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Revan, 3.0 & the Infinite Empire


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DISCLAIMER: I would post this in the "Story & Lore" area ONLY but seeing it doesn't have as much traffic as one would expect, I hope people don't mind I post it here as well.


This is a rather lengthy post so I tried to format it to the best of my ability, to make the reading more agreeable.


Here goes. :D


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With the release of the

for 3.0 last tuesday, a lot of questions popped up:


Where is Revan? Is that a temple of some sorts? And if it is, who built it? And where? Come to think of it, is that even Revan to begin with? And what about that... thing behind him? Is it a Sith artifact or something else? Something more?


While I think no one can answer to the above questions for sure, solely relying on the teaser itself, we can probably try to explore what came before it and the center of it all.


Before doing that however, I've written a few words on Revan, seeing that I believe it is fundamental we understand his journey, from the humblest beginnings.


As most people surely know by now, Revan was initially a Jedi Knight who disobeyed the Jedi Council, and chose to fight the mandalorians lead by Mandalore the Ultimate, thus making a name for himself during the Mandalorian Wars.


Once the war ended, Revan traveled into the Unknown Regions with Malak, where they eventually encountered the Sith Empire reborn, being lead by an all-powerful self-proclaimed Sith Emperor.


Faltering in their devotion to the Light even before that encounter, they eventually succumbed to the Dark side and became servants to the Sith Emperor, tasked with the objective of discovering the location of the "Star Forge", a monstrous space station from the time of the "Infinite Empire", the Golden Era for a species known as the "Rakata".


, the Star Forge was one of three legendary space stations that changed the course of nations, the other two being the Foundry and one unnamed space station that xenoformed planets.


As seen in the first Knights of the Old Republic, the Star Forge was destroyed by the end of the game, with most of the wreckage finding its way to Rakata Prime, also known as Lehon, the capital planet of the Infinite Empire.


The Foundry on the other hand, after having been appropriated by the Empire, was repurposed by the Schism Collective at the behest of Darth Malgus, the latter bent on using it to fuel his revolution to enforce change to the Empire. In the end, it shared the same fate as its sibling 300 years prior.


However, all things considered, there is the slight possibility that one of these legendary space stations still exists, somewhere, out there.


And with that, comes the weaving thread that connects them all: Revan.


It is time to go back to him. ;)


- - - -


On Nar Shaddaa, in the Industrial Sector, Imperial characters have the opportunity to aid General Kolvin, of the Imperial Reclamation Service. He has a mission, one we can help him with: Infiltrate a compound left centuries ago by Revan, after he was reborn as a Dark Lord of the Sith.


Inside lies something of value to the Empire, namely the Infinite Engine. Assuming you already know all that, I'll fast-forward and get to the point. Also inside the compound is

, which one may assume was written before Malak betrayed him. In it, it reads the following:


Fools on both sides. All who thought the Star Forge a mere weapon, they didn't know. They never wanted to know.


It is the seed of worlds. Such power, even in a fragment...


A fleet, that's what I made of it. Almost laughable now. What of its smallest piece? It cannot build ships, no; What useless fragments does it generate?


Air. Life.


It feeds on the Force, on energy, on mass, on whatever you give it. And it creates. That is its nature.


It begins where we all began. A breath of air, a drop of water, the first chains of carbon.


Why bother with fleets, when one day we might build our own galaxies?


And now onto the next stage of my little tale or hypothesis... :D


After completing part two and three of Forged Alliances, Smugglers are privy to a couple of mails available here and here, respectively from Beryl Thorne and Master Sumalee. I shall quote only the sections that are of relevance:


In fact, I'm leaving for the Rishi Maze.


When you speak to the bird, it will be time.


The first one is no big secret. Checking its Legends section on Wookieepedia, it reads:


The Rishi Maze, formally known as Companion Aurek, was a dwarf satellite galaxy orbiting the galaxy. The satellite derived its name from the planet Rishi, the most popular starting location for hyperspace travel to the Rishi Maze.


The second one, as someone was kind enough to point out on Reddit, is probably an allusion to the winged native species on Rishi.


Rishi was a tropical planet in the Rishi system wich was located in the Outer Rim Territories. Rishi is the home of the Rishii. The Rishii are a winged species, wich lives in nests on the mountains of Rishi.


If you read this far, you're probably asking yourself: HOW IS THIS RELATED TO REVAN, YOU FOOL? :mad:


If I may be so bold, I ask you to indulge me for a bit longer, please. :o


- - - -


Do you know by any chance what a "dwarf galaxy" is? I didn't quite honestly and as such, I took a peak at it:


A dwarf galaxy is a small galaxy composed of up to several billion stars, a small number compared to our own Milky Way's 200–400 billion stars.


Further below:


Current theory states that most galaxies, including dwarf galaxies, form in association with dark matter or out of gas containing metals. However, NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer space probe identified new dwarf galaxies forming out of gases lacking metals. These galaxies were located in the Leo Ring, a cloud of hydrogen and helium around two massive galaxies in the constellation Leo.


Going back to the game, do you remember the

? Why he received such a harsh punishment?


I sought to dance among star temples and understand dark time. In truth, I remember little.


Would you still remember what Revan wrote down earlier in his



It is the seed of worlds.


What of its smallest piece?


What useless fragments does it generate?


Air. Life.


Why bother with fleets, when one day we might build our own galaxies?


Do you still remember what I said earlier, concerning the Star Forge and its siblings?


, the Star Forge was one of three legendary space stations that changed the course of nations, the other two being the Foundry and one unnamed space station that xenoformed planets.


However, all things considered, there is the slight possibility that one of these legendary space stations still exists, somewhere, out there.


Do you still have in mind what the Rishi Maze is?


The Rishi Maze, formally known as Companion Aurek, was a dwarf satellite galaxy orbiting the galaxy. The satellite derived its name from the planet Rishi, the most popular starting location for hyperspace travel to the Rishi Maze.


If you do, then onward. :cool:


- - - -


In Hinduism, there is a concept known as the "Trimūrti", further elaborated upon below:


The Trimūrti, Tri Murati or Trimurati, is a concept in Hinduism "in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the maintainer or preserver and Shiva the destroyer or transformer." These three gods have been called "the Hindu triad" or the "Great Trinity", often addressed as "Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara." They are different forms of the One person called the Supreme Being or Svayam Bhagavan/Lord Krishna/Parabrahman.


On Rakata Prime, a towering statue of Revan has a plaque at its feet. It reads:



, the plaque refers to him as "THE REVAN". Just as he returned "to our world" twice, he has taken on two roles, namely that of a Destroyer and Protector.


Maybe something else would be in wait around the corner.


- - - -


Now that I hope I've been able to convey where I'm coming from, this is what I'm trying to say:


I think the next logical step for Revan would be to take on the mantle of a Creator, after having been both Destroyer and Protector at different intervals. You may be asking: How do the Rakata factor in all this?


As implied above, it would seem the Rakatan Infinite Empire had at one point the technological prowess to create galaxies if need be.


His reference to "Dark Time"?


I believe he was actually referring to something akin to Dark Energy or Dark Matter, the former a key aspect in the Mass Effect series earlier on. In other words, it is possible he was punished for the fact he was trying to rise above his people and create a galaxy of his own.


I find your galaxy wanting. I choose to remake it and to give birth to a new Infinite Empire.

A bit of a stretch? Perhaps. Impossible? Not really. :p


, something to which Wookieepedia can attest, there was space station capable of xenoforming planets. Again, what would be the logical next step for said station?


Once more, remember the Rishi Maze? And the theoretical principle behind dwarf galaxies? Is it possible something like the Rishi Maze is the Infinite Empire crowning achievement? An entire new galaxy for them to submit, way, way further down the road? Is it possible Revan is following once again in their footsteps?


As someone once said:


Deviance! By definition, the Infinite Empire cannot "fall."


Plus, when you read something such as this:


Over twenty thousand years ago, the Rakata ruled an empire hundreds of worlds strong. They enslaved armies of lesser beings, but slavery and war were only incidental to the Rakata way of life. Their Infinite Empire was built on the promise that the Rakata could reshape existence to suit themselves–they would warp space, peer through time, create and destroy species at a whim. To humanoid minds, the Rakata of old were mad hedonists and philosophers without conscience. For all their arrogance and their eventual fall (and they did fall, in time, when their power mysteriously faded and their slaves revolted en masse), the Rakata were supreme at their peak. They effortlessly merged their strength in the Force with technological genius, creating nightmarish and brilliant devices. Their achievements may never be matched; perhaps this is for the best.


It doesn't seem that unlikely, does it?


For what is worth, I don't believe for one second what I wrote above is a possibility or even remotely close to what we're bound to get with 3.0 but it was fun writing it. I hope you enjoyed reading it. ;)

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Now this is why I browse the forums daily! I am always hoping for an interesting discussion to pop up. Not crap about the game dying, pvp hacking influenzas and how Bioware hates us all! Excellent post Wicked! Now onto the discussion!


I definitely like where you are going with the concept of Revan becoming a 'creator'. He has destroyed via the Mandalorian Wars and his own war against the Republic. He has preserved via his rebellion against Malak and his hunt for the True Sith Emperor. Now he must fulfill his last godly duty. I have always viewed Revan to be the 'Jesus' of the Old Republic Era just like the Skywalkers are for the movie era. Someone who all narrative threads somehow lead to. Someone who is larger than life and the mere mention of can shake worlds.


I am in the camp that believes that Revan is trying to emulate the Emperor's power and fight a cosmic godlike battle with him. All of us caught in the center. The issue for Revan though is that he doesn't have the means to wage total war against the Emperor anymore with the loss of the Foundry. Now he is striking from the shadows and probably aiming to utilize the ancient Sith(via Yavin IV) as well as this secret third station which I will coin the Genesis. :rak_03:


Your post also highlighted another major point that I believe a lot of people have missed. The role of the Infinite Empire. It is possible that Revan might have more than just the Revanites. He may have found other Rakatan remnants. For him to fight the Empire and the Republic he needs enough support. The Revanites are probably many, but Revan is far too much of a tactician to rely on one trump card. He might have found this created galaxy and in it there may be Rakatan remnants ready to serve The Revan.


I need to think more on this. I really hope Bioware is going balls to the wall with the plot because everything seems to be pointing to something big storywise.

Edited by Rasen
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First of, I do appreciate your kind words. :D


I need to think more on this. I really hope Bioware is going balls to the wall with the plot because everything seems to be pointing to something big storywise.


I would like that too but I'm not too hopeful quite frankly.


NOT because they don't have it in them but I just feel that the story for this game became pretty much a sideshow.


To this day, almost three years after its release, I'm still in awe from the narrative threads I run into, spanning numerous class stories, not to mention world arcs. The scale of it is just monumental; A testament to what Daniel Erickson set to achieve, plus the rest of the team.


It payed homage to the KotOR series but attained a life of its own altogether along the way. I doubt we'll ever get anything that comes remotely close to it.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I'm half thinking that you are overthinking this but then again, Bioware has left clues to whats happening in the future in the past. Take that Dread Master quote, that was back last year that most people just figured as a fanciful RP of a delusionional Dread Master vision turned out it was a hint of the story arcs to come before it came out, up Rakata Prime.


I find that tidbit about Creator, Destroyer, and Protector interesting.





how does the emperor fit into this arc? They wouldn't just bring him back as a cameo to let him take a back seat.


Edited by Nickious
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First of all, Dude props to you for writing and researching all that. I know that took awhile. I for one, love when people come up with these super in-depth ideas of what could be coming. well done! /applause


I'm half thinking that you are overthinking this but then again, Bioware has left clues to whats happening in the future in the past. Take that Dread Master quote, that was back last year that most people just figured as a fanciful RP of a delusionional Dread Master vision turned out it was a hint of the story arcs to come before it came out, up Rakata Prime.


I find that tidbit about Creator, Destroyer, and Protector interesting.





how does the emperor fit into this arc? They wouldn't just bring him back as a cameo to let him take a back seat.


You mind linking that dread master quote?

Edited by OrinVlado
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First of all, Dude props to you for writing and researching all that. I know that took awhile. I for one, love when people come up with these super in-depth ideas of what could be coming. well done! /applause




You mind linking that dread master quote?


War and death will claim you even in your most cherished sanctuaries.


Oceans of despair will engulf the rot in your cores.


The horror and doubt you bury in your past will grasp forth, and rend your worlds asunder.


Here you go.

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whoa...each line is a reference to the forged alliance's fp's. That is so cool! Who says this and where? I'm guessing its in one of the dread ops, mainly just cuz i don't remember hearing that and I haven't run those a whole lot


It was one of the comments of RP of a sorts thread by Bioware that was promoting Dread Masters Ops.




Its kind of funny because he quoted someone who asked what info is to come. I didn't think many people figured that he was actually serious about that info.

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It was one of the comments of RP of a sorts thread by Bioware that was promoting Dread Masters Ops.




Its kind of funny because he quoted someone who asked what info is to come. I didn't think many people figured that he was actually serious about that info.


well that was an pretty comical thread to go through lol. Yeah i noticed that, bit of a "doh!" moment. I didn't realize they used to do a RP thread...I hate RP but that would be cool to see that come back. For information purposes only :p

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Cliff notes plz.


Cliff Notes:


We are probably headed for the Rishi Maze in 3.0 in some form.


The Rishi Maze is a Dwarf Galazy that orbits the Star Wars galaxy.


Revan might have found another Rakata Space Station with immense powers.


Darth_Wicket speculates that the Rishi Maze was created by the Rakata using one of their powerful Space Stations (like the foundry or star forge, there was a third that was capable of xenoforming planets, and Wicket speculates that there might be one that created the dwarf galaxy).


He also speculates that since Revan has been both Destroyer and Protector, it could be time for him to become Creator.



Personally, I think it sounds like a cool story, but I don't think it'll be what 3.0 is (and neither does Wicket apparantly, so thats ok)

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Again, I do hope people liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :D


I'm half thinking that you are overthinking this but then again, Bioware has left clues to whats happening in the future in the past. Take that Dread Master quote, that was back last year that most people just figured as a fanciful RP of a delusionional Dread Master vision turned out it was a hint of the story arcs to come before it came out, up Rakata Prime.


I find that tidbit about Creator, Destroyer, and Protector interesting.





how does the emperor fit into this arc? They wouldn't just bring him back as a cameo to let him take a back seat.



I ended up cutting almost everything pertaining the Emperor from the post; The original one was a bit more revealing compared to this one.


I may end up doing a finale of sorts that includes some other stuff involving him, Revan and a couple of mails from part three of Forged Alliances. :cool:


Cliff Notes:


We are probably headed for the Rishi Maze in 3.0 in some form.


The Rishi Maze is a Dwarf Galazy that orbits the Star Wars galaxy.


Revan might have found another Rakata Space Station with immense powers.


Darth_Wicket speculates that the Rishi Maze was created by the Rakata using one of their powerful Space Stations (like the foundry or star forge, there was a third that was capable of xenoforming planets, and Wicket speculates that there might be one that created the dwarf galaxy).


He also speculates that since Revan has been both Destroyer and Protector, it could be time for him to become Creator.



Personally, I think it sounds like a cool story, but I don't think it'll be what 3.0 is (and neither does Wicket apparantly, so thats ok)


Indeed I don't. :o


It was something that formed on the top of my head, after doing Nar Shaddaa for the 100th time and reading Revan's journal.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Its the emperor...


Emperor died inside a temple in voss, trapped in his weak body and promised to return.


I think the emperor is using revan, be able to built and even bigger empire.


But emperor is a good guy, i really liked him.

Edited by Oyranos
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Its the emperor...


Emperor died inside a temple in voss, trapped in his weak body and promised to return.


I think the emperor is using revan, be able to built and even bigger empire.




The Voice of the Emperor was freed from his vessel on Voss by the new Emperor's Wrath.


The Voice is only supposedly killed by the Jedi Knight on Dromund Kaas.


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