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Different Augments


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How to we get the devs to look at making the augments a different color? Where do we post? It is really frustrating to have to manually check each mail to find out what they are as opposed to just having a different look to each.


Seeing mails like -

'Your item listing on the Galactic Trade Network expired without any bids. Your item and deposit have been returned.'

does not tell us much and it happens way too frequently. But if they changed the augment colors it would not be as big of a pain.

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I... don't really see how this is a problem. Do you plan on NOT taking the item and creds back when you get this mail?


While I agree with your sentiment, it would be nice to know at a glance what sold and what did not. A wall of crazy QoL to be sure though.

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The problem isn't the vague message you get when an item doesn't sell, since (as noted), you aren't going to delete it, you are going to collect it, and you can just mouse over it.


The real problem is when the item *does* sell with the vague "your item sold" message, because now you have to look at *everything else* you listed and try to figure out what *isn't* there.


Also, even when a message does return the item name (and price sold), it doesn't specify *how many*, which would be nice to know for stackable items, so that we can calculate the unit cost.


BTW, the first problem (no notice of item sold) happens when the servers reset, but we always get back the correct item, so the server has the information saved *somewhere*, and it would be nice to see this corrected.

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Two ways to do this:

1: Color the text of the item sold/returned to match the item's quality. Polished interface FTW.

2: Put the quality of the item in the name. Quick, dirty, gets the point across.


Neither of these work all the times. Sometimes, the message says "The item you put up for sale on GTN was bought by/got no bids" or the like, without saying what item it was.

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I don't think it's ( the problem with the mysterious description ) at server reset but after a patch. Assuming that's what you meant by reset.


My solution is generally list it for 2 days and cancel it after 1 if it hasn't sold ( for my craftable items or gathered items, CM items I just leave on their til they expire or sell as I don't generally have tons of the same item ).

I then go back through inventory and re-check lowest prices and relist under those. Is it undercutting? Yes. Do I undercut by a good amount? Yes I hate 1-10 credit undercutters. Do I care what people think about undercutting? No. ;)

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