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Bioware: Warzones are not the Problem in Conquest, Crafting is.


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I have no problem with you having that playstyle. In fact, I encourage it. I just want people to be able to decide what content they want to do to earn conquest points rather than be forced into crafting thousands of useless items as its the only repeatable source of income.


I'm more reacting to the thread as a whole, with some people coming across as adding "and you shouldn't get anything for crafting, conquest should be all about guilds and PvP."



IF you're having fun with the strongholds, then at least the Prefab crafting last week wasn't useless.

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Crafting is literally the only option left for smaller guilds (like mine) to even compete in conquests without severely diminishing recruitment standards or merging. Running flashpoints was nerfed to dailies only because easily-farmable storymodes were worth just as much as hardmodes and farmed accordingly; PVP was nerfed because PVErs whined that their content was gated by dailies but PVP was not. Crafting is literally the last major conquests activity that is not gated, which leaves it as the only remaining option for small guilds that must amass very large per-capita participation to overcome a numbers disadvantage that can approach (or, if the small guild in question doesn't use many alts, easily exceed) a factor at ten.


For an example of what I'm talking about, reference this post, where I describe our guild taking on a rival eight times our size in conquests and squeaking by them by 30k points for a leaderboard spot. Oh, and anyone who thinks crafting is an "afk activity" can go ahead and gather mats on six toons on one faction, troll GTN, frantically place stronghold decorations to up the conquest point percentage bonus, and send all those mats over to the seven crafting toons from 8PM Sunday night to 5 AM Monday morning, right before server reset, just to keep my tiny guild in the race.


I suspect that anyone who actually tries to walk in my small guild's shoes will find that by the time you've gone through crafting/sending companions out across thirteen toons, the first toons you logged on are having their comps finish and it's time to start all over...there is a reason why my guild calls it "Troll Crafting!"


Also, unlike flashpoints or PVP warzones, crafting isn't unlimited. It's already gated by mats and the time/credits it takes to get them. It seems "unlimited" now because of stockpiled mats but those will eventually be exhausted.


If crafting is to be further gated by dailies or weeklies, then smaller guilds must be given an alternate, per-capita way to compete as the only way left to compete with everything hardcapped by dailies will be to disband and join a larger guild (or spam mass recruitment to grow bigger, which will have much the same effect albeit under the same guild tag). I get that people who don't want to craft are butthurt because Bioware took the dailies-gating nerfhammer to their preferred playstyles, but fixing that one problem by making everything dailies-gated will make the other problem much, much, much worse. Small guilds may as well not take part in conquests at all if the OP's ideas are implemented without other changes to adjust for them.

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Crafting is not a problem no matter what conquest it is.


The expense of crafting vs the reward is 10:1 ratio.


To gain crafting materials one must either buy, run crew skill missions or gather. Either of these methods are either time, credit or time + credit sink.


Once crafted the war supplies are worth very little so the effort that goes into making these outways the reward.


All other conquest objectives = time sink with cash reward and warzone meant not even having to move from where you are or sink credits to gain the reward.

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You are right to say crafting is an issue, as it is the only way to obtain those insane numbers outside of exploits. Even during events that don't directly give the bonus to crafting it is normally the best way to go given that tier 2 and 3 mats can be used to make the required items (you can get enough materials of these tiers in one hour of sending out companions to craft at least 3 or 4 items).


Add to this that people with a lot of crafting alts can gather materials and craft their personal conquests while playing another character (as once you log in you get the points) and you get insane amounts of points per person, I should know, as I've been doing it. Spread over 4 characters I achieved 500k in points just crafting last week (over 1/8 of my guilds total alone - others had more and we have a decent sized guild), and that was with just playing a few hours during the evenings over 5 days with a small supply of stored mats to begin with (enough to make 5 items per character).


This situation is further compounded by the fact that crafting has been available as an option every week so far, and I suspect will be available each week.


In my opinion, the solution here is simple, trial at least a few events where there are no conquest rewards for crafting, at all. I would be interested to see if it would be possible for those that achieve insanely high points each week would be able to do so without it.

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Crafting is not a problem no matter what conquest it is.


The expense of crafting vs the reward is 10:1 ratio.


To gain crafting materials one must either buy, run crew skill missions or gather. Either of these methods are either time, credit or time + credit sink.


Once crafted the war supplies are worth very little so the effort that goes into making these outways the reward.


All other conquest objectives = time sink with cash reward and warzone meant not even having to move from where you are or sink credits to gain the reward.


You may have a point when using higher tier mats, but as I said above, using lower tier mats this does not hold. It is not expensive nor does it take long to send companions out for tier 2 and 3 mats, and the overall time sink is only an issue if you don't run gathering and crafting on alts while you play your preferred character.


Your point about the uselessness of the created mats is definitely true, as unless you plan to craft tons of Dark Projects you have no use for them. I'm beginning to think they designed this system to get rid of the massive stores of mats probably sitting in peoples banks. Perhaps they plan to add more use for these invasion forces and such in future updates, who knows.

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I feel that if they are going to limit anything, it should be content that does not require ACTIVE participation (i.e. crafting). A person who is earning points through active game play should reap the benefits. It is an unfair advantage to have wealthy players/guilds stockpile resources and craft on all their toons earning points without having to actually participate in the game. If anything should be limited, it should be passive activities that earn points. If someone wants to earn their points by playing, they should be reward for actually playing the game.


My two credits.


So taking the time to run planet-side, pick up mats, and run missions (costing credits) and spend time online to run even the low level missions (hours upon hours of time, mind you) to gain enough mats for crafting. And you say that because crafting, in your eyes (you seem to think that crafting mats just magically appear in peoples inventory!), doesn't require active participation?!?


Wealthy people became wealthy because they spent TIME doing so. It wasn't handed to them. They worked for it. You spend your time in-game the way you want to, and you reap the rewards for doing so. Same as the crafters. And, for the record, they are not all wealthy. Some just put in the time necessary to gather the mats, and then reap the rewards for it LATER.


Crafting, for me, is ANYTHING but PASSIVE.

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Crafting deserves it's place as much as any of the other methods. Not all people on a pve server like to pvp. So that cuts the pvp points out for many people. Having said that I do agree there is an imbalance in the force as far as amount of points possible. I went with crafting because I have a ton of money and only like to play one or two toons a night. The rest I send on crafting missions. That has netted me in the last 3 weeks the following:


Week 1 - 885,265 points

Week 2 - 1,166,965 points

Week 3 - 847,637 points

*Screenshots supporting these numbers can be found following the link in my signature


I don't see how any "normal" human could push out those numbers through pvp or the other ways alone.


I'd like to see a max on all of the methods for getting points. No unlimited avenues. 10 times each of everything (maybe a few more) would stretch the involvement out for the duration of event. That would encourage involvement and effort, but not give any large advantage to any one method. Sprinkle in some more world boss and operations avenues for points or possibly some of the achievements (like the hero of XXX planet or the planetary champ achievements). 10 flash points, a few ops, a few world bosses, 10 pvp, 10 starfighter, 10 heroics, 10 flashpoints, and 10 crafting. For those that sleep 2 hours a night and play 22 hours....have imp side on a seperate counter.


I hate pvp, and despise being continuously forced to participate when they push them on people through these events and achievements. I picked a pve server for a reason. Same with starfighter - hate it. that's why they need to keep a blend. Not everyone wants to wander around a camped world boss or a camped champion.


In the end it is still a number game and it would be nice to see the number of active members factored in or different categories for small. medium, and large sized guilds.

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Crafting deserves it's place as much as any of the other methods. Not all people on a pve server like to pvp. So that cuts the pvp points out for many people. Having said that I do agree there is an imbalance in the force as far as amount of points possible. I went with crafting because I have a ton of money and only like to play one or two toons a night. The rest I send on crafting missions. That has netted me in the last 3 weeks the following:


Week 1 - 885,265 points

Week 2 - 1,166,965 points

Week 3 - 847,637 points

*Screenshots supporting these numbers can be found following the link in my signature


I don't see how any "normal" human could push out those numbers through pvp or the other ways alone.


I'd like to see a max on all of the methods for getting points. No unlimited avenues. 10 times each of everything (maybe a few more) would stretch the involvement out for the duration of event. That would encourage involvement and effort, but not give any large advantage to any one method. Sprinkle in some more world boss and operations avenues for points or possibly some of the achievements (like the hero of XXX planet or the planetary champ achievements). 10 flash points, a few ops, a few world bosses, 10 pvp, 10 starfighter, 10 heroics, 10 flashpoints, and 10 crafting. For those that sleep 2 hours a night and play 22 hours....have imp side on a seperate counter.


I hate pvp, and despise being continuously forced to participate when they push them on people through these events and achievements. I picked a pve server for a reason. Same with starfighter - hate it. that's why they need to keep a blend. Not everyone wants to wander around a camped world boss or a camped champion.


In the end it is still a number game and it would be nice to see the number of active members factored in or different categories for small. medium, and large sized guilds.


Indeed your last sentence speaks to the huge imbalance in the Force that placing any kind of cap (other than the soft caps that exist because of mats/gathering times) will create in conquests based upon guild size.


Small guild? Don't bother if crafting is limited like PVP/PVE were; without a repeatable source of points you will have NO WAY of catching a megaguild that is many times your size. The only way for a small guild to compete for a place on the leaderboards under current rules will be to either merge into a megaguild, or mass recruit until the identity and culture of the guild (usually one of he big advantages of staying small in the first place) is gone.


Also, to all the people whining about how many mats can be farmed from level 2 and 3 missions: How are you consistently running those across more than one character? SWTOR is NOT dual box friendly as only one client will run on one computer at a time. The only way I know of to do it is to run a separate client on separate computers right next to each other, which would require a separate account for each client, and if someone wants to pay for 8 subs and/or freemium unlocks to run crafting I'm sure Bioware isn't complaining. If you're doing it only on the toon you're playing, 5 windows popping up every 4 minutes instead of every 34 is so incredibly distracting and disruptive to gameplay that it's probably not worth doing unless 1) you're desperate or 2) you play the game just to craft.

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I just wish we had more repeatable PVE conquest objectives, im not suggesting a return to BoI/False Emp fiasco, but it would be nice to have one spammable PVE/FP objective.


At least on the previous week, some of the objectives were once per legacy, not once per character, which made things even more ridiculous.


And yet people wonder why some players craft-grind for conquest points.


Of course, if you're not into the guild-level actual conquest of planets, this week's crafting objectives are an utter waste of time.

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Yup OP, I totally agree. Crafting is just out of control and if bioware doesn't set some limits on it, pretty soon most players are going to stop caring about conquest which just becomes a contest of who has the most dedicated crafters.


Or it will become a contest of which guild is the closest to the member cap, where quality and dedication of each individual guild member is far less important because of the individual caps.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Or it will become a contest of which guild is the closest to the member cap, where quality and dedication of each individual guild member is far less important because of the individual caps.


Should it be a contest of who has the most dedicated crafters on weeks/planets that focus on PVP? Should it be a contest of who has the most dedicated crafters on GSF weeks/planets? Should it be a contest of who has the most dedicated crafters on FP/OPS weeks/planets?


Cause that's what it is right now. Crafting blows everything else out of the water no matter what planet you choose, no matter what the week's theme or focus is. Having a few dedicated crafters with deep pockets, lots of alts, and banked stored materials is how you win. Just look at some of the threads where people post their weekly numbers, ffs.


To me? That gets pointless pretty quick. Crafting should have only have the advantage on planets or weeks that favor it. I mean, would you be cool if PVP gave those kinds of numbers for the same amount of time involved? Would you think it's fair if on crafting week or a planet with a crafting bonus, a guild of dedicated crafters got blown out by GSF pilots because there's no way they could make the same amount of points?

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Should it be a contest of who has the most dedicated crafters on weeks/planets that focus on PVP? Should it be a contest of who has the most dedicated crafters on GSF weeks/planets? Should it be a contest of who has the most dedicated crafters on FP/OPS weeks/planets?


Cause that's what it is right now. Crafting blows everything else out of the water no matter what planet you choose, no matter what the week's theme or focus is. Having a few dedicated crafters with deep pockets, lots of alts, and banked stored materials blows everything else out of the water. Just look at some of the threads where people post their weekly numbers, ffs.


To me? That gets pointless pretty quick. Crafting should have only have the advantage on planets or weeks that favor it. I mean, would you be cool if PVP gave those kinds of numbers for the same amount of time involved? Would you think it's fair if on crafting week or a planet with a crafting bonus, a guild of dedicated crafters got blown out by GSF pilots because there's no way they could make the same amount of points?


Yeah, maybe it's helpful to take a look at why crafting blows everything out of the water. It isn't because crafting itself is an exploit, it's because Bioware took the easy way out of complaints about everything else by nerfing the ever-living **** out of it.


Week 1: ZOMG Guild X beat us by farming SM Battle of Ilum! Nerf FPs!


Rather than adjusting the points given by SM/HM (as they were both worth the same for some inexplicable reason), Bioware locks FPs and most other PVE sources of conquest points to dailies.


Week 2: PVErs: ZOMG now we can't compete against PVPers, because they can repeat their content and we can't!


Bioware responds by nerfing the everlasting **** out of PVP repeatability.


Week 3: PVErs and PVPers: ZOMG we're butthurt that a small crafting guild could dare place above us on the leaderboards! Nerf craftting!


Of course, people don't seem to consider that maybe weeks 1 and 2 were not handled properly, and now cry for nerfs to destroy the only remaining viable way for smaller guilds to compete, rather than demanding the nerfs be reverted (the nerf that started this whole failcascade could have been handled by fixing specific SM exploits instead). But Bioware used a sledgehammer rather than a scalpel and is now on the verge of breaking the whole system for any guild with less than 100 players (not alts) if it caves into the demands made on this thread.

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Yeah, maybe it's helpful to take a look at why crafting blows everything out of the water. It isn't because crafting itself is an exploit, it's because Bioware took the easy way out of complaints about everything else by nerfing the ever-living **** out of it.


I don't agree with many of the changes made by bioware (although some I think were needed, especially to level 55's running through level ten flashpoints and the Battle of Ilum exploits), but this simply isn't true. Look at the numbers people have posted in this thread about how much crafting brought for the first two weeks. Even when they were broken, gaming the flashpoints never brought in the kind of numbers hard core crafting does. PVP never could compete to begin with (despite what the hysterical carebears ignoring the actual math of the conquests thought), much less now.


Honestly, I could care less about whether small guilds can compete. To me, conquest becomes completely pointless when on GSF weeks, crafting wins. When on PVP weeks, crafting wins. When on FP/OPS weeks, crafting wins. That's just not fun. PVP planets should be won by doing mostly PVP. Same with FP/OPS or GSF. But you can't. If you want to win a planet, you have to do it by crafting. Which is a pretty sure fire way of getting a huge section of the player base to simply stop caring about conquests.

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Yep, nerf crafting conquest so many people will stop bothering with invasion force and uni/industrial/synethic kits. I on the other hand will continue pumping them out by the dozens on a weekly basis and do my utmost to force a progressive inflation of prices. Hmm, now that I think about it, I might actually be inclined to increase my production rate since the GTN supply of raw materials will be unchanged but my profit margin with each finished product will be even greater. Excellent.


Enjoy the limited availability and increased cost if you're not a crafter :)

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Yep, nerf crafting conquest so many people will stop bothering with invasion force and uni/industrial/synethic kits. I on the other hand will continue pumping them out by the dozens on a weekly basis and do my utmost to force a progressive rise of prices. Hmm, now that I think about it, I might actually be inclined to increase my production rate since the GTN supply of raw materials will be unchanged but my profit margin with each finished product will be even greater. Excellent.


Enjoy the limited availability and increased cost if you're not a crafter :)


LMAO. You're not that important. Any guild of a decent size will have their own people who can make them.

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LMAO. You're not that important. Any guild of a decent size will have their own people who can make them.


You are underestimating just how many people are buying them and *will be* buying them once preferred/F2P finishes their SH rollout.


On my server right now there are at least 4-8 pages of various types of Universal kits for sale during any given time of the day. Heck, even during the dead hours of overnight, the 5-10 I put up on auction are still sold 9 times out of 10 by the time I get home from work and log on the next day. Even right now I am experiencing at least *some* success in dictating prices by continuously monitoring whether someone undercut me, canceling due to low listing fee and re-adjusting my pricing strategy. With less people making them and less competitors, who is to say that I won't experience more success in dictating the prices? As it is right now and individually speaking, the amount of mats in my holds (all 5 pages of legacy filled to the brim with some overflows into regular holds) rivals the raw material stores of some guilds. With 4 slicers and 2-3 mules of each gathering/crew mission that I rotate religiously, it is unlikely that I will run out of material anytime soon even if I should choose to kick up my production into another gear.


Yeah, you might have guildies who are willing to help you out by making them but what if you need 20 or 30 of them? How many guildies do you know of are THAT generous and charitable.

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I swear every other post on these forums is about Conquest and how the X and Y portions are too OP and the Z portion that the poster does needs a boost.


There is nothing wrong with crafting and conquest. If you have spent the time to get credits and/or mats and are using them to your advantage then you deserve to win. I don't care if you can get 25k points in 4.25 hours by crafting because I know for a fact that you will only be able to sustain that for a brief period of time.


That requires 200 level 5, 200 level 6 and 200 level 9 mats. The amount of grinding it takes to get those materials is significant...very significant given a node will return 4 of one mat and 2 of another on average and most mobs that can be harvested only return one or two mats. Lets not count the cost of sending your companions out in both time and credits.


Basically, the amount of effort involved in getting 25k points goes far beyond the 4.25 hours to craft because credits and materials gathering take a larger portion of that time.


And yes, a crafter can grind out goods and collect mats through missions while off line but I think we are forgetting something even more important, something that is always forgotten in these "nerf X and Y, boost Z" whine-fests:


Anyone can craft.


Yep, it's true. If you PvP, you typically have Biochem...and so do OP's runners. If you enjoy the story stuff you tend to craft anyway because it's easier to gear up leveling toons that way.


For the rare few who only have gathering and mission skills you can always drop one and get a gathering skill. I'd suggest getting one that compliments your mission skill as that tends to be the most time consuming to level up.


In any case, anyone that only does one thing in conquest is only hurting themselves. I do a little bit of everything, typically using crafting to fill in the gaps in points that don't get made running FP's, doing heroics or through PvP and GSF.


No matter what you want gimped, there is always someone out there who is doing a little bit of everything that is going to blow you away with points and until you stop whining and start doing what is necessary they will continue to blow you away.

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I don't agree with many of the changes made by bioware (although some I think were needed, especially to level 55's running through level ten flashpoints and the Battle of Ilum exploits), but this simply isn't true. Look at the numbers people have posted in this thread about how much crafting brought for the first two weeks. Even when they were broken, gaming the flashpoints never brought in the kind of numbers hard core crafting does. PVP never could compete to begin with (despite what the hysterical carebears ignoring the actual math of the conquests thought), much less now.


You ignore the fact that guilds learned what mats would be needed while Strongholds was on PTS, and stockpiled them well in advance. That, while it temporarily did allow crafting to overwhelm even the Ilum exploits (which I acknowledged could have been fixed by a more surgical nerf to SMs instead of the anti-PVE sledgehammer), cannot last forever--eventually the pre-existing stockpiles will be depleted and crafting will be limited by grinding availability.


Honestly, I could care less about whether small guilds can compete.


Translation: I'm in a large guild, and I want to coast to victory based upon the sheer size of my guild without having to worry about anyone smaller winning by higher individual effort.


To me, conquest becomes completely pointless when on GSF weeks, crafting wins. When on PVP weeks, crafting wins. When on FP/OPS weeks, crafting wins. That's just not fun. PVP planets should be won by doing mostly PVP. Same with FP/OPS or GSF. But you can't. If you want to win a planet, you have to do it by crafting. Which is a pretty sure fire way of getting a huge section of the player base to simply stop caring about conquests.


So make PVE and PVP repeatable again. The point values given by each activity (PVE, PVP, crafting) can then be rebalanced as necessary. But gating everything behind some kind of hard cap per character (such as dailies) will make it impossible for smaller guilds who do wish to avail themselves of the new content to compete by exerting greater per capita effort than larger but more complacent guilds. Instead of having the kind of conquest race I described earlier in this thread, the results will be pre-determined by guild size at reset (barring utterly large-scale inactivity).

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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There is nothing wrong with crafting and conquest. If you have spent the time to get credits and/or mats and are using them to your advantage then you deserve to win. I don't care if you can get 25k points in 4.25 hours by crafting because I know for a fact that you will only be able to sustain that for a brief period of time.

I'm not sure that's right. I have 1 character at the moment, I have no stockpiled mats other than what I happened to gather while questing that didn't get used up while leveling my crafting skills. When I logged in yesterday I didn't have mats to craft even 1 WS and I have less than 100k credits so buying mats isn't really an option.


I started about 7:00 and while I was watching my son (he's less than a year old so he requires a lot of attention so I wasn't able to really maximize my time just check the computer every 15-20 or so as I had time) I would send my comps out to gather lvl 2 & 3 mats, each run takes about 10 minutes for all 5 comps to return & costs about 2,000-2,500 credits. About every 2 run gathers enough mats to make one WS. So in essence every 20 minutes I get enough mats to make a WS costing me about 4-5k. I then turn around & sell the WS for 11k.


Last night with one crafter I was able to make 19,000 points in 5 hours with 2 hours of those crafting occasionally while babysitting. With 4 or 5 characters being able to cycle through to send off comps on gathering missions I could easily break 50k in 4 hours completely self sustaining.

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BW should just make everything repeatable.



  • If people want to craft their asses off, by all means
  • If people want to FP their asses off, by all means
  • If people want to warzone their asses off, by all means
  • If people wanted to world boss / commander their asses off, by all means
  • etc.



People should be free to earn points any way they enjoy doing, not be limited by what the system dictates.


Now, each week giving bonuses to different themes is fine, but the basic principle stays the same.

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Translation: I'm in a large guild, and I want to coast to victory based upon the sheer size of my guild without having to worry about anyone smaller winning by higher individual effort.


Actually no, I'm not in a large guild. Nor do we have trouble usually placing in the top five. What I want is for there to be other viable ways to win a planet than just crafting, especially when, you know, it's not crafting week. Right now, nothing can touch the numbers. You have to craft in order to win. Which, is just well, really freaking boring, frankly.


So make PVE and PVP repeatable again. The point values given by each activity (PVE, PVP, crafting) can then be rebalanced as necessary. But gating everything behind some kind of hard cap per character (such as dailies) will make it impossible for smaller guilds who do wish to avail themselves of the new content to compete by exerting greater per capita effort than larger but more complacent guilds. Instead of having the kind of conquest race I described earlier in this thread, the results will be pre-determined by guild size at reset (barring utterly large-scale inactivity).


Have you looked at the numbers quoted in this and the other crafting thread? There is no way, even if everything was set back to how it was, for PVP or PVE to compete with the numbers produced.


That's the problem.


I mean, seriously. If pvp week conquests are won by a handful of hard core crafters putting up millions of points on their alts - that's a broken system. If it's PVP week, you should win by doing mostly PVP. Same with GSF. Same with Flashpoints. It would be just as broken if PVP guilds won the crafting week by doing warzones.

Edited by Prisoner
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