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Strongholds = Kill Small Guilds


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I have lost at least 6 people only because we lacked a flagship.


I think if anyone is stupid enough to leave a guild over a completely pointless flagship that you are better off with them gone.


The guilds I am active in certainly do not care about such toys, only about killing things in the face, be that in PVP or raids, and that's the point of a guild, that and having a blast. Drama about flagships only highlights people more akin to jackdaws than thinking creatures, lunging after the latest shiny.


Find more people and enjoy the game and don't worry about losing bads.

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I find it sad that you've lost people for not having a Guild Ship. There doesn't seem to be a huge emphasis on them here on Ebon Hawk. (I've had no issue recruiting members...)


I'm sorry that you've lost members because of that topic, but are they really members you want to have? If you're looking for good quality, supportive, and constructive members, do you want people who will leave a guild for not having a 50-million-credit ship?

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RPers still play the game, what do you think, they never do anything but chat??


So just like every other small guild they are forced to choose between game content and friends.

Your answer doesn't make sense.


The things you do to participate in Conquests existed before 2.9. If an RPer also likes to run warzones, flashpoints, operations, heriocs, crafting, etc. they could do it BEFORE Conquests, and they can still do it AFTER Conquests.


You say that an RP guild has to choose to between "game content" and "friends" now that winning Conquests requires a large guild. That's just silly. The lack of ability to win first place in a leaderboard doesn't prevent any RP guild from doing all the things they like doing in this game.

And this would make them less interested in a guild HQ or flagship how, exactly?


People keep making way too much of the connection between the flagships and conquest content.

Here's the thing. If you're not interested in Conquests, but you want the Flagship anyway (for RP reasons or just because it's cool), then go over to the Crew Skills forum and learn how to make credits in this game.


It's not that hard.

Edited by Khevar
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Other than you can't do one without the other?


You can't have a guild flagship unless you do Conquest?



Here's the thing. If you're not interested in Conquests, but you want the Flagship anyway (for RP reasons or just because it's cool), then go over to the Crew Skills forum and learn how to make credits in this game.


It's not that hard.


Ah yes, the "Learn to play" response -- one of the stock responses in MMO discussions that lets us know which side as lost the argument.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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While I believe "killing small guilds" is a bit over the top, conquest is a good system that for the most part ignores small to midsize guilds. I am in a small to midsize guild that has about 12-15 active members. We group, we raid, we play together, we saved the money for a guild ship. We enjoy our company, and we really don't have a desire to merge into a large guild. That being said, it is depressing that not only is the entire concept of controlling a planet out of reach, but the concept of getting a weekly guild reward is completely out of reach. Most of the time we finish with 30% of the points required to reach the last spot on the leader board, so it is not a situation where a little more grinding and we would see a reward. The only reward in our grasp is getting the individual reward on a hand full of toons. I suspect once the conquest system completes its first rotation (enough time to get crafting nodes and the achievements), it won't kill the small guilds, but small guilds will quit on the concept of conquest. The individual reward will no longer be a large enough pull to keep participating.


I would propose a solution of breaking the weekly guild reward in half. Award the first half of the weekly reward as a small, fixed number target that larger guilds will fly past without noticing, but smaller guilds have something to work towards together. The second half of the reward stays as a carrot for larger guilds to make sure they are on the top 10 board. Larger guilds will not make any more money, and they will still be rewarded for being in the top 10. The change is a significant impact to smaller to midsized guilds who now actually have something they can work hard and accomplish as a guild on a weekly basis.

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While I believe "killing small guilds" is a bit over the top, conquest is a good system that for the most part ignores small to midsize guilds. I am in a small to midsize guild that has about 12-15 active members. We group, we raid, we play together, we saved the money for a guild ship. We enjoy our company, and we really don't have a desire to merge into a large guild. That being said, it is depressing that not only is the entire concept of controlling a planet out of reach, but the concept of getting a weekly guild reward is completely out of reach. Most of the time we finish with 30% of the points required to reach the last spot on the leader board, so it is not a situation where a little more grinding and we would see a reward. The only reward in our grasp is getting the individual reward on a hand full of toons. I suspect once the conquest system completes its first rotation (enough time to get crafting nodes and the achievements), it won't kill the small guilds, but small guilds will quit on the concept of conquest. The individual reward will no longer be a large enough pull to keep participating.


I would propose a solution of breaking the weekly guild reward in half. Award the first half of the weekly reward as a small, fixed number target that larger guilds will fly past without noticing, but smaller guilds have something to work towards together. The second half of the reward stays as a carrot for larger guilds to make sure they are on the top 10 board. Larger guilds will not make any more money, and they will still be rewarded for being in the top 10. The change is a significant impact to smaller to midsized guilds who now actually have something they can work hard and accomplish as a guild on a weekly basis.


12-15 members can place top 10. Been there, done that.

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You can't have a guild flagship unless you do Conquest?


Ah yes, the "Learn to play" response -- one of the stock responses in MMO discussions that lets us know which side as lost the argument.


If a middle-school kid consistently WTHPWN's you at chess, what do you need to do? Oh, yeah, learn to play.


Let me assure you that beating the PvE aspect of this game - including having all the credits you could ever want - is far easier than beating some of the better middle-schoolers out there at chess.


But, yes, if you've decided that you're unwilling to put very modest effort into learning the game, it is evident who has "lost" the argument.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Ah yes, the "Learn to play" response -- one of the stock responses in MMO discussions that lets us know which side as lost the argument.

Well, if it would help the discussion, I could phrase it more kindly.


When I started playing the game, I was always broke, and had a tremendous amount of troubles making credits.


I spent some time in the Crew Skills forum, and got a lot of really useful advice. It helped me quite a bit. As a method of "paying it forward", I've since spent time in the same forum, answering questions, and giving advice.


I realize that your post to me was mostly snark, and perhaps you are expecting a snark response, but I'm actually serious. There are things an RP guild could do that would put the guild flashship within reach, even if they wanted it purely for RP reasons (and not for Conquests).


If you are a player that fits that category, I'd be happy to help you out. And if you aren't interested in help from me, I'm sure there are many others in that forum that could do the same.

Edited by Khevar
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12-15 members can place top 10. Been there, done that.


Certainly there is nothing that says it "can't" be done, however it is an uphill slog to say the least. We all have full time jobs and families. IIRC, it was approximately 3 million to get on the board. If we played 6 days a week (which we don't because we also have republic and imp toons), it would take 12 player doing an average of 40k per day to get on the board.


More importantly, even if it can be done, there is no reason not to split the reward to make it attainable to samller guilds. The fact that you boasted about doing it, while very impressive, is not a convincing argument on why not to split the reward.

Edited by Mrog
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