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Planet ownership for only 1 week?


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About 3 weeks ago, my guild conquered Hoth and last conquest we conquered cz-198. After we conquered cz-198, I went to Hoth and realized we no longer own it. I was then told by a CSR that we only own a planet for 1 week even if it doesn't pop back up to be conquered again. If this is true then this system is completely stupid. This makes all the rewards for conquest even more useless then it already is. We conquer a planet then in the next conquest we really don't get to enjoy it because we have to start conquering the next planet. Why can't we just own it til the next conquest for that planet? It would actually raise the stakes. At first I liked this conquering system but after learning this I don't even care about getting conquest points anymore. Anyone else agree?
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I never cared about them in the first place. Unpleasant grind for very little reward. Not my cup of tea. It's simply an incentive system to get you to do boring stuff you wouldn't normally do. Rather than new content, it is a way to make you play old content again and again.


That's fine, it does seem to have invigorated a lot of people, brought guilds together and got them working towards a common goal. I'm not dead against the concept or anything. But it's not for me. For me it's too grindy and the rewards just aren't worth it.

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The information you received was wrong. You control a planet until another guild conquers it. Obviously, it can only be conquered by another guild when it comes up in the weekly list.


The reason your guild does not control Hoth is because there was a problem which affected the week one conquests. A hotfix patch was needed during week 2, which required the servers to be reset. When the servers were reset, they 'forgot' the conquests, and went back to the default 'no guild controls this planet'


Bioware have since fixed the main issue, so a server restart should not cause the same issue in the future. However, the week one winners were not restored to their planets. As of right now, this affects the guilds that won Hoth and Ilum in week 1 (Voss was up for conquest again in week 3, and has a new controller anyway).


As evidence, go to Corellia or Balmorra right now, and you'll see that the guilds that won those planets, nearly two weeks ago, are still named there.


CZ-198 is a separate issue. At launch there was no title associated with conquering CZ-198. We don't yet know if this is an oversight or intentional. A thread drawing attention to this did receive a dev reply saying that they were looking into it.

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About 3 weeks ago, my guild conquered Hoth and last conquest we conquered cz-198. After we conquered cz-198, I went to Hoth and realized we no longer own it. I was then told by a CSR that we only own a planet for 1 week even if it doesn't pop back up to be conquered again. If this is true then this system is completely stupid. This makes all the rewards for conquest even more useless then it already is. We conquer a planet then in the next conquest we really don't get to enjoy it because we have to start conquering the next planet. Why can't we just own it til the next conquest for that planet? It would actually raise the stakes. At first I liked this conquering system but after learning this I don't even care about getting conquest points anymore. Anyone else agree?


Not all planets are conquested at the same rate, which means that one guild would end up holding their planet for only one week, and others would end up holding it for a month or so. It also would mean that a single guild could control multiple planets. Neither situation would be ideal. One week makes the most sense and is the most fair.


The information you received was wrong. You control a planet until another guild conquers it. Obviously, it can only be conquered by another guild when it comes up in the weekly list.


The reason your guild does not control Hoth is because there was a problem which affected the week one conquests. A hotfix patch was needed during week 2, which required the servers to be reset. When the servers were reset, they 'forgot' the conquests, and went back to the default 'no guild controls this planet'


Bioware have since fixed the main issue, so a server restart should not cause the same issue in the future. However, the week one winners were not restored to their planets. As of right now, this affects the guilds that won Hoth and Ilum in week 1 (Voss was up for conquest again in week 3, and has a new controller anyway).


As evidence, go to Corellia or Balmorra right now, and you'll see that the guilds that won those planets, nearly two weeks ago, are still named there.


CZ-198 is a separate issue. At launch there was no title associated with conquering CZ-198. We don't yet know if this is an oversight or intentional. A thread drawing attention to this did receive a dev reply saying that they were looking into it.


Might want to recheck your facts. Balmorra says "No guild controls this sector".

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