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Shout out to <Anima>


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How many "Elite" pvp guilds complain about not having any ranked teams to go up against? Here is a guild of friends that is either new to the server, or rerolling new toons, and the first thing we do is trash talk them and complain about them? Great sportmanship guys. Real good.


In the past few weeks I have realized several things about this server. First off, we arent a pvp server, yet we do have a large pvp community. This is shown by the amount of pops 24/7. Secondly, the pugs (not all) here don't understand the first thing to pvp. They are typically the reason as to why matches are lost. Not because one pvp guild sucks so bad, but there is usually a turning moment in every warzone where a pug failed to do something properly.


Put those two together, and it shows that there is interest in PvP on this server. Yet we the veteran pvpers are unwilling to instruct in a decent manner. Instead, time and time again (myself included) we complain, call them out, and curse the interest out of them.


And don't think I'm pointing fingers at any one group or individual. If anyone needs to be scolded about this topic, its the man in the mirror for me.


Sure, there will be rivalries. That's a given. But its time we start building interest and give support so that when it comes to 55 level team ranked, we don't sit in queue for hours without a pop.


To Anima, keep up the good work. I recommend keeping it easy on the self proclaimed glory, but all in all, don't let the haters get to you. I look forward to see you guys in the 55s.

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Yet we the veteran pvpers are unwilling to instruct in a decent manner. Instead, time and time again (myself included) we complain, call them out, and curse the interest out of them.




This is not my experience at all. In my experience, veterans are almost always willing to give advice before or after a match. When I returned to the game, I asked a lot of questions (Taugrim's Iron Fist no longer being particularly relevant, after all). Nobody was ever rude or said no when I asked for advice. For the most part, veterans love their characters and want to share tips on the road to awesomeness. (As I recall, Gorrer, you took time to give me some useful advice yourself). What I *do* see in lowbies and midbies in particular is people who don't want to learn or who think that because they are winning at 45, they know something about competitive play.


In PUGs, you will always have new players and always have some who really don't want to learn. That is the pain of PUGS. I PUG a lot and sometimes it is a joy, mostly it is painful.


As to <Anima>, I haven't noticed them one way or another and wasn't around for Catfish, so I have no opinion. If they are enjoying the game and planning to stick around, I'm delighted. If they think crushing it in lowbies is a measure of success, I'm sure the fine people of Guerrilla, Hex, Nemesis, etc will help them "ripen into maturity" when they hit 55. And if they think they are the ones shouldering the burden against the imps, then perhaps they might want to take a look around before they talk up a storm.

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How many "Elite" pvp guilds complain about not having any ranked teams to go up against? Here is a guild of friends that is either new to the server, or rerolling new toons, and the first thing we do is trash talk them and complain about them? Great sportmanship guys. Real good.


What? Guy comes in here talking about how he crushes everyone, but if anyone says anything back, it's poor sportsmanship? Carebear much?

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As I mentioned in my post, I would recommend to them backing off the self-proclaimed glory. Still, if they are a group of friends enjoying the game, I don't see why anyone has to bash on them. We should be encouraging PvP guilds, especially those new to the game/faction/server. More competition and more pops seems better, rather than sitting in queue for 2 hours for team ranked and not getting a single pop.


I will, however, say that they aren't the reason why reps are starting to win more, especially since from this post I read that they are just now moving into midbies. The true reason is far too complex to point out just one reason. Several things happened and seemed to happened within a short time of each other.


For one, school started up and the kids who dont have the mental capacity for objective based pvp aren't logging on as much. Secondly, because school started, some of the better pvpers have left. Further more, with the launch of 2.9: Galactic Barbie House, many pvpers in this game have stopped playing. We won't bring up Season 2 rewards, but I'm guessing that has something to do with it as well.


Even still yet, because of the aforementioned reasons that would have the same effect on other servers, we have had quite a few new transfers as of late from Jung Ma, Pot5, and even Bastion. And adding to the list is the amount of people who were on impside who transferred off server because this server hasn't much to offer in the world of PvP.


And the bottom line: Reps aren't winning more. Impside still has more pvpers, still get more imp v imp matches, and the average imp pug is more skilled than the average rep pug.

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As I mentioned in my post, I would recommend to them backing off the self-proclaimed glory. Still, if they are a group of friends enjoying the game, I don't see why anyone has to bash on them. We should be encouraging PvP guilds, especially those new to the game/faction/server. More competition and more pops seems better, rather than sitting in queue for 2 hours for team ranked and not getting a single pop.


No one is faulting them for grouping or enjoying pvp, they're getting a bit of stick because they're claiming to be untouchable, all the way from the lowbie bracket. And they're not new, half of them are wearing "Manhunter". You also seem to be missing the point that farming lowbies will do nothing to encourage new pvpers, if that's your whole angle.


Besides, this is nothing, they've had like 3 people tell them it's sad to farm lowbies, and you're all in here like they're being victimized, when they created this thread themselves.


And for group ranked, who are you sat in queue with? Do you even have a team?

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How many "Elite" pvp guilds complain about not having any ranked teams to go up against? Here is a guild of friends that is either new to the server, or rerolling new toons, and the first thing we do is trash talk them and complain about them? Great sportmanship guys. Real good.


In the past few weeks I have realized several things about this server. First off, we arent a pvp server, yet we do have a large pvp community. This is shown by the amount of pops 24/7. Secondly, the pugs (not all) here don't understand the first thing to pvp. They are typically the reason as to why matches are lost. Not because one pvp guild sucks so bad, but there is usually a turning moment in every warzone where a pug failed to do something properly.


Put those two together, and it shows that there is interest in PvP on this server. Yet we the veteran pvpers are unwilling to instruct in a decent manner. Instead, time and time again (myself included) we complain, call them out, and curse the interest out of them.


And don't think I'm pointing fingers at any one group or individual. If anyone needs to be scolded about this topic, its the man in the mirror for me.


Sure, there will be rivalries. That's a given. But its time we start building interest and give support so that when it comes to 55 level team ranked, we don't sit in queue for hours without a pop.


To Anima, keep up the good work. I recommend keeping it easy on the self proclaimed glory, but all in all, don't let the haters get to you. I look forward to see you guys in the 55s.


If they actually turn out to be halfway decent, make it to 55's and stay, then I'll be all for them. But as it currently stands right now, I really don't think that's going to happen. Like I said in an earlier post. Time will tell.

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So my issue with this thread is that the author seems to think that "dominating imps" in lowbies somehow means that they will do the same in midbies and 55s without any difficulties. The thing is, no players that are considered elite players in 55s play lowbies regularly. When you say that us 55 pvpers are sore losers, you aren't saying anything because none of us do lowbies regularly. What you get on the average imp lowbies team is a bunch of new players that have done little to no pvp before, and you are claiming that farming these people (which is discouraging new players from pvping regularly, I might add) is somehow representative of what 55s is going to be like, which is simply not the case. Granted, there are plenty of players in 55s that probably have talent levels just as bad as those in lowbies, but the average talent level (even on a pug) in 55s pvp is much, much better than lowbies. My point here is that 55s is a completely different animal than lowbies, and just doing well in there is in no way comparable to 55s.


Another thing though: the fact that you're claiming that imps were just rolling through warzones for free comms shows how little you know about 55s. Sure, the average pug group from imperial side is going to be better than one from republic side, but that's just because there aren't a lot of pvpers that aren't in a pvp guild pub side. If you guys did 55s at all you would understand that premades from Republic, The Core, REGULATORS, etc. wreck imperial teams unless they are against an imp premade from Hex, Nemesis, Silent Council, etc. There isn't some paradigm where all pubs lose against imps even when the imps are pugs. Anima is not the only pvp guild on pub side. To claim that you have somehow changed the culture of pvp is both uneducated and disrespectful to other guilds.


All that being said, I haven't seen you guys play so I don't know if you're as good as you say or are just taking advantage of the fact that you have a group and the other team doesn't. For all I know you could be the best pvp guild on the server and you're going to tear up ranked when you hit 55. I just think the notion that you are going to get through 55s with the same level of "domination" as you are in lowbies is absolutely absurd.


TL;DR: 55s is in no way comparable to lowbies and should not be judged as such.


One last thing, though. What purpose does this thread serve other than stroking your e-peen? I mean honestly, what does posting a thread basically thanking yourself for being amazing do for anyone else? You're not promoting pvp in any way, and you're not shouting out someone else for doing something impressive. All you're doing is asking for a bunch of disgruntled 55 pvpers to come and call you out.

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So my issue with this thread is that the author seems to think that "dominating imps" in lowbies somehow means that they will do the same in midbies and 55s without any difficulties. The thing is, no players that are considered elite players in 55s play lowbies regularly. When you say that us 55 pvpers are sore losers, you aren't saying anything because none of us do lowbies regularly. What you get on the average imp lowbies team is a bunch of new players that have done little to no pvp before, and you are claiming that farming these people (which is discouraging new players from pvping regularly, I might add) is somehow representative of what 55s is going to be like, which is simply not the case. Granted, there are plenty of players in 55s that probably have talent levels just as bad as those in lowbies, but the average talent level (even on a pug) in 55s pvp is much, much better than lowbies. My point here is that 55s is a completely different animal than lowbies, and just doing well in there is in no way comparable to 55s.


Another thing though: the fact that you're claiming that imps were just rolling through warzones for free comms shows how little you know about 55s. Sure, the average pug group from imperial side is going to be better than one from republic side, but that's just because there aren't a lot of pvpers that aren't in a pvp guild pub side. If you guys did 55s at all you would understand that premades from Republic, The Core, REGULATORS, etc. wreck imperial teams unless they are against an imp premade from Hex, Nemesis, Silent Council, etc. There isn't some paradigm where all pubs lose against imps even when the imps are pugs. Anima is not the only pvp guild on pub side. To claim that you have somehow changed the culture of pvp is both uneducated and disrespectful to other guilds.


All that being said, I haven't seen you guys play so I don't know if you're as good as you say or are just taking advantage of the fact that you have a group and the other team doesn't. For all I know you could be the best pvp guild on the server and you're going to tear up ranked when you hit 55. I just think the notion that you are going to get through 55s with the same level of "domination" as you are in lowbies is absolutely absurd.


TL;DR: 55s is in no way comparable to lowbies and should not be judged as such.


One last thing, though. What purpose does this thread serve other than stroking your e-peen? I mean honestly, what does posting a thread basically thanking yourself for being amazing do for anyone else? You're not promoting pvp in any way, and you're not shouting out someone else for doing something impressive. All you're doing is asking for a bunch of disgruntled 55 pvpers to come and call you out.


This 100000000000000%

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Up until a week and a half ago I had never heard of <Anima>. I am currently leveling a Scoundrel Healer I started out just doing lowbies and such I was averaging about 250k-350k healing pre match nine times out of ten there was a <Anima> 3-4man team (none of them were/are healers btw). Now they are braging on the forum??? Edited by jediharrsion
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If you guys did 55s at all you would understand that premades from Republic, The Core, REGULATORS, etc. wreck imperial teams unless they are against an imp premade from Hex, Nemesis, Silent Council, etc. .


Slight correction here, most of those Rep guilds get slaughtered by Imp Pugs fairly regularly. It's Zen and *certain* players from Republic you have to watch out for as an Imp. The rest are too big to say "Oh wow that guild wins a lot' when they're often, double-premade or otherwise, getting slapped about a good bit.

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Slight correction here, most of those Rep guilds get slaughtered by Imp Pugs fairly regularly. It's Zen and *certain* players from Republic you have to watch out for as an Imp. The rest are too big to say "Oh wow that guild wins a lot' when they're often, double-premade or otherwise, getting slapped about a good bit.


Yeah, that's pretty accurate. I just wanted to note that not all pubs outside of Anima are completely helpless like the author was implying. It's kind of ridiculous to claim that there is a culture of losing on pub side and that Anima has somehow changed that.

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Slight correction here, most of those Rep guilds get slaughtered by Imp Pugs fairly regularly. It's Zen and *certain* players from Republic you have to watch out for as an Imp. The rest are too big to say "Oh wow that guild wins a lot' when they're often, double-premade or otherwise, getting slapped about a good bit.


From what I see things are pretty even, I don't think it's near as bad as everyone seems to mate it out to be. The myths of Pugs stomping pub premades are often a bit misleading. I don't have any toons an a major PVP guild, yet I run with friends regularly on both sides and I've been party to several wins that looked like pug v premade, but was really premade v premade. Just because one side doesn't have the same guild tag doesn't mean they aren't grouped and in voice coms together. We have a lot of good pvp'ers that don't care for the buill**** that goes along with being part of the larger pvp guilds.

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From what I see things are pretty even, I don't think it's near as bad as everyone seems to mate it out to be. The myths of Pugs stomping pub premades are often a bit misleading. I don't have any toons an a major PVP guild, yet I run with friends regularly on both sides and I've been party to several wins that looked like pug v premade, but was really premade v premade. Just because one side doesn't have the same guild tag doesn't mean they aren't grouped and in voice coms together. We have a lot of good pvp'ers that don't care for the buill**** that goes along with being part of the larger pvp guilds.



True dat to all Bibi said. It's immediately obvious when a perceived PUG is nothing of the sort, and that happens a lot on both sides.

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You maybe should have posted the initial post on a guild forum or something, making that public as you did would definitely elicit a certain response. I do applaud your efforts however, seeing a perceived one sided affair and banding together with friends to try to stop it,. Most would just get tired of losing and switch sides, as many started on Republic and jumped ship when others left the game and no longer carried them.


Heaven forbid they have faction pride, reform and regroup, try to make others better, and win themselves, that would just be Inconceivable.


I also think it is comical that some who post always talking about farming people on an RP server, did they get farmed on other servers and have to come back where it is safe?


All in all I hope you get to 55's and compete well <Anima> although I would advise next time let your weapons do the talking.

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The thing is this. In lowbies and mids, you run into many assorted pvp guilds constantly. Not one particular guild, but many. Also, there are many more players on imp side that are not in a "pvp" guild, but they are constant pvpers. Pub side? Not so many. I don't know why.


We began this guild to give players a place to go that enjoy pvping in all tiers on pub side, that's pretty much it. As soon as we made a mark with 3-4 guildies grouping in the warzones, we got all the comments. "premades suck", etc. We do nothing any different than many assorted imp pvp guilds.


As a testament to the lesser numbers of pure pvpers on pub side, we have recruited very slowly. It's simply not that easy to find that kind of player on pub side.


I guess I always liked the underdog, and I found it on pub side, on this server. Hopefully less people run to imp side, and try pub side when they see we do win in the lower tiers. Maybe if we win some of the lowbies and mids more often, more pub players will actually play into the 55s?

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The thing is this. In lowbies and mids, you run into many assorted pvp guilds constantly. Not one particular guild, but many. Also, there are many more players on imp side that are not in a "pvp" guild, but they are constant pvpers. Pub side? Not so many. I don't know why.


We began this guild to give players a place to go that enjoy pvping in all tiers on pub side, that's pretty much it. As soon as we made a mark with 3-4 guildies grouping in the warzones, we got all the comments. "premades suck", etc. We do nothing any different than many assorted imp pvp guilds.


As a testament to the lesser numbers of pure pvpers on pub side, we have recruited very slowly. It's simply not that easy to find that kind of player on pub side.


I guess I always liked the underdog, and I found it on pub side, on this server. Hopefully less people run to imp side, and try pub side when they see we do win in the lower tiers. Maybe if we win some of the lowbies and mids more often, more pub players will actually play into the 55s?


Those "PVP guilds" you speak of, aren't PVP guilds. They are POS lowbie regstars like you who think they are all that. Come to 55s, fight the likes of Guerilla and Nemesis, as well as Republic, Core, etc. You'll be in for a rude awakening.

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Those "PVP guilds" you speak of, aren't PVP guilds. They are POS lowbie regstars like you who think they are all that. Come to 55s, fight the likes of Guerilla and Nemesis, as well as Republic, Core, etc. You'll be in for a rude awakening.


Pretty much this. The last "PvP" guild that did this was <Catfish>. You know what happened to them? They run off about how great they are but every time they show their faces in 55's they get beat down and run on back to low/midbies. I'm not the greatest assassin ever, I'd only call myself fairly good. There are most certainly tons of people better than me at what I do, but even I had no issues nuking your vigi guardian in 55's. So if I can take your guy down without breaking a sweat, what do you think good players could do to you?

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We began this guild to give players a place to go that enjoy pvping in all tiers on pub side, that's pretty much it. As soon as we made a mark with 3-4 guildies grouping in the warzones, we got all the comments. "premades suck", etc. We do nothing any different than many assorted imp pvp guilds.


LMFAO... what you are giving them, however, is a target on their backs. Offending actual PVP'ers with your silly nonsense is just going to make them want to tunnel people in your guild.


Your new slogan should be "If you like dying 15 or more times per WZ... Join <Anima>!

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