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Gear loadouts and skill specs


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Hello fellas!

I want to suggest some really cool feature!

I'm pretty sure, most of us have some number of items in our invetory and we are wearing it depends on situation: PVE, Ops, WZ etc.

The same with skill specs: but we are storing schemes in our mind



1. Gear loadouts


As you can see, there is some new tabs at the character sheet

Every of them - different gear, what we can wear on our character

Mouseover on tab - popup with loadout name

Left click - all slots will be filled with saved items for this loadout

Right click on tab - menu popped:

Wear loadout (the same as left click),

Save current (all currently wearing gear will be saved for this loadout)

Rename (popup, where we can enter some custom name, 15 symbols max, two buttons: OK and Cancel)

All items from inactive loadouts will be placed in the inventory and must be stored there to properly activate loadout. If some item from selected loadout doesn't exist in the inventory anymore - this slot will not be changed from previous loadout then.

One item can be stored in different loadouts, also as some loadouts can be with empty slots.


2. Skill specs


Absolutely the same idea and mechanic, but with skill points

Skill points must reseted before clicking on skill spec. After left click all points will be set on skills and after that you will need to confirm that, as we usually doing.

algorithm: Respec (or Field respec) - pressing some Skills spec - Confirm


This options must be allowed for subscribers only.

Totally 5 slots allowed. 1st and 2nd for free, 3rd, 4th and 5th slots must be bought for cartel coins - 100 or 200 per slot (a bit more as legacy unlock), I don't care.


What do you think? At least I'll bought all slots immediately ;):D

Edited by SilverWF
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Because Bioware is essentially adding something that effectively nullifies / addresses your suggestion.


If you didn't know, now you do...


At the time of original posting, Discipline had yet to be announced. And from my understanding, not everything will be auto-granted.


And Discipline won't auto-shift our gear for the other roles.

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