot of fun on this server Renegade you should come join us on pub side, I usually play from 3-7pm est.


As for scrab leaving he transfered his character to The Progenitor and is still on my friends list so he probably is just playing on multiple servers still or hasn't had the time to play. :)

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How is the latency for you Drak?


I'll be honest I haven't felt enough of a difference to even check but tomorrow I plan on heading over again and ill check for ya.


As for everyone yelling at sammy/renegade-one you guys should know that Scrab has a habit of joining servers then leaving as soon as he deems them of having a lack of competition. I don't think he meant it as an insult but more as a guess on why Scrab would leave, which he hasn't btw I played with him on progenitor for hours.

Edited by Drakkolich
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I just posted this on the JC server forums, but I'll say it again here for the community at large:


Man, I think I am going to have to try to copy Scrab's build. I feel like I could probably take him out if it wasn't for the fact that his scout one shots me. There's a lot of really good pilots on JC that I have respect for, but this guy is pretty much the only pilot on JC that I feel like is actually better than me.

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I respect a lot of pilots on my server. I fear none. As for Scrab he is one top 5 pilot I have ran into doing GSF. I have to say I like it more with him on my team then against me.


Thanks man, you're awesome too! I don't even remember if it was on POT5 or Harbinger we played, it's been a while since then..


Thanks to anyone else for mentioning me so much, I've been trying to stay active on a lot of different servers lately and it's been a blast on most of them.


I wouldn't say that I fear anyone in GSF, but there are a lot of good players out there who can challenge me any day. I highly respect all of the "carry" players across all the servers I play on, you know who you are. You're what makes my time in GSF so much more fun, thanks.

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I miss the Death Squadron vs. Black Squadron days on Pot5. Plenty o good pilots back then. Not sure where they all went off to. I of course recognize Ispep and Scrab above. I moved to Harby and can't find anyone, though I don't play nearly as much GSF...



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I miss the Death Squadron vs. Black Squadron days on Pot5. Plenty o good pilots back then. Not sure where they all went off to. I of course recognize Ispep and Scrab above. I moved to Harby and can't find anyone, though I don't play nearly as much GSF...




Hiya Bok! Long time no see! Most of us are on the imp side... well... the few that are on Harbie full time anyway... We're in DESPAIR (one hell of a GSF guild)... look us up!

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Not sure how much my opinion actually matters, but Ghostwatch is a total boon to my games whenever he exists, and seems to pull great numbers even in games where the whole team is being crushed. And before I flied against Scrab (months ago), I did not know that tier 2 scouts were actually viable, and flew exclusively with the tier 1 scout. Having my entire team spawn camped by what was basically just him changed my mind, so nice to see him mentioned :')


I also remember Tsukuyomi from when GSF first came out, when I was flying on the Ebon Hawk. Had to chase him down every game (and die several times in the process) or see my team picked out one by one.

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I fear laggers, e.g. Bereth'or from the Progenitor, that are hard to kill because of their teleporting skills, yet they shoot down my team like they wouldn't be affected by their own lags,


I've already seen that happening in one of the f2p FPS games where people caused lag on purpose. :rolleyes:


there was a guy in Eclipse that when u target him he starts to spike lag, when u stop target him he was going juuuust fine, noticed and watch him in a whole run too bad my FRAPS wasnt on to rec it (can say didnt think of that that time)


Just to know there are some other cheats in GSF (unlockable to missiles, ultra dmg, infinity speed boost) so fear those that use them, i know some but EA dont give a ****.

Edited by Kissakias
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there was a guy in Eclipse that when u target him he starts to spike lag, when u stop target him he was going juuuust fine, noticed and watch him in a whole run too bad my FRAPS wasnt on to rec it (can say didnt think of that that time)


Just to know there are some other cheats in GSF (unlockable to missiles, ultra dmg, infinity speed boost) so fear those that use them, i know some but EA dont give a ****.

Lol, sounds a lot like Draxiv/Mirajj on PoT5.


What ispep said. No single player i've noticed that I'd be afraid of. It's the teams you have to worry about.

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there was a guy in Eclipse that when u target him he starts to spike lag, when u stop target him he was going juuuust fine, noticed and watch him in a whole run too bad my FRAPS wasnt on to rec it (can say didnt think of that that time)


Just to know there are some other cheats in GSF (unlockable to missiles, ultra dmg, infinity speed boost) so fear those that use them, i know some but EA dont give a ****.


Ultra dmg? I have never seen anything higher than our records and I know they are legitimately acquired. Most of the people who make these claims are themselves really bad pilots and refuse that anybody could be better than them.

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