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Give up 3.0 info


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*psst...* I have a secret to tell: I, too, am a clicker.


There, I put it out there. I'm a clicker and I PvP and it doesn't even always go horribly. :eek: PvP just takes practice, no matter how you control your character.


I would run around in circles and then die. Or maybe run into a wall, and then die. Or run into a pit, and then die.

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Very true, which is why I'm ok with Bolster and making PvP rewarding, even in a loss.


I'm impressed by your approach and attitude. If all PVP advocates made these kinds of posts, we'd see a lot less of forum animosity.


Now, I suppose I need to say something snarky lest people think that something's wrong with us for not feuding.

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I'm impressed by your approach and attitude. If all PVP advocates made these kinds of posts, we'd see a lot less of forum animosity.


Now, I suppose I need to say something snarky lest people think that something's wrong with us for not feuding.

JERK! I totally disagree with you...TOTALLY! Well...not "totally"...actually...not at all...but yeah...keep those snarky comments to yourself buddy :mad:



What can I say...I enjoy PvP. I like having people new to it try it and enjoy it, I like having people better than me carry me...it's always a team effort, win or lose....and being a Pub on POT5, I know all about losing ;)


I would run around in circles and then die. Or maybe run into a wall, and then die. Or run into a pit, and then die.

Even if you do...big deal! In time, you'd learn to run straight then die...then into a pillar and die :p...it's all about getting comfortable with a) dying, b) trying and c) learning. You're welcome on my team any day :)

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JERK! I totally disagree with you...TOTALLY! Well...not "totally"...actually...not at all...but yeah...keep those snarky comments to yourself buddy :mad:



What can I say...I enjoy PvP. I like having people new to it try it and enjoy it, I like having people better than me carry me...it's always a team effort, win or lose....and being a Pub on POT5, I know all about losing ;)



Even if you do...big deal! In time, you'd learn to run straight then die...then into a pillar and die :p...it's all about getting comfortable with a) dying, b) trying and c) learning. You're welcome on my team any day :)


I wish they had practice pits for the PvP maps like thy have a practice session for GSF. Would be nice to be able to run through the map and get information about the details of what to do before joining a match.

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JERK! I totally disagree with you...TOTALLY! Well...not "totally"...actually...not at all...but yeah...keep those snarky comments to yourself buddy :mad:



What can I say...I enjoy PvP. I like having people new to it try it and enjoy it, I like having people better than me carry me...it's always a team effort, win or lose....and being a Pub on POT5, I know all about losing ;)



Even if you do...big deal! In time, you'd learn to run straight then die...then into a pillar and die :p...it's all about getting comfortable with a) dying, b) trying and c) learning. You're welcome on my team any day :)


We need to trade servers. I'm imp on Harbinger, so I know all about dying, too. :(


Soon, Ikinai would be learning about getting grappled and dying. Getting stun-locked and dying. Trying to heal... and dying.


Yes, despite all of the death (mainly my own) PvP is usually a blast!

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Even if you do...big deal! In time, you'd learn to run straight then die...then into a pillar and die :p...it's all about getting comfortable with a) dying, b) trying and c) learning. You're welcome on my team any day :)

You know, in all seriousness, that is an excellent point.


A friend of mine taught juggling at Rosny-sous-Bois, and his first lesson is "how to drop the juggling balls". It's a humorous start, but the idea is to get people over the embarrassment of making mistakes, which happens in any activity that requires practice.

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We need to trade servers. I'm imp on Harbinger, so I know all about dying, too. :(


Soon, Ikinai would be learning about getting grappled and dying. Getting stun-locked and dying. Trying to heal... and dying.


Yes, despite all of the death (mainly my own) PvP is usually a blast!


Hmmm, I do have Ikinai's Cheersquad on Harbinger :p


A lovely little sorceress.

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Come on guys can we keep this on topic and not how crap makeb and wz are.


Wait, there was a topic? I thought it was just some spoiled forum person demanding information about 3.0 few hours after 2.10 was patched in...


you know what better than everything being awesome? everything being batman


Batman is overrated

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In "hope" that 3.0 will include additional changes to other classes , i want to ask an obvious (for me) question : why do some classes like - sorc or sniper have 0 % miss , while merc (which is a same sniper that has range and tech skills) have constant misses on it's main skills that mainly lower its dps , prevent from refreshing that 8 heat , thus not giving a chance on beein even in top 50 torparse competitors.

Will this matter be at least considered for discussions in next updates , or its a dead end and we need to bear or quit it ?

P.S. i wanted to make this post only because of the pure random factor that is current for the mercs in terms of dps.


any attention for this ???

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You nailed it. We have been holding back 3.0 details because <SPOILERS!!>. But now that Forged Alliances is out there with this morning's launch of 2.10 we're letting folks have a little time with Rakata Prime and then spilling the beans on 3.0. Look for a teaser within a week, and then a full announce before the end of month!


Please tell me 3.0 is going to give us back solo pve content, cause everything for the last several content patches has been purely group based and stories in a group basis is not a good combo since most tend to just rush through it all for the gear and nothing more and tend to not care about other people never seeing any conversations (assuming there are any) they just demand you skip it and it gets worse and worse until you either give in and skip it or they vote kick you out of the group, which most the other group members agree with.


So, i would like solo pve content alongside group content, or even a solo version of all future content with the group content giving better rewards for obvious reasons....aka so the groupers don't have hissy fits.

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Please tell me 3.0 is going to give us back solo pve content, cause everything for the last several content patches has been purely group based and stories in a group basis is not a good combo since most tend to just rush through it all for the gear and nothing more and tend to not care about other people never seeing any conversations (assuming there are any) they just demand you skip it and it gets worse and worse until you either give in and skip it or they vote kick you out of the group, which most the other group members agree with.


So, i would like solo pve content alongside group content, or even a solo version of all future content with the group content giving better rewards for obvious reasons....aka so the groupers don't have hissy fits.


Well, they're slowly moving towards solo content with the latest Flashpoint.

Edited by MFollin
wrong link
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The new planet will be solo stuff, but be like Makeb as in not moving forward class stories, and given what has happened in the forged alliances its obvious what it will be.


That video is pointless, guy is saying about solo stuff, no way soloing Rakata was done by someone who only solo's, guy had to be in 180 gear.

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bellow its not spoilers its just some assumptions from players playing RAKATA prime.


People who play the new FP say that this is NOT REVAN.. but a reincarnation of the emperor himself, pretending Revan.


and here is some spoilers bellow...


When I killed him in VOSS, the emperor asked me to do that.. Because they inprisoned him in a temple and the body who carried his spirit and soul, was very weak and the only way to set him free, was to kill him. That is the reason I had to kill the emperor. I consider him a very wize and good man...


If this expansion has no emperor inside, I am sure the next expansion 4.0, will have some emperor! :)


And here is a complaint about RAKATA PRIME... this patch made the game even more cpu heavy, my intel 870 4 cores and 8 threads, struggles with the game... I lost my half fps! In the other hand I have a GTX 780 but the game is using cpu, not gpu... lol


Update the game in a newer engine, GPU heavy, all people across the globe have very strong gpus... stop promoting cpus.

Edited by Oyranos
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