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Rakata Prime: "Anticlimactic" is the Kind Word


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Compared to the earlier chapters...that was a major-league letdown. A neat little excursion, and I enjoyed the nostalgia, I'll admit - but the rewards were meh, and I was not impressed with the ending. (Not the "Our Lord and Master Addresses Us From On High" bit, I mean after that.) Not that I didn't see the big reveal coming, mind; it just seems like a cliffhanger that will probably not be touched on again for another three years. Alas.
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You missed the bit where he is now the main villain/antivillain/antihero for 3.0 expansion. We have been handed a much loved character with a seemingly positive agenda, the intelligence that was missing in those earlier flashpoints, and we know almost nothing about him other than I want to side with him.


Seriously Bioware - my char has gone rogue and kills sith for fun/sweet vengeance. I wanna side with this new protagonist.

Edited by Brainiacblue
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Compared to the earlier chapters...that was a major-league letdown. A neat little excursion, and I enjoyed the nostalgia, I'll admit - but the rewards were meh, and I was not impressed with the ending. (Not the "Our Lord and Master Addresses Us From On High" bit, I mean after that.) Not that I didn't see the big reveal coming, mind; it just seems like a cliffhanger that will probably not be touched on again for another three years. Alas.


lol who do you think is going to be the focus in the next expansion that'll be dropping in a few months?

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You missed the bit where he is now the main villain/antivillain/antihero for 3.0 expansion. We have been handed a much loved character with a seemingly positive agenda, the intelligence that was missing in those earlier flashpoints, and we know almost nothing about him other than I want to side with him.


Seriously Bioware - my char has gone rogue and kills sith for fun/sweet vengeance. I wanna side with this new protagonist.


Um yeah, its bit early to be tooting Revan as the main antagonist. Someone bigger is lurking around the corner.



The Emperor. Months ago his VA returned to record lines. I suspect his role was reserved for the expansion.


Edited by Nickious
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Long post in the spoilers below, but suffice to say that I don't like this one bit, both on its own terms, and its place in the Old Republic franchise as a whole.



So, the Revanites went from an extremely persecuted group, existing pretty much only in a tiny camp on Dromund Kaas with a few members in high places being systematically hunted down, into a galaxy-wide, Illuminati-on-steroids level conspiracy with enough pull to make the son of the head of the Jedi Order a wanted man...


...a conspiracy with a large fleet of warships, which of course would require a large amount of crew to properly run, possessing Rakata technology, which is some of the most advanced tech out there...


...oh, and a conspiracy that almost no one knows about and is strong enough to keep Republic and Imperial War Heroes and sitting members on the Jedi and Dark Councils quiet for fear of reprisal, because that's totally believable given the other two points.


This makes the Star Cabal bollocks look positively restrained, the HYDRA plot look practical and well thought out, and the X-Files to look downright realistic.


And, Revan... no.


I'm sorry, but I wasn't a fan of him showing up in TOR in the first place, and he was handled pretty terribly, wanting to commit genocide and all. Bringing him back for another round... well, it makes for Revan's third "Didn't you die?" moment, two more than any fictional character really should ever get, feels like an attempt at a do-over while completely missing the whole point of KOTOR.


Because the point of KOTOR was that anyone, no matter how fallen, could be redeemed. The Mandalorian turning around to defend the Republic and reclaim his people's honor, the war hero finding a second chance with, and for, his son, the Cathar falling to despair but finding hope, the padawan becoming all she had fought against, but being saved before it was too late...


...and the leader of the enemy, the most powerful Sith in the galaxy, being given a second chance, claiming it to undo the horrors he had wrought on the galaxy, cleaning up his mess.


...and then he returns in TOR, a genocidal madman needing to be put down. And he comes back, leader of a conspiracy corrupting the Republic and the Empire, another threat and another enemy needing to be put down for the greater good.


You have to try really hard to miss the point this much.


He should have been left as a good man. But failing that, since Bioware already screwed him up enough as it is... he should just be left alone.


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I knew the big reveal at the end (Seriously, as soon as it was revealed that the Revaknights were behind it, I yelled to myself ''He's back''), I am worried like you guys, though for different reasons. For me, this foreshadows him getting redeemed again in the expansion in a attempt to please the people who hate him going madman.


I also want to mention that the ending after the FP confused me. I mean, last time I saw the Revenknights, they were a small group of crazies that were being hunted down by the Sith (I revealed their leaders identity since I didn't trust them), now they have such high power in the empire and the Republic that they can get Lana and Theron forced to hide from their allies. I know it's been a while since DK, but DAMN these guys work fast.

And finally, why is it that when Lana/Theron go into hiding, they don't make you join them? I mean, Revan knows that you are one of his biggest threats and that you know of his plan, but Lana/Theron don't think that he is going to try and use his spies to get you killed or imprisoned?




Edited by Codedrago
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Um yeah, its bit early to be tooting Revan as the main antagonist. Someone bigger is lurking around the corner.



The Emperor. Months ago his VA returned to record lines. I suspect his role was reserved for the expansion.


Especially since an even bigger foe is lurking behind this one.



It's ponies.


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Um yeah, its bit early to be tooting Revan as the main antagonist. Someone bigger is lurking around the corner.



The Emperor. Months ago his VA returned to record lines. I suspect his role was reserved for the expansion.



And the Wrath keeps getting messages from the Hand, assuring him that the Emperor isn't exactly dead, so they're either bluffing to help keep the Wrath from going rogue, or the Emperor will make a comeback.


Edited by DarthEccen
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And the Wrath keeps getting messages from the Hand, assuring him that the Emperor isn't exactly dead, so they're either bluffing to help keep the Wrath from going rogue, or the Emperor will make a comeback.





I don't think they are bluffing. The actual Sith emperor, is actually a pureblood Sith. The knight killed a human.


Outside the context of the original story. https://www.facebook.com/316982560441/photos/a.10150572179550442.668578.316982560441/10154223583385442/?type=1


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I don't think they are bluffing. The actual Sith emperor, is actually a pureblood Sith. The knight killed a human.


Outside the context of the original story. https://www.facebook.com/316982560441/photos/a.10150572179550442.668578.316982560441/10154223583385442/?type=1



The Knight killed the Voice of the Emperor, which is something that the Hand said it was impossible.


That leaves us two possibilities.


- The shock following the battle with the Knight caused the Voice to "release" itself and this entity is no longer within the control of the Emperor. Thus, we would have the Emperor and his Voice vying for control at some point.

- The Emperor is indeed recovering and still in the process of "creating" a new Voice.


Me be the one who found that info pertaining Doug Bradley.


FEAR ME...!!! :D

Kidding. :rak_03:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The Knight killed the Voice of the Emperor, which is something that both the Hand said it was impossible.


That leaves us two possibilities.


- The shock following the battle with the Knight caused the Voice to "release" itself and this entity is no longer within the control of the Emperor. Thus, we would have the Emperor and his Voice vying for control at some point.

- The Emperor is indeed recovering and still in the process of "creating" a new Voice.


Me be the one who found that info pertaining Doug Bradley.


FEAR ME...!!! :D

Kidding. :rak_03:



I fanboyed when I saw the Revan Statue and the big reveal at the end of the flashpoint.


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I liked it, its got me excited for the next expansion. The rewards were a bit pants, and the bosses very easy, but I personally loved the ending (big KOTOR fan here).


I'm looking forward to see where they take it, especially as...



Revans attitude seems to have changed somewhat from slightly deranged anti-hero to full on antagonist. Thing is they know he's a character many KOTOR fans would care about, so they better make it good.



In terms of some of the posts above commenting...



about the logistics of the Revanites gaining footholds in both the Empire and Republic so quickly, perhaps the group on Dromund Kaas where some kind of cover - kind of like so people would go 'pfft, those idiots and their hero worship will never be a real issue that we have to deal with,' while the society proper has been working on in the background over the centuries all this time, waiting for the right moment to strike. Perhaps they even orchestrated and manipulated the Republic into freeing Revan. I dunno, but they could put a whole new spin on that situation with this plotline.


Its all very 'Agents of Shield, MCU' this story, but I like it.


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The Knight killed the Voice of the Emperor, which is something that the Hand said it was impossible.


That leaves us two possibilities.


- The shock following the battle with the Knight caused the Voice to "release" itself and this entity is no longer within the control of the Emperor. Thus, we would have the Emperor and his Voice vying for control at some point.

- The Emperor is indeed recovering and still in the process of "creating" a new Voice.


Me be the one who found that info pertaining Doug Bradley.


FEAR ME...!!! :D

Kidding. :rak_03:


I can neither confirm nor deny that I grabbed that link from your thread. :rak_03:

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I loved the flashpoint. It was the first really, really easy one(or maybe having a guildie in optimized 180's helped :D ), and the lanscapes were beautiful. And Dat Music!


I did like Darth Arkous character a lot, though(except for his first Korriban-related monologue on the fleet, which was plainly horrible writing, but he was great in other installments AND Lana's story), so I do feel sorry about that.


Now for Aquatic Sleen and that Palm tree decoration! ... man, 600k? Seriously?

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FP itself looks like rushed ending, something that was still in "beta" phase but had to be released.

However the BEAUTY of Rakata Prime compensates a lot.


But the end sequence...



I knew people would go furious because: "hey, how come, that guy was already killed TWICE!!!"


Truth is, we actually haven't seen him dying. Same goes for Emperor.

And as we know the Taral and MP Fps story, they were both somehow connected.


So.. the rest you can anticipate.


I am not particularly against reviving Revan, but making him again "the BAD" (or (BAD GUY messenger) seems ..at least weird.

The only reason to make him this way would be that the Emperor now become GOOD.

Because of the 300 years influence, ya know...

in physics it's called osmosis or so...



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Re: The Revanites. I never thought all of them were bunched up in that tiny camp. They did say they had members in various positions all over the Empire.

The Sith playing them off as no big deal may have been BSing our character. Because of crisis control, on a need to know basis, etc...



I also imagine they grew immensely once the real Revan stepped in, and all the members went into a religious frenzy.

I can just imagine Ladra's face when their messiah revealed himself. :p

Kinda makes me wonder if we'll run into her in 3.0 Or one of the other Revanites. Even Tari's fate isn't set in stone, since you can turn her in, but you never learn whether she's actually executed or anything.



Re: The Revelation.


I had the impression that the new Revan is more "centered" than the one we met in the Foundry.And after Darth Arkous working with him, and no doubt a bunch of other purebloods I think he may have learned the error of his ways and gave up on the whole genocide thing.


Edited by Callaron
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Re: The Revanites. I never thought all of them were bunched up in that tiny camp. They did say they had members in various positions all over the Empire.



I also imagine they grew immensely once the real Revan stepped in, and all the members went into a religious frenzy.

I can just imagine Ladra's face when their messiah revealed himself. :p

Kinda makes me wonder if we'll run into her in 3.0 Or one of the other Revanites. Even Tari's fate isn't set in stone, since you can turn her in, but you never learn whether she's actually executed or anything.


Heres my take on this:




According to SWTOR cannon, all pub toons are 100% light sided, and all Imp toons are 100% dark sided. So in other words, Tari is supposed to be handed in and eventually executed after being tortured for information.


However, when Revan is freed from the Maelstrom Prison, he goes to Dromund Kaas after hearing about the Revanites in order to get his mask back, before heading to the foundry to use it to wipe out the Empire. Upon being stopped, he teleports away using "Fold Space", before regrouping with the Revanites. The puppet leader of the Revanites the Dark Council put in place would either defect and become a true leader, or is discovered and executed due to not treating Revan correctly.


And thats when things start going down.


As revenge for the Dark Council attempting to destroy his followers, he puts a follower in a position to become a member of the Dark Council. 2, if you include a light-sided non-cannon inquisitor who became a Revanite :p


He then starts putting into place a plan to once again fix the galaxy, this time by destroying the Sith, and also the Republic that failed to stop them.


One thing leads to another and eventually we end up with forged alliances, and then 3.0


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