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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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You are in denial that i am right. Keep spouting your nonsense. You are simply victim blaming, I'm sorry you can't see this.


I'm not convinced they can't see it...


A few possible options:


1. They are children posting and don't know any better.


2. They are sociopaths and don't have any feelings for other human beings.


3. They are trolls and just amusing themselves and don' t really care one way or another.


4. They are of low intelligence and simply have no ability to understand complex subjects and just spout off things they have heard.





I don't post for them, I've written them off as lost causes...


I post because the subject needs noise and it needs to remain active. Sooner or later I expect Bioware to address the subject.

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No, we're just pointing out that you are on the side of people who are scum of the earth, that's all.


When it comes right down to it, no decent human being would ever be on the side of the sellers here. There is no justification for it.


What this all tells me is that you two must be the sellers, you don't want your gravy train cut off.


I can see why you would think that. I don't blame you for it and I know that even when I tell you that I don't engage in this kind of sales practice you won't believe me. Thats fine.


Some people will never admit to their mistakes no matter how much at fault they are. They will look for any which way to blame aybody but their selves Its sad but true. :rolleyes:

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I'm not convinced they can't see it...


A few possible options:


1. They are children posting and don't know any better.


2. They are sociopaths and don't have any feelings for other human beings.


3. They are trolls and just amusing themselves and don' t really care one way or another.


4. They are of low intelligence and simply have no ability to understand complex subjects and just spout off things they have heard.





I don't post for them, I've written them off as lost causes...


I post because the subject needs noise and it needs to remain active. Sooner or later I expect Bioware to address the subject.


This is simply the honest truth.

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You are not a lawyer, be careful in being so sure what the law is and is not.


One thing that I can tell you for sure is that it often doesn't work the way lay people think it does, and it is rarely as cut and dry as lay people think it is.


If the law says you can break into someone's house and rob them, then you can do that. It's that simple.


The point is you have no sense of morality.


Oh I do, but what sets me apart from most people is I accept how to prevent myself from paying more than I want to on any given item on the GTN because all the tools and information is there for me to use in-game. That's why this whole thing is a non issue and not needing any fix.

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It's not the parent companies responsibility to protect you from yourself.


Ha! If that were true then there wouldn't be suffocation warnings on plastic bags. :)




"These warnings were developed in the wake of suffocation incidents of infants in the

1950s’. Around this time it was found that plastic bags originally from the dry cleaning industry

were being used in infant beds beneath the sheets for waterproofing purposes. At present, there

is pretty broad public awareness of suffocation hazards for infants and small children associated

with the use of plastic bags, and most plastic bags used today contain a suffocation warning."

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I'm not convinced they can't see it...


A few possible options:


1. They are children posting and don't know any better.


2. They are sociopaths and don't have any feelings for other human beings.


3. They are trolls and just amusing themselves and don' t really care one way or another.


4. They are of low intelligence and simply have no ability to understand complex subjects and just spout off things they have heard.



or maybe you know they could..... wait for it....




It sucks when you made a mistake. Its unbecoming of the seller to target people who make mistakes but at the end of the day its buyer beware. No body is forcing you to make any purchases - its entirely voluntary.

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I'm not convinced they can't see it...


A few possible options:


1. They are children posting and don't know any better.


2. They are sociopaths and don't have any feelings for other human beings.


3. They are trolls and just amusing themselves and don' t really care one way or another.


4. They are of low intelligence and simply have no ability to understand complex subjects and just spout off things they have heard.





I don't post for them, I've written them off as lost causes...


I post because the subject needs noise and it needs to remain active. Sooner or later I expect Bioware to address the subject.


Yeah... everyone who doesn't agree with you must be a horrible person, retarded or a child. Just godwin it already and we can be done with this nonsense.

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But we're talking about credits here and not dollars, so again what legal recourse would you hope to get?


It actually doesn't matter, something of value changed hands, if someone wanted to pay a lawyer, it could be taken to court.


Because the dollar amounts are small, that is unlikely, but it is an option.




You seem to be operating under the idea that if something isn't illegal, then it is ok. If so, then that is really sad.

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Ha! If that were true then there wouldn't be suffocation warnings on plastic bags. :)




"These warnings were developed in the wake of suffocation incidents of infants in the

1950s’. Around this time it was found that plastic bags originally from the dry cleaning industry

were being used in infant beds beneath the sheets for waterproofing purposes. At present, there

is pretty broad public awareness of suffocation hazards for infants and small children associated

with the use of plastic bags, and most plastic bags used today contain a suffocation warning."


Sadly the idiocy of american jurists has forced companies to put that kind of stupid messaging on everything. Its sad but it would appear lots of jurists consist of people who think other people should be responsible for their own mistakes.


Warning on a bad of salted peanuts: Caution! Contains Nuts! - GEE YA THINK?!


edit: removed "like you" because it was uncalled for and an inaccurate accusation

Edited by BaronV
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It actually doesn't matter, something of value changed hands, if someone wanted to pay a lawyer, it could be taken to court.


Because the dollar amounts are small, that is unlikely, but it is an option.




You seem to be operating under the idea that if something isn't illegal, then it is ok. If so, then that is really sad.


If it's not illegal, it's okay. Simple as that. You need to realize this.

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I can see why you would think that. I don't blame you for it and I know that even when I tell you that I don't engage in this kind of sales practice you won't believe me. Thats fine.


Some people will never admit to their mistakes no matter how much at fault they are. They will look for any which way to blame aybody but their selves Its sad but true. :rolleyes:


I totally get that point of view, mistakes happen, people learn from them.




If those mistakes are caused by someone else doing business in bad faith, then they don't have to just accept it and move on.




"bad faith 1) n. intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual obligations, misleading another, entering into an agreement without the intention or means to fulfill it, or violating basic standards of honesty in dealing with others. Most states recognize what is called "implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing" which is breached by acts of bad faith"


Read into that what you want, it is really not your opinion or my opinion that matters, it is a Judge's opinion that matters.


I'm sure you could find a Judge somewhere that doesn't think this situation is bad faith, and I'm equally as sure that I could find one that does.


My lawyers job is to try and get the case in front of the latter Judge (which is why good legal council is worth its weight in gold).

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I totally get that point of view, mistakes happen, people learn from them.




If those mistakes are caused by someone else doing business in bad faith, then they don't have to just accept it and move on.




"bad faith 1) n. intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual obligations, misleading another, entering into an agreement without the intention or means to fulfill it, or violating basic standards of honesty in dealing with others. Most states recognize what is called "implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing" which is breached by acts of bad faith"


Read into that what you want, it is really not your opinion or my opinion that matters, it is a Judge's opinion that matters.


I'm sure you could find a Judge somewhere that doesn't think this situation is bad faith, and I'm equally as sure that I could find one that does.


My lawyers job is to try and get the case in front of the latter Judge (which is why good legal council is worth its weight in gold).


But there is no misleading here, because a Seller can price an item however they want. That's why there is no scam going on because you cannot prove someone was scammed.

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