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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Darker Theme for the Sith Empire


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Hey all,


I just got back into the game since 6 months after launch and realized that the Sith Empire is just not that dark. Some of the story lines are crude, like torture (am I'm ok with that), but not really dark.


Sadly enough, I am 28, married with a kid, and watched Clone Wars - the episode from which this scene (

) is derived had got me thinking that nothing like this is really in SWTOR. The overall aesthetic theme in the Empire is pretty neutral, closer to bright, with the exception of certain areas like the Sith Inquisitor Skill Area in Fleet.


I think it would be cool to see the dark arts in action or POIs with meaningful use. Maybe the Dark Temple, or the emperor's home world?


I know this posting seems incomplete - I am curious to know the Dev's and communities' thoughts on this. I'll also be posting about class specific gameplay ideas.

Edited by DarthRaven
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Yay another person who believes the misconception that being a part of the empire makes one evil and that the empire itself is evil.


Not everyone and his mother is running around kicking puppies in order bask in the glow of blood and lightning.


The empire is just a an extremely controlling government body which just so happens to be built upon the capabilities and exploits of puppy kicking lightning mages.

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Yay another person who believes the misconception that being a part of the empire makes one evil and that the empire itself is evil.


Not everyone and his mother is running around kicking puppies in order bask in the glow of blood and lightning.


The empire is just a an extremely controlling government body which just so happens to be built upon the capabilities and exploits of puppy kicking lightning mages.


The 'Empire' is an entity founded on fear and suspicion and tight-gripping control over the masses. That said, in most cases, the areas of grey are vast and if you were to remove uniforms and accents, in many cases, it'd be hard to know if an action was being done by the Republic or the Empire.


As an Imperial, I might have helped put down a slave rebellion or two, but I've never run refugees through a mine field as a means of gambling and entertainment.

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As an Imperial, I might have helped put down a slave rebellion or two, but I've never run refugees through a mine field as a means of gambling and entertainment.

finished all imperial stories before i finished my 1st republic storyline,the republic seriously puts me off in this game.
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The 'Empire' is an entity founded on fear and suspicion and tight-gripping control over the masses. That said, in most cases, the areas of grey are vast and if you were to remove uniforms and accents, in many cases, it'd be hard to know if an action was being done by the Republic or the Empire.


As an Imperial, I might have helped put down a slave rebellion or two, but I've never run refugees through a mine field as a means of gambling and entertainment.


True, but you have to look at the finer points in those things:


Empire - they encourage slavery and racism (i.e. "all aliens are inferior to humans" being an openly-said statement.)


Republic - there's obviously corruption there, like with your example, but slavery isn't legal and aliens aren't treated as poorly as in the Empire (though some feel they aren't treated as well as they should be, which isn't surprising - everyone and anyone thinks they deserve more money for what they do in our world regardless of training, performance, or skillset.)



Both factions have their bad and good sides, honestly. Anywho, on-topic with the environments in the Empire, I think it's less "evil" and more "sterile." Like, everything looks cleaner and "newer" than the Republic.

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Kaas City has Pacification Droids walking around, the mere utterance of Intelligence can freak people out. Even if they don't like the Mandalorians, no one actually says that to their ... helmets. There are mind control methods.


That being said, blowing up refugees and the corruption in the Republic side is also pretty dark. So is your CO ordering you to kill civvies because the mad scientist holding them hostage *might* have turned them into walking timebombs.


This game can be pretty dark, or very light depending on your interpretation, and how you play.


I had a bright, innocent little Sith Warrior who was like a little puppy waiting for the next order for the next trick, praise and treats. And then her world fell apart and she was forced to grow up and look through the galaxy in a different light. LS Jaesa was not happy with her choices.


On the flip side, I have a bored, jaded Jedi Knight whose Padawan is constantly trying to show the good side of the galaxy.


All depend on how you want to play.

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Well, you're pretty much right OP.


The original KOTOR games had much darker themes for the dark side and the sith lore. TOR's dialogue is overall very cheesy.


Though I still enjoy it, I can't begin to count the amount of times I've rolled my eyes around at some of the character's responses.

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I dunno...it seemed pretty dark when, as a bounty hunter, I murdered a little boy's father in front of his eyes and told him he'd thank me someday for it...also when I decapitated a guy and delivered his severed head to his widow. Major props to the voice actress for those bone-chilling screams.
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I dunno...it seemed pretty dark when, as a bounty hunter, I ... decapitated a guy and delivered his severed head to his widow. Major props to the voice actress for those bone-chilling screams.


Man, the dialogue choices you can pick in that one... Depending on what you pick your character can come across as sympathetic / apologetic or you can come across as somewhat cruel or you can come across as downright sadistic and completely out of touch with what normal people find to be acceptable behavior. "Wait, come back! Don't you like your present?" as she runs away screaming, said in a tone that sounds hurt and offended that she reacted like that to your generous gift.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Yay another person who believes the misconception that being a part of the empire makes one evil and that the empire itself is evil.


Not everyone and his mother is running around kicking puppies in order bask in the glow of blood and lightning.


The empire is just a an extremely controlling government body which just so happens to be built upon the capabilities and exploits of puppy kicking lightning mages.


yes an extremely controling enviroment that practices Slavery and discrimination and is based off the Nazis. nope not evil at all

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Yay another person who believes the misconception that being a part of the empire makes one evil and that the empire itself is evil.


Not everyone and his mother is running around kicking puppies in order bask in the glow of blood and lightning.


The empire is just a an extremely controlling government body which just so happens to be built upon the capabilities and exploits of puppy kicking lightning mages.


Well said, and at least we're honest about what we are. The Republic has its faults, and to me is guilty of all sort of hypocrisy. No offense to the Reps, I play them too, it's just how I see things, having played on both sides. :)

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The empire is just a an extremely controlling government body which just so happens to be built upon the capabilities and exploits of puppy kicking lightning mages.


And I now realize that Tevinter from the Dragon Age setting is probably like The Empire is in TOR.


So when are we going to meet an amnesic, brooding, Twi'lek warrior who has some level of force powers from Sith Alchemy Tattoos as a companion?

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Just like to point out....Our beloved Emperor is trying to commit mass genocide, along with murdering his entire home world. Sith Warrior IF you never take the slave collar off Vette and go full Dark Side, gets pretty freakin dark. Sith Inquisator has mutilated and tortured innocents more times then I care to count. Agent butchers people, sleeps with their wife's. "Dark" Hunters if used with skadge, are abusive as all hell. Including when you allow him to brutally kill the targets wife. The Empire has obliterated entire worlds. Don't know how far you can go besides massive slaving and mass genocide tbh. We are a strict government, led by the most life hating emperor in the universe. I really don't know how much darker we can get honestly. Edited by GothicArchangel
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Lots of dark in the game. It's simply not all mystical in nature nor the epitome of a goth reject's wet dreams about evil.


Also, your age and social status as a parent has no bearing on this discussion. Whether it's chest beating about how you're a big boy/girl and want to see scary things or some attempt to pass off maturity is irrelevant.

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