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Do You like Lana Beniko?


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Again: How do you go from "Lord" to "Darth", as far as a printing mistake is concerned?


You don't.


Someone else typed Darth instead of Lord; Big difference.



The Encyclopedia made clear about his title in his own section, the Darth mistake was typed in the Sith temple section. It was just a simple mistake, just like in Darth Bane Trilogy, DK made a mistake to write Juyo as Vaapad, which hadn't been invented in Darth Bane's time, does it make that book worthless? No.


It's quite sad to take such a straw to hang on.




The Encyclopedia is not canon last I checked. It is supposed to act as a repository of information and what not but as stated earlier repeatedly, whatever the game shows takes precedence.


I only ask you to substantiate your claims, taking into account the game itself.


You have FAILED MISERABLY thus far.


Of course the Encyclopedia is canon, these guides are on the same level with the game itself. If you want to continue this, please make better statement than "NO it's not true".






In other words, whatever the game shows ALWAYS takes precedence. Thus far -- as said a million times already -- you have FAILED MISERABLY to substantiate your claims by resorting to the game itself.


Not only that but you tried to mislead earlier, by claiming Malgus was responsible for stuff he played no role into. That is quite illuminating truth be told.


What does that text prove? There is no new info to disprove this quote, thus you should have the responsibility to disprove this canon. How was the game prove this to be false? Darth Marr made loud and clear about how bad the situation was in the beginning of Makeb.



The Sith in-fighting that that delivered a blow to the Empire was the one that took place amongst Dark Council members. The same that caused the fall of Corellia and the loss of a tenth of the Empire's forces.


You have FAILED to shown thus far how Malgus caused losses on such a scale. I doubt you will however.


Refusing to accept canon fact again, which was made clear by the canon source more than once.


Again, how is an open coup not part of the infighting? Please answer it.


How is it not good enough when Darth Marr said loud and clear "Malgus' coup gave the pubs opportunity to strike"? How is it not badly damaging the Empire? Answer it.


But I was under the impression you had claimed the Empire was in a poor state, solely due to Malgus. Are you changing your tune midway now? :rolleyes:


I never refused anything. See above, for the millionth time.


Again, twist others' words when you can't argue about canon.


The canon quote was given clear enough, you just can't give anything to counter it.

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Her face looks so distracting. I can't help but wonder how she passed art QA... They should definitely try to fix her hair and eyes. It looks really low quality and unrealistic. Personally I prefer Theron and I plan to RP my chars so that they all do not really trust Lana.
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I just loved that character. Her strange haircut, her voice... AND the fact that she could be romanced by female characters. Romance that started in the Forged Alliance series and grew... All for... This. I litteraly raged for the SoR ending... I'm begining to wonder if Bioware lacked time to make a proper ending... And I don't understand why we don't get to keep her in the team as a full member (with story and romance option!!!). It sucked.
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I just loved that character. Her strange haircut, her voice... AND the fact that she could be romanced by female characters. Romance that started in the Forged Alliance series and grew... All for... This. I litteraly raged for the SoR ending... I'm begining to wonder if Bioware lacked time to make a proper ending... And I don't understand why we don't get to keep her in the team as a full member (with story and romance option!!!). It sucked.


Like somebody said before, we will probably be seeing Theron, Jakarro, and Lana again. They were some of the very few big NPC characters that you never have any option to kill or otherwise rid yourself of.

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I agree.


However, I was pointing out to the user I answered to that Lana was the ruthless one out of the two, certainly not Theron. He was more like, hmmmm, annoying throughout the entire expansion.


At least to me that is. :p


And ? On Rakata Prime, this is Theron that would kill all the slepping recruits in the outer temple by overloading the whole sytem, not Lana (at least in the Pub side - not done the Imp side by now, can't say for sure). This is clearly a drak sided choice (and a ruthless one too). This is cold murder, not self defense.


Lana, on Rishii, want us to free the slaves. It's not exactly a sith lord though ...

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And ? On Rakata Prime, this is Theron that would kill all the slepping recruits in the outer temple by overloading the whole sytem, not Lana (at least in the Pub side - not done the Imp side by now, can't say for sure). This is clearly a drak sided choice (and a ruthless one too).


She wanted to save the data pertaining the Infinite Army, so the Empire had the chance to build its own someday; Theron wanted to destroy it, to prevent it.


Imagine an army hell-bent on decimating most of the Republic-aligned words, just for kicks. You do know the first time around, Revan tried to create an Infinite Army with the aim of eliminating 97.8% of the Imperial population, right? :rolleyes:


This is cold murder, not self defense.




Sacrifice for the greater good, perfectly within the realm of self-defense.


Wanting to save the plans to create another Infinite Army would be infinitely worse, especially if it fell -- yet again -- in the wrong hands.


Lana, on Rishii, want us to free the slaves. It's not exactly a sith lord though ...


Attention. Pay. You must.


She wanted to free the slaves -- just like Theron -- because it would deal a severe blow to the Nova Blades, to make a dent in their profits as part of the cover. Slave trade was a high source of income for the Nova Blades.


It wasn't out of kindness.


I sometimes feel story exposition is wasted on some people.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Lana, on Rishii, want us to free the slaves. It's not exactly a sith lord though ...


We know nothing about her opinion on slavery yet. And remember she will vote yes on whatever benefit the Empire.

And also, the player's influence might be able to make change on her character as this expansion shows, but that takes time.

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We know nothing about her opinion on slavery yet. And remember she will vote yes on whatever benefit the Empire.

And also, the player's influence might be able to make change on her character as this expansion shows, but that takes time.


Not all Sith Lords support slavery, AKA Vader. I don't think Nox like it either.

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never say all sith support it, I just said don't assume stuff too early


He assumes the Sith Inquisitor doesn't support slavery, even though that is player dependent.

The Class Story for the Inquisitor on Rishi even has Pyron giving a choice to use slave labor on some endeavor.

And Vader only exists like +3500 years in the future.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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He assumes the Sith Inquisitor doesn't support slavery, even though that is player dependent.

The Class Story for the Inquisitor on Rishi even has Pyron giving a choice to use slave labor on some endeavor.

And Vader only exists like +3500 years in the future.


Vader is also more Dark Jedi than Sith.

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She's Okay, but I like Theron waaay more. But bty some reason it's always Lana, Lana, Lana.... and almost never Theron. :(


Most of the playerbase are straight males. So people will be talking about "Attractive females" more than "Attractive Males." This is a given.

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Most of the playerbase are straight males. So people will be talking about "Attractive females" more than "Attractive Males." This is a given.


I don't dislike Theron because he's a guy, but he is a pub and we don't lack of such "cool agent" in SW.


But Lana, we almost never see such kind of Sith before.

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Most of the playerbase are straight males. So people will be talking about "Attractive females" more than "Attractive Males." This is a given.


As a straight female I can say that I find Lana's character to be the more interesting of the two. It's not that I dislike Theron, but It's just nice to have a sith character who isn't a psychopathic villain. I think people find Lana interesting for similar reasons as two why they find Marr so engaging. ^^

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Most of the playerbase are straight males. So people will be talking about "Attractive females" more than "Attractive Males." This is a given.


Citation needed.


I love Lana, she is fantastic. As the above poster said it is good to get some more nuanced Sith characters. Need more characters like her in SWTOR. Found Theron to be boring.

Edited by LadyDrusilla
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She is without a doubt one of my favorite character in gaming. I believe she is extremely well written and just a joy to be around. I am also one of the wishers that will long for the day of a new companion with such characteristics (I am not against her being one) but for now, Lana will do.
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As a straight female I can say that I find Lana's character to be the more interesting of the two. It's not that I dislike Theron, but It's just nice to have a sith character who isn't a psychopathic villain. I think people find Lana interesting for similar reasons as two why they find Marr so engaging. ^^


She's not a big psychopath but she's still a Sith, that's why I like the character.

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Lana is certainly one of my favorite Imperial characters from both Pub and Imp side. She as many have noted not your typical, tortures puppies for giggles and eats babies, type of Sith, like she says she likes to see herself as her own woman.
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Most of the other female SIth are either "Male Sith with *****"(those female Dark Council members) or typical femme fatale(Aleema Keto). Not saying such character can't be cool, just we've seen too many already.


How is Lana not a femme fatale?


Anyway, I agree with you. Even the most lightsided FemAgent or FemWrath ends up being the 'sexy killer lady'

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