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So Rakata Prime... The wrong direction in difficulty


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Lmao good trollin


Don't accuse me of trolling just because you're bad at the game.


really Reno. really?


LI mechanics were pretty unforgiving, still can be. everywhere else, including false emperor, you could screw up and still win. screw up in Lost Island usually meant death. many a group disbanded on Droid boss because they just couldn't get positioning/mechanics right. and the ones that did, would still have some trouble on later bosses.


Nope. LI was very doable. I don't consider a flashpoint to be difficult because a few groups wiped a dozen times for being terrible.

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haven't tried Rakata prime yet, but if there are no timers, I could probably do it. again, with care. however. I kinda remember that 1. my gear and my presence (and the fact that I can spam heal to keep myself and comp alive) can compensate for a lot. 2. I might not be anywhere near top progression guilds, but I'm also slightly above your average flashpoint running in skill.


just like NIM operations are not meant for some people... maybe, just maybe , these flashpoints are meant for your average player, and NOT progression Ace? maybe?


I don't think you understand just how easy this new FP is. It could be completed by less than 4 players in lvl 53 blues.


My first time through it, a friend and I 2 manned it with a toons/companions with an average gear rating about 168. We still only used the Kolto stations twice. We accidentally cheesed the the summoned adds on the middle boss, no seriously, we couldn't figure out why they never attacked us. None of the bosses represent any sort of challenge at all compaired to any of the earlier bosses in the FPs that are part of the story arc.


The FP itself is a work of art in it's graphical appearance, but it's mobs and bosses don't even feel like they're on level. And I don't remember if I saw even 1 gold that wasn't a healing mob.

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I don't think you understand just how easy this new FP is. It could be completed by less than 4 players in lvl 53 blues.


My first time through it, a friend and I 2 manned it with a toons/companions with an average gear rating about 168. We still only used the Kolto stations twice. We accidentally cheesed the the summoned adds on the middle boss, no seriously, we couldn't figure out why they never attacked us. None of the bosses represent any sort of challenge at all compaired to any of the earlier bosses in the FPs that are part of the story arc.


The FP itself is a work of art in it's graphical appearance, but it's mobs and bosses don't even feel like they're on level. And I don't remember if I saw even 1 gold that wasn't a healing mob.


did you two man it without companions? becasue 1. you are ina gear way above requirement. companions in same gear make considerable difference. like... being in average 4 man group difference (and in some cases easier - since you can control companions much better than you can control people)


I have heard that its easier than Manaan. I don't mind. not all content needs to be hard.

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Because it makes little to no sense at all to claim that Lost Island was never difficult and that False Emperor probably surpassed it.


LI was never difficult, and people who had trouble with it were just bad at the game. False Emperor was more engaging mechanics wise and had a way better story beyond a generic mad scientist playing with the rakghoul virus.

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LI was never difficult, and people who had trouble with it were just bad at the game. False Emperor was more engaging mechanics wise and had a way better story beyond a generic mad scientist playing with the rakghoul virus.


We're not discussing its story. Only the part in bold and underlined.


And again, it would seem you're arguing for the sake of arguing... There's no real mechanics whatsoever to boss battles in False Emperor. Lost Island on the other hand had plenty of cool mechanics, starting with the Space Monkey and ending with the three-phase that Lorrick went through before finally kicking the bucket.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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LI was never difficult, and people who had trouble with it were just bad at the game. False Emperor was more engaging mechanics wise and had a way better story beyond a generic mad scientist playing with the rakghoul virus.


dude... you have GOT to be trolling. the only Mechanic in False emperor that was capable of wiping groups, was not getting Malgus close enough to the edge to knock him off the bridge before he lightning the group to death. everything else was majorly derpable and still clearable. Kaon had more difficult mechanics than False emperor.

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We're not discussing its story. Only the part in bold and underlined.


And again, it would seem you're arguing for the sake of arguing... There's no real mechanics whatsoever to boss battles in False Emperor. Lost Island on the other hand had plenty of cool mechanics, starting with the Space Monkey and ending with the three-phase that Lorrick went through before finally kicking the bucket.


And it seems like you can't accept that someone has a different opinion. Most if not all of the fights in LI boil down to kiting the Boss. Yeah, Kiting Bosses is soooooo engaging and difficult.

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And it seems like you can't accept that someone has a different opinion. Most if not all of the fights in LI boil down to kiting the Boss. Yeah, Kiting Bosses is soooooo engaging and difficult.


Pointing out that Lost Island had more complex and / or interesting mechanics than False Emperor - which had ZERO(!) - is not having a difference of opinion, but rather ignoring the obvious.


The above is NOT even subjective. It's there for all to experience.

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dude... you have GOT to be trolling. the only Mechanic in False emperor that was capable of wiping groups, was not getting Malgus close enough to the edge to knock him off the bridge before he lightning the group to death. everything else was majorly derpable and still clearable. Kaon had more difficult mechanics than False emperor.


So it's trolling to have a different opinion now? I expected better from you Leah.


So standing in the red circle while the Trandoshan AOE's is okay? Nope. Letting the Ship power up and Fire away is okay? Nope. Not interrupting Unlimited Power and getting the group one shot is okay? Nope.


But shure, Kiting bosses around in LI is so much more difficult amiright?

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Pointing out that Lost Island had more complex and / or interesting mechanics than False Emperor - which had ZERO(!) - is not having a difference of opinion, but rather ignoring the obvious.


The above is NOT even subjective. It's there for all to experience.


See above post for Mechanics in FE. To claim there was zero mechanics is a lie.

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See above post for Mechanics in FE. To claim there was zero mechanics is a lie.


It's an hyperbole, an exaggeration of the truth; Different things.


Regardless, what I said earlier remains: Lost Island had far more interesting mechanics and boss battles. False Emperor was pretty much a walk in the park next to it.

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It's an hyperbole, an exaggeration of the truth; Different things.


Regardless, what I said earlier remains: Lost Island had far more interesting mechanics and boss battles. False Emperor was pretty much a walk in the park next to it.


I disagree as kiting bosses in LI is boring and not difficult at all unlike FE.

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did you two man it without companions? becasue 1. you are ina gear way above requirement. companions in same gear make considerable difference. like... being in average 4 man group difference (and in some cases easier - since you can control companions much better than you can control people)


I have heard that its easier than Manaan. I don't mind. not all content needs to be hard.


Nope, we had companions out.


There isn't any real DPS being done by the attacks of these bosses. It's not an issue of it not being hard, it's that it's so easy it is boring.


You just need to try it for yourself. I didn't come in here to trash on the new content, I think it's great. New content is new content. But I also think they need to adjust the difficulty upward until it's at least as difficult as the other Tactical FPs. Right now ~ it is nowhere near the difficulty of the other Tacticals. The champs for the H2 on Oricon are tougher than these bosses.

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Lost Island was tougher than any other FP at the time of release which is why it was in its own separate group finder queue. It's also why it's been nerfed 2-3 times. Nerfing any FP is imho bad because gear catcthes up and makes it easy anyway so why nerf, heck they even nerfed FE so you could just dps Malgus without knocking him off ledge.


Also if all the LI bosses were a simple case of kiting them well gl kiting the one that jumps up on towers pretty much a guaranteed wipe if he gets moved too far from the middle. What made LI tough was the robot, with flaming floor, ads and lightening bubbles all in a confined space. Last boss was always meh.


Of course the best FP ever is Directive 7, last boss is a blast especially with a pug group containing some new players. Never done it with 1st timers who didn't make some positive comment about the fight after finishing it.


Over the last 12 months the words tough/challenging and the acronym SWTOR don't belong in the same sentence anymore unless you're talking about nightmare ops or ranked pvp. But when you start to amuse yourself by soloing tactical FPs or playing the "what would a GW2 or ESO player do" by only having 5-6 abilities keybound then maybe the game has become too face roll over the keyboard easy for it's own good.


I don't hate TFP but I do wish that in addition to catering to casual 4 man groups they also catered to experienced 4 man groups and released HM versions at the same time.

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I honestly don't care that the new FP was too easy. I wasn't really expecting anything else, and I really enjoyed the whole storyline quite a bit. After finishing it, I can say that I'm genuinely pumped for 3.0! :)


Edit: That said, I do hope that 3.0 brings with it several new HM's or revamped versions of existing SM FP's.

Edited by CmdrShpd
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So it's trolling to have a different opinion now? I expected better from you Leah.


So standing in the red circle while the Trandoshan AOE's is okay? Nope. Letting the Ship power up and Fire away is okay? Nope. Not interrupting Unlimited Power and getting the group one shot is okay? Nope.


But shure, Kiting bosses around in LI is so much more difficult amiright?


it is when your opinion is so far from reality that its near impossible to take it seriously.


Trandoshian's AoE was only dangerous when you had derp melee dps. with derp ranged he was very doable. all of the don't stand in bad in FE was pretty forgiving, as it didn't one shot you and didn't persist. even that powered up ship. I've actualy done it with people not clicking the panel. as long as you don't stand in long lasting red cricel telegraph? no problem.


droid boss in LI... you have very short time to drop those circles away from the group and if you don't - not only they persist and damage anyone in them, but they also grow. interrupts are crucial. not standing in lava is crucial. killing adds is crucial. I remember healing that fight on a sorc back before the nerf and I wanted to kill myself. it was easier on an operative, but still no walk in a park. the pipe boss. don't stand under him in a precisely right spot and you get one shot. cannot run back in either. stand too close to each other during pipe jumping phase and that dot keeps hopping 3 times as much a it should and it hits pretty hard and it HAS to be healed through because you cannot cleanse it. Lorrik fight was... it still is something with all the stuff that's happening on a ground and all the phases and different mechanics and positioning. even trash in LI was nuts. the only boss that was comparable to anything FE was the first boss with its usual don't stand in bad with plenty of time to get out of it.


FE in comparison was a walk in a park. oh,, switch to the droid that's not glowing blue - cake. oh, kill turrets, not a problem hell HK fight in Foundry was harder than HK fight in FE. I'm not saying FE is a bad flashpoint - its pretty cool, but there's absolutely no possible way that you can objectively say that its harder then LI.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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That's very rude. You should be more polite and understanding of other's views or you won't be able to have a serious and mature forum discussion.


Reno. your opinion is very much like that "these pvp tactics are OP" thread. you are usually far more reasonable than that and I genuinely don't understand why would you adopt your current stance, other than to be contrary. LI being more difficult that FE is not subjective. its not a matter of opinion or views. its a fact. it was designed to be harder than any existing flashpoint at the time, it was in its own difficulty tier for a reason. I cannot have a mature and serious forum discussion with someone who is claiming that black is actualy white.


however. I was not rude. if I wanted to be rude, I would insult you directly, rather than trying, with examples, show you why this particular view that you hold is wrong.

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Reno. your opinion is very much like that "these pvp tactics are OP" thread. you are usually far more reasonable than that and I genuinely don't understand why would you adopt your current stance, other than to be contrary. LI being more difficult that FE is not subjective. its not a matter of opinion or views. its a fact. it was designed to be harder than any existing flashpoint at the time, it was in its own difficulty tier for a reason. I cannot have a mature and serious forum discussion with someone who is claiming that black is actualy white.


however. I was not rude. if I wanted to be rude, I would insult you directly, rather than trying, with examples, show you why this particular view that you hold is wrong.


It's rude when you say you can't take my opinion which I value very much seriously. I'm happy to have a discussion regarding my opinion but only when everyone is open and willing to hear and understand other's opinions. If they wish no part in doing so and then proceed to try and debate me anyways, It's very rude because the person is being treated lower than a normal person.

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