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Race dependence for story quests of BH and SI


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In short: Between Bounty Hunter and Sith Inquisitor, which storyline has more differences depending on character being human or alien?


Long story: I already have a Rattataki Sith Assassin and Zabrak Powertech. I want to roll Mercenary and Sith Sorcerer now, and I want to explore more variants in the story line, so they will be of different sex and different race. Of course, i can roll both of them Human, but I have so many Humans already, and no Cathar yet.

So - who of them to roll Human?

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In short: Between Bounty Hunter and Sith Inquisitor, which storyline has more differences depending on character being human or alien?


Long story: I already have a Rattataki Sith Assassin and Zabrak Powertech. I want to roll Mercenary and Sith Sorcerer now, and I want to explore more variants in the story line, so they will be of different sex and different race. Of course, i can roll both of them Human, but I have so many Humans already, and no Cathar yet.

So - who of them to roll Human?


to be honest there is no distinction from what ive seen with either of those classes.


I mean my powertech is a chiss, and on Hoth i was explained by a Chiss what they are, :rolleyes:

as for Inquisitor i rolled about 6 trying to find a sorcerer i liked and during that time i noticed that the only difference is if your human or pureblood the hateful treatment ends after Koriban.

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to be honest there is no distinction from what ive seen with either of those classes.


I mean my powertech is a chiss, and on Hoth i was explained by a Chiss what they are, :rolleyes:

as for Inquisitor i rolled about 6 trying to find a sorcerer i liked and during that time i noticed that the only difference is if your human or pureblood the hateful treatment ends after Koriban.


That happens because the Chiss were for a serious while an EXCLUSIVE species for the Imperial Agent. That was only changed shortly BEFORE the game kicked into the open Beta stage.


As such, minor inconsistencies such as those were visible already even before the Legacy unlocks.

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That happens because the Chiss were for a serious while an EXCLUSIVE species for the Imperial Agent. That was only changed shortly BEFORE the game kicked into the open Beta stage.


As such, minor inconsistencies such as those were visible already even before the Legacy unlocks.

Same with Inquisitors and Pureblood race. Which actually makes no sense:



Considering that you're suppoused to be a descendant of Kallig, you SHOULD be pureblood or mixed if anything. Kallig comes from Marka Ragnos times when no races apart from purebloods and mixed would come to high Sith ranks


Edited by Pietrastor
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Same with Inquisitors and Pureblood race. Which actually makes no sense:



Considering that you're suppoused to be a descendant of Kallig, you SHOULD be pureblood or mixed if anything. Kallig comes from Marka Ragnos times when no races apart from purebloods and mixed would come to high Sith ranks


I believe...

Kallig and Tulak Hord existed way before the time of Marka Ragnos.


Khem says that Hord was for a time supreme Dark Lord of the Sith and Sadow pretty much succeed Marka Ragnos after his death. It doesn't explain how Kallig or Hord had a LS, seeing that the Sith only started to use those supposedly after Ragnos' tenure.


Then again, it's possible that Tulak just ruled over the Dromund system for example, while Ragnos ruled Korriban and the surrounding systems. Hard to tell for sure. :o


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I know the imperial agent has different backgrounds and reactions if you are a Chiss from a lot of people throughout. Most minor but three or maybe four times a bigger change.


For the SI. I know the phrasing of certain things when they address you is different if your not a human or Sith Pureblood. They mention or don't mention that your an alien. Also with story quests you can mention the fact that your an alien and find it hard to believe your descended from a Sith bloodline to your ancestor. There's a couple quests that involve killing Alien sith or Jedi that I think might be unique. I might have skipped just skipped those optional quests on my Twi-lek SI though. I think there just for human/Sith pb though.


Remember Ashoka and a couple other characters had human/Tortuga children. And there's apparently a lot of human/Twi'lek and other hybrids around too. And HK-47 said himself almost all people in the empire, or empire controlled planets have some, however small, percentage of Pureblood Sith DNA. That's why I like the SI class. Any race can make sense. Except maybe Cathar... Unless there were some really kinky human/sith kids of Kallig.


And the whole thing with Tulak horde is a bit of an oddity. I know it's canon though that he is pretty much one of, if not the greatest light-saber master known. Even as far forward as Anakin's time in the movies they used Horde's holocron to learn light-saber techniques. If I remember the book correctly it was because it wasn't set to detect light or dark side. Just to teach anyone who activated it how to fight with a light saber properly.

This is probably because he was one of the first to start using the light-saber i'm guessing? I don't think that inconsistency has ever been cleared up. It's the only explanation that makes sense though.


For the BH. Mine is only 22 at the moment. But I can say a little. Mako points out you need to be careful on the sith homeworld as an alien. Every once in a while an imperial quest givers openly call you alien scum or something similiar. Unlike my SI I haven' rolled a human and alien version of this class though so I can't say for sure about anything unique.

Edited by ellesjames
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I believe...

Kallig and Tulak Hord existed way before the time of Marka Ragnos.


Khem says that Hord was for a time supreme Dark Lord of the Sith and Sadow pretty much succeed Marka Ragnos after his death. It doesn't explain how Kallig or Hord had a LS, seeing that the Sith only started to use those supposedly after Ragnos' tenure.


Then again, it's possible that Tulak just ruled over the Dromund system for example, while Ragnos ruled Korriban and the surrounding systems. Hard to tell for sure. :o


The Old Sith Empire existed for 2000 years before the death of Marka Ragnos. And even before that, though the arrival of the Dark Jedi exiles circa 7000 BBY changed its face considerably. Marka Ragnos was said to have ruled little over a century, which leaves a wide period in which Tulak Hord, and other Dark Lords of the Sith, could have risen and fallen without messing up the continuity. In fact, one such Dark Lord (and the first Dark Lord of the Old Sith Empire) was Ajunta Pall. There are no others which have given names, only the four (Ragnos, Sadow, Hord and Pall).


As for the lightsabre, I don't know who you can thank for that discontinuity, but the lack of lightsabres in the Empire was retconned after the development of the specific stories of the Dark Jedi exiles that transformed the Sith Empire. That introduced lightsabres (even the modern, cord-less ones) waaaay before the time of Ragnos. To explain the lack of lightsabres in Ragnos' own time, the rushed, illogical explanation was that it was considered more refined to use Sith swords rather than lightsabres at that particular time. It was nevertheless this retcon that justified why the Sith Empire from the time span of TOR (who descended directly from Sadow's Old Sith Empire) also had exclusively lightsabres to work with.

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Maybe I just wasn't paying attention but the only big race oddities I noticed in the Sith lines were 1. Finding out your lineage as a Twi'lek SI and 2. Being a Zabrak and going to Sith school and being asked if you're jealous that you aren't red skinned and therefore pure...... Both are quite the head scratchers but the latter is a development issue.
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Maybe I just wasn't paying attention but the only big race oddities I noticed in the Sith lines were 1. Finding out your lineage as a Twi'lek SI and 2. Being a Zabrak and going to Sith school and being asked if you're jealous that you aren't red skinned and therefore pure...... Both are quite the head scratchers but the latter is a development issue.


Not at all. If you look at the timeline, there are at least 1400 years separating the SI from his ancestor, Aloysius Kallig, and there may be up to 3300 years separating them. That time span may be more than enough for most extant Sith traits to disappear completely, if you consider the circumstances of Kallig's life and death.


Talos says that Kallig was "oddly pro-alien" during his lifetime. If he had not been murdered by Tulak Hord's orders, Talos added he suspected the Sith Empire would have been quite different (meaning that they would not be intollerant towards those who weren't of Sith blood). That suggests a strong possibility that Kallig's child could have an alien parent, human or otherwise (by alien, I mean non-Sith). And considering that, following Kallig's death, there is a strong possibility that Tulak Hord, could have banned Kallig's descendants, or at least tried to kill them, that means Kallig's child (and his possibly alien parent) could have fled and lived out their lives completely outside of the Sith Empire, before Marka Ragnos was even born. Now, Kallig's possibly half-alien descendant, living outside of the Empire and deemed a traitor by the very Dark Lord of the Sith, would have most likely found it very hard to mate with a pureblood and thus keep the lineage "clean" for a few more generations. In fact, being the son of Kallig, it is very possible he didn't give squat about blood purity as well, and could have raised descendants of his own with a representative of absolutely any species in the galaxy, even Cathar. That seems especially likely to have happened, also if you consider the fact that Kallig's descendants down the line eventually forgot who their ancestor was, and the Sith Inquisitor was raised from slavery.


That fact alone makes it impossible for the Inquisitor to have that background as a Sith pureblood. The chance of anyone, within the Empire or outside of it, having a Sith pureblood for a slave is pretty ridiculous and laughable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I believe...

Kallig and Tulak Hord existed way before the time of Marka Ragnos.


Khem says that Hord was for a time supreme Dark Lord of the Sith and Sadow pretty much succeed Marka Ragnos after his death. It doesn't explain how Kallig or Hord had a LS, seeing that the Sith only started to use those supposedly after Ragnos' tenure.


Then again, it's possible that Tulak just ruled over the Dromund system for example, while Ragnos ruled Korriban and the surrounding systems. Hard to tell for sure. :o


The point is that during those times no alien would come high in Sith ranks as Kallig did and human-pureblood interbreeding basically mixed both races completly. So Inquisitor, being a descendant of Kallig, should not be a Twilek, Cathar etc. He/she should be Human, Pureblood, mixed more-or-less, but nothing else would actually be logical.

Edited by Pietrastor
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There is a lot of speculation about when Tulak Hord ruled, the general consensus is it was at least 5500 years before the battle of Yavin. Chances are, it was somewhere around 6000 BBY giving us 2000 years of differentiating genealogy. It was almost unheard for Sith to bread with aliens, but over time the Sith species, which originally was looked at as nothing more then slaves, became a part of their culture. There is all the possibility in the world that one of his offspring somewhere down the line decided they would hook up with a Twi'lek slave, and leave the child to their fate. It lives, has kids of its own, blah blah blah, suddenly we have an offspring that is a slave.
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The point is that during those times no alien would come high in Sith ranks as Kallig did and human-pureblood interbreeding basically mixed both races completly. So Inquisitor, being a descendant of Kallig, should not be a Twilek, Cathar etc. He/she should be Human, Pureblood, mixed more-or-less, but nothing else would actually be logical.


Except that since you're not Kallig's child and you grow up as a slave, your mother could be an alien. But if your Inquisitor actually is an alien, Talos will tell you that Kallig was remarkable for becoming a Sith Lord despite being an alien during his time.

Edited by Darkelefantos
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Except that since you're not Kallig's child and you grow up as a slave, your mother could be an alien. But if your Inquisitor actually is an alien, Talos will tell you that Kallig was remarkable for becoming a Sith Lord despite being an alien during his time.


I was going to mention just that. ;)

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Except that since you're not Kallig's child and you grow up as a slave, your mother could be an alien.
Alien mother + descendant of Pureblood/mixed won't produce blue Twi'lek or pure Cathar, that's my point.


But if your Inquisitor actually is an alien, Talos will tell you that Kallig was remarkable for becoming a Sith Lord despite being an alien during his time.

Not this is interesting. Wasn't aware of that OR forgot. But I rolled pureblood Inquisitor so perhaps that line was disabled for humans/purebloods. Which would mean the race of your choice also changes Kallig's race retroactively. Very interesting!

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^^ For what is worth, I don't remember Talos stating that Kallig was alien per se but more so along the lines he was pro-alien.


Well if anyone could provide a video it would be most appreciated. Quite crucial dialogue with Talos and it's been a while since I done his story so I'm not sure where to ever start looking.

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Well if anyone could provide a video it would be most appreciated. Quite crucial dialogue with Talos and it's been a while since I done his story so I'm not sure where to ever start looking.


My memory was fresh still. :p



In other words, he says Kallig was an alien if your Inquisitor is also an alien and pro-alien if he's Human. Fair to assume he says the latter if your character is a Pureblood.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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